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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by myth

  1. Foody but also an almost-bugspray citrus note. Very weird. Drying to orangey cake, maybe some anise as other reviews mention. A touch of bitterness, anyway. Also got a bit boozy.


    Second try: orangey cake off the bat, dried to a perfumey sharpness. Two strikes is plenty; it's kind of making me feel ill.

  2. Milk chocolate from the vial, but I'm getting something else subtle with it… but what? I have alternately thought coffee, peanut butter, incense, booze.


    On my skin it gets kind of yucky, and is plastic chocolate and … booze? Like, wine. Later, like tomato soup. This is weird.


    Based on how sought-after it is I'm glad it doesn't work on me!

  3. Something in this immediately makes me think of Chinese food. Resolving into damp florals. Turning fresher and more deodorizerish as it dries. Something green is emerging from the mix too. Florals amp toward the end and the green bite reads as stems from cut flowers. Powdery watery florals in the final stage.

  4. This is mostly red musk, but I also detect a floral in here. It has a touch of a damp, heady quality lurking around in the red musk.


    Second test: def lurking damp floral in with loads of red musk. I don't get coconut. I much prefer B.B3.

  5. From the wand I smell coffee with a meaty undertone. The meat comes out on my skin though and it smells like roasting turkey or something… I can smell stock, and fat, and the whole nine yards. Kind of gross. Now the coffee is the undertone. I need to stop sniffing this one because it's making me feel kind of ill... my arm should not smell like this.

  6. Much sharper than the v5. This has a lemony-herbal smell to it. A similar latex smell to the other one seems to reside underneath.


    Becomes less sharp, less latex, and more vanilla as it dries. Verbena and vanilla at this point.


    At final dry-down v5 & v7 smell very similar, sort of chemical-latex vanilla.

  7. Hmm… other reviews say tea and fruit. I get some familiar but unplaceable… sweetness... maybe some musk, but I can also go with tea. Slightly fruity but not to be pegged as any particular fruit. Something sharp and perfumey drifting in there, which is I think why I'm guessing on a musk. It is sort of spicy fruits, but not too fruity. Kind of perfumey. Is not my style.

  8. I sorta get something piney in the background if I sniff the wand, but on my skin it's pretty astringent, and moves immediately toward perfumey. Whatever is making this perfumey is the same note from Nepthys v4 I think. It's perfumey bordering to soapy. Any pine or resin that may be here is completely covered by whatever this perfumey note is... a floral? A musk? A combo of both? I dunno, but it does not play nicely with me.

  9. Butterscotch from the vial, on skin I smell a whiff of the dreaded plastic if I sniff up close. But the throw is still butterscotch yum. A bit of a mixed bag.


    Testing again later finds it still playing out a bit buttery/plastic. It's ok, but I have foody scents I'd reach for first.

  10. Wood and Dragon's Blood. Hmm… DBR not florally obnoxious. I actually kind of like this one, and I wasn't really expecting to. It's warm and woody.


    Second try: hm, not really all that jazzed on a retest, it dries a bit sour. I like the woodiness, but not so much the sour of the DBR.

  11. Vanilla, and some astringency? I can't decide whether I think the astringency is anise or not. But there's also a softness that reads as vanilla, I think. Kind of creamy. This is not my type of scent really, but it's not bad.


    Hm.. As it dries something begins to read a little as latex. Later still woody anise resolves out of the mix.


    At final dry-down v5 & v7 smell very similar, sort of chemical-latex vanilla.

  12. 1st try: Nail polish remover? Hrm, drying to scented toilet paper. WTF?


    2nd try: still a little weird but not as bad as before. Some vanilla, possibly ginger or maybe one of those spices that is foody but not a typical spice, like saffron or cardamom or something. It's foody but not really buttercream sweet. It's familiar somehow, but I can't place it.


    3rd try: still coming off like some scented toilet paper... some kind of vanilla definitely. Not thrilling me.


    I really tried to like this one, but it did not like me back.

  13. Sort of burnt nutty cakey from the vial, pretty faint on my skin. The smell reminds me of a buckwheat wrap I have that you heat for use as a compress, it has a scent like this… almost oatmealy, light spice, bready like a bran muffin or something. Ok, but not really something I'd wear... bread smells are good in my kitchen but not so much on me.
