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Posts posted by myth

  1. Sniffing from the vial I think I can maybe just catch the coffee everyone talks about in here, but mostly this is super stanky perfume smell. Heavy florals, thick and damp, maybe a touch of something green, but mostly smells heavy and perfumey like cheap makeup.

  2. I had really high hopes for this one based on the notes, but it went horribly awry on me, and it didn't wait to hit my skin to do it. Just sniffing from the vial makes my throat close up... there's something very harsh and dry in here. I think perhaps I'm not a fan of paper notes. This is sort of dusty/scratchy. I get a high wood/pine-ish note that would be the balsam, plus the vanilla, and the leather. They just don't combine very nicely. It's sort of high-pitched and almost chemical [the leather, maybe?]. Very off-putting, and not for me.

  3. I had the opportunity to smell this at DSWC. I didn't even need a test, because just a sniff and I knew how this would play on me. I can't wear green scents because they go soap on my skin. Man, this smelled like Irish Spring even just at a sniff. I guess that's appropriate! :lol: If you enjoy green scents this one will probably be for you. Not so much for me I'm afraid.

  4. Pale, soft, watery and green.


    I tend to amp green or aquatic notes, so that is mostly what I'm getting. Not really plum or fruit on me. I do get a sour milky undertone as well, so it's watery lettuce over sour milk. Not a scent for me.


    But thanks to the Lab for the gift and XOMom for the will call I received it at. I have passed it on to a far more loving home, where it can be appreciated as it should.

  5. Bright, soapy, almost perfumey. Some sort of musk in here I think. High-end soap is pretty much all I get.


    Based on how different my review is from everyone else's my guess is that there is a floral in here that I amp to the exclusion of everything else. I wish I had gotten the resin-wood-spice scent that everyone else seems to have smelled [because it sounds divine!], but I so did not. I tested it twice to be sure. Foo on my skin.

  6. From the bottle it’s got that honey-wax scent that I always find a bit too sweet and cloying. The instant it hits my skin it gets much worse, turning strongly powdery and heavily perfumed. Reminds me somewhat of the Nepthys v3 proto, only without the orange. It’s a similar perfumey-powder note though, heavy and sour. Ugh, ugh. Once fully dry I no longer even smell the wax. I had to wash this off, it was giving me a headache.

  7. Hm… weird. At first I thought wood, but after a couple of seconds it turns sour, and just gross… rubber, and ancient sticky Coke stains and dried puke, like someone didn't hose out the Tilt-a-Whirl car for 1000 years, and then scraped up and bottled what they found coating the floor. Along with some of the rubber floor mat. Nasty. Possibly even nastier than Scorched Carousel.


    And reading the reviews above is just baffling to me; I had a completely different experience with this one I guess. I can only guess it must contain something that clashes violently with my chemistry. This and Scorched Carousel are two of the worst-smelling perfumes I've ever tried. I'm actually hesitant to try either of them again to see if it was just a Bad Chemistry Day, because if it wasn't, I don't want to smell like that again. Ew.

  8. Wood and popcorn? Something foodyish… not terribly sweet, but definitely a food smell of some kind. Popcorn, or maybe muffins. And a touch of cologne.


    As this dries I’m beginning to think the food is nuts. Nuts and cologne. The cologne is ok and doesn’t turn soapy, but overall this just isn’t really doing much for me. I don’t tend to like nut smells I guess.

  9. Dirt, the damp moist kind, and something that is probably white flowers because it is soapy and slightly powdery on me. Similar to how Ol’ Roswell Cemetery dried down on me. Turning perfumier with an added sheen of sweetness as it dries.

  10. Wet: very, very soap on me. More soap than floral. Just perfumey soap.


    Ooh, as it begins to dry I can smell the flowers… and cut stems! They are trying to crawl out from under the soap. As it dries more the soap strengthens and the whole thing gets sharper. I didn’t think it was possible for this to have gotten worse, but it did. I apparently kicked some flower's puppy in a past life.

  11. Syrupy fruit, and… hm, I don’t know. I think I’m getting a burnt wood smell… not vetiver, but that smell you get the next day from last night’s campfire. Paired with the fruit… and maybe cola?... it’ a bit odd overall. Almost reminds me of that smell when someone has dropped cigarette butts into a coke that has gone flat [like you might find whilst cleaning up after a party].


    This is becoming nauseating, actually. Becomes more strongly stale cigarette butts as it continues to dry. This turned amazingly awful on me, and the final dry-down kind of made me want to retch if I took a big whiff. The only CD proto that was worse than this on me was Tilt-a-Whirl, and together they rank as two of most disgusting smelling perfumes I've ever encountered. I'm sorry; I don't know what I did to this, but it reeeally hates me. I feel bad about being the first review. :blush:

  12. The first impression is sourness. Wood? Vetiver? I’m having a hard time with this one. But I also think there might be some red musk in there somewhere; I can smell it from the bottle and on wet. Dried sour, and a touch perfumey, so probably a floral, but still hard to pin down.

  13. At first, strong fruit, I think it might be raspberry, although if I sniff up close it’s perfumey. The fruit makes me think of Slurpees, it’s sweet and syrupy. Turning more to heady florals as it dries. Not one for me I'm afraid. I should just change my user title to "does bad things to flowers."

  14. This is dark and perfumey and sour. It’s hard to pin down… dark wood, a mix of perfume and cologne, sour sweat, and dust. As it continues to dry a strong powdery floral resolves out of the mix… the source of what I think of as the “perfumey” smell, no doubt. Heavy, powdery, and dark on me.


    Flowers hate me. ;)

  15. Fruity… I think I’m getting a blast of candy-like fruit as well as realistic bitter citrus rind. The candy note is rolling off as it dries and it’s becoming more perfumey, still with that bitterness that makes me think of orange rind. Becomes more perfume-like and powdery as it continues to dry, and the fruit aspects pretty much disappear.


    Not really sure what the powdery/perfumey notes could be, but I do often turn florals into powdery perfume, so I'm guessing some kind of floral notes. This one doesn't play well with my chemistry.

  16. Vaporized sugar. The scent of walking into a sweets shop and taking a deep inhale.


    I got mostly white sugar a la Velvet Unicorn/Sugar Skull [no burnt/caramelized tho]; it seems to be in the family with those scents. There could be some sweet fruity notes lurking about in here as well. It's not as fruity as VU though. If there is cake it's not buttery on me; it's more Angel's Food.

  17. I am having an extremely hard time figuring out what this is. It smells familiar though. Wood? Spice? Some booze maybe? A whiff of smoke? A slightly foody tone? I’m just not sure. It could be any, all, or none of those.


    Second try: this time I immediately smell a high pine-like note, but not pine exactly. So wood maybe, yeah. Also… celery seed? Hm. This is definitely an odd one! I might like it, but I’d have to be able to do a full wear to know for sure.

  18. Masculine, dry, spicy. Clove over wood, with resins.


    I need to test this one again next time will call leaves me some arm space, because I thought I liked this at first. But then later smelling it in dry down I thought there was something a little funky in there. It could've been mixed up with other stuff though. So... a retest is in order.

  19. Hrm. Clove, and B.O. I’m not sure what that is, but it’s strong, and funky. I’ve smelled some wood single notes that are strongly funky like this before. This is a very animal scent.


    On a second test I might detect some dark amber... it can also be kind of sweaty/funky in certain circumstances. I did like this better the second time; it grew on me I guess.

  20. Strooong cinnamon. So strong it’s hard to tell what is under it. I may be getting something a bit foody, possibly fruity.


    As it dries I definitely keep getting some cake. Finally the cinnamon rolls off enough to reveal cake underneath, but there still may be a fruit/berry aspect, too, because it reminds me somewhat of Villainess Birth Rite.


    I kind of like this one.
