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BPAL Madness!


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About fabulous_stain

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 02/19/1979


  • Location
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    United States

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  • Favorite Scents
    sin, snake oil, jacobs ladder, malediction, typhon, doc constantine


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. fabulous_stain

    Johnathan Harker

    first, let me say i REALLY LIKE this one even though it seems i'm dissing it. in the bottle: light, airy, oceanic with a touch of floral. very "clean" smelling, but not in a cleaning-product way. just fresh and strange. wet on skin: piney, leaf-y, lemony almost.. much like a cleaning product in cologne form. the floral note(s) go waaaaay background. reminds me of a lush bath bomb, but i can't think of which one. dry on skin: light powdery trees, if that makes any sense. mostly gone in a matter of minutes no matter how much i slather on... you have to clear your mind and sniff REALLY HARD to find the leftover scent on my wrist. overall: 4/10 (smells beautiful, but WHERE'D IT GO!?!?!?!?!?!?!)
  2. fabulous_stain

    The High Priest Not To Be Described

    this is my first review ever so be gentle!! the high priest not to be described in the bottle: smells almost alcohol-ish to me, the pepper, musk, incense, and chamomile stand out but seem kind of brutal... almost smells like a spicy mens drugstore cologne. almost. wet on the skin: the chamomile really pops out! where'd the spicy incense go?! drydown: pretty spice-ariffic... the pepper and the incense are still on top and the chamomile is very soft. the musk really blends in and doesn't seem so harsh or synthetic smelling... it's almost femme but kinda butch too. this made me coin the term "uniSEXY!" hahaha. other words: heady, antique, frightening, intoxicating. i feel dirty!! and creepy!! *licks lips* overall: 8/10 (wheres the throw?!?)