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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Faerykin

  1. Faerykin


    Whitechapel Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This smells like a lime creamsicle or key lime pie. Mmmmm … I smell edible! Then, 15 minutes later, the musk begins to come forward. This is interesting … musky key lime pie. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This has remained its musk and lime self. I cannot detect the lilac or the citron, just musk and lime. I can see why it would be labeled a masculine blend – as the musk, though light, is quite masculine. Even so, it is an interesting scent. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This is all musk. The lime has virtually disappeared. I wish the lilac would have come forward, or the lime stayed throughout the life of the scent. As is, off to the Swap Pile.
  2. Faerykin


    Sybaris Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (815-8:45am): This is a bright, light scent with a bit of sour, tangy … something. It is hard to identify anything specific here. The bright tanginess may be the violet … I’m not sure. Initial Dry (8:45-10am): Thankfully this sweetens as it dries. I detect the violet and an undercurrent of the tonka bean. I do hope the clove shows up later, as I was really looking forward to that. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This is now all tonka bean surrounded by what I can only describe as the Mediterranean incense notes – ‘cause it isn’t violet and it isn’t clove. It is quite lovely … calm and gentle. Just not sure if it’s something I’d wear again. This really doesn’t change much. Every once in a while I can detect a floral, but it is mostly tonka bean and incense. Too bad the clove wasn’t more prominent on me. *shrugs* Doesn’t overly impress me, so off to the Swap Pile.
  3. Faerykin


    Sin Swiped across wrists and along collarbone ... and a little in the cleavage. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This goes on thick, dark, sweet and earthy – patchouli and sandalwood. Mmmmmmm Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This continues to warm as it dries. I can barely detect the cinnamon under the sandalwood & patchouli … and the amber must be lying under it all. It is quite a lovely scent – like being wrapped in a warm blanket of spice. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This just continues to warm up. It is a gorgeous blanket of warm, spiciness. Utterly nummy. The patchouli is definitely the top note, followed closely by the cinnamon and sandalwood. While I still cannot detect the amber, I know it is there, just beneath the surface. This is such a comfort scent. Still present as I leave for home – so it has staying power. I am most certainly keeping the imp, as this is absolutely delicious.
  4. Faerykin

    Storm Moon

    Storm Moon Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Light, bright and clean with a touch of what might be citrus. This definitely carries the feeling of standing in the rain – the scent of the air after a thunderstorm as the earth begins to dry Initial Dry (8:30-10am): What I thought might be citrus has begun to dissipate and morph a bit as the scent dries. I now identify it as a sharp floral. This is similar to Lightning – fresh, clean and bright. I can certainly feel the cold winds … but there is a warmth here as well. Throughout the Day (10am-3pm): This continues to calm into a very grounding scent. As with Lightning, I may end up using this as a meditation blend. I love the smell of the storm – how it washes away the old and brings a sense of renewal and hope. By 3pm this has almost completely dissipated – as if the sun has come out and warmed away the remnants of the cold rain. The essence of the first moon of Spring (Llwewllyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2005 depicts March’s Moon as the Storm Moon). This is quite lovely and I’ll definitely use it for times I need to calm and center myself.
  5. Faerykin


    Umbra Swiped across wrists and along collarbone … and a little in the cleavage. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Thankfully, it didn’t take long for BPAL to remove the negative association of patchouli to “dirty hippy.” This is divine … warm, earthy, and a bit spicy. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This continues to warm as it dries. The notes blend in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. Warm, earthy, a very nice late-winter scent. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This dissipates slowly throughout the day – much like an eclipse only lasts a short time. It remains warm and earthy. Definitely keeping the imp.
  6. Faerykin


    Greed Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This is another dark-colored oil – must be the patchouli. It went on thick and very earthy – the oakmoss was the immediate scent that hit me, then slowly the patchouli starts to come forth. It is a very nice, grounding blend. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This begins blending so very nicely. The patchouli is the very top note – with its earthy sweetness, the oakmoss rests just underneath – which adds a deeper earthiness. The heliotrope and copal – while not identifiable separately – brighten and round it out. Throughout the Day (10am-on): Sweet, earthy and calming. Scents like this make me wonder if I really am allergic to certain notes – as the heliotrope has not brought upon any headache whatsoever. I am really liking this scent – definitely keeping the imp.
  7. Faerykin

    The Red Queen

    The Red Queen Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Deep, rich, woodsy and sweet. This is almost exactly what it says it is; deeps woodsy notes surrounded by a distinct sweetness. I can’t tell the difference between the cherries and the currant – they’re just this bright sweetness in the middle of the woods. A very nice, calming scent. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): The sweetness and the woodsy notes begin to blend in such a way that all I detect now is a rich, sweet woods. Very nummy – almost edible. Not so much calming now, as it is happy. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This continues to remain its rich, sweet woodsy self. Very nummy and happy. It calms a bit more so now I just catch faint whiffs of it every so often. Even though it continues to dissipate, it is still quite lovely – and long-lasting, as it is still present as I leave for home. Definitely keeping the imp!
  8. Faerykin


    Lust Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This oil is one of the darkest I have ever seen – a very deep brown. It goes on thick and earthy. The patchouli and musk are by far the top notes. I can barely detect the myrrh and the ylang ylang is hiding under it all. It is a bit overpowering – I hope it calms down. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This has toned down a bit. It is still mostly patchouli and musk with a bit of myrrh and just a touch of the sweet ylang ylang. This is really blended very nicely. Throughout the Day (10am-on): The only thing that changes here is the intensity. The notes are still the same – patchouli and musk at the top followed by the myrrh with just a hint of the ylang ylang here and there. Not an unpleasant scent, just not something I foresee myself ever wearing again. So off to the Swap Pile – I’m certain I’ll find it a good home.
  9. Faerykin


    Hellcat Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This is thick, rich and creamy – almost buttery. I feel almost as if I am standing in the dessert section of a deli – surrounded by freshly-baked sweets ... definitely has a foody hint to it. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This tones down a bit. It retains its rich and creamy foody scent. Not at all unpleasant. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This is starting to turn a bit perfumey … its giving me a headache. The foodiness has all but dissipated. I’m not certain which note is turning it into perfume, and I’m not happy about it. This has mellowed into an interesting, semi-spicy, perfume. I really didn’t foresee such a dramatic change from the initial wet. I like this final stage, but sadly the imp will have to go into the Swap Pile – The Hubby did not like initial wet stage ... and there is still something headache-inducing about it.
  10. Faerykin


    Bluebeard Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Thick, deep and dark. I can see why The Lab labeled this, Traditionally Masculine – there is nothing frilly or the least bit feminine here. This is the scent of deep, royal purple. At first all I could smell were the violets. Now I think the vetiver is rounding out and coming forth – I’m not entirely certain what vetiver smells like, but this is more than just violets, and I don’t really detect the musk or lavender at all. I like this. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This softens a bit, but remains its dark self. I still don’t detect any lavender or musk, just violet and vetiver. Still, very nice. Throughout the Day (10am-on): As the day progresses, it is almost as if this gets stronger and stronger. It is becoming quite overwhelming, giving me a headache. Sad because it began so lovely. Wow – the headache-inducing strength faded almost as quickly as it appeared. This has now settled to a very nice, soft, dark violet. The musk begins to peek behind the vetiver – but I still cannot detect the lavender. Quite pleasant, and I may have to try it again before swapping it away.
  11. Faerykin


    Lightning Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Light, clean & crisp. There is definitely something familiar here, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. It could be my 8 years living on Lake Charlevoix. After a thunderstorm, the air just smelled so fresh and clean. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This softens beautifully. It is still light and clean – not so crisp. Almost like the scent of the air right after a massive storm … the sun peaking through the clouds, drying up the puddles. So fresh, so alive. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This doesn’t really change much from its initial dry stage. It is still very clean & fresh. I like it a lot. It promotes a sense of calm – just like a thunderstorm. This slowly dissipates throughout the day – just like the fresh, clean smell of after-the-rain slowly dissipates as the storm moves on. Thank you Tracy for such a wonderful gift!
  12. Faerykin


    Eternal Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This goes on as a very sweet, almost cloying, floral. It is difficult to pick out specific notes, it is so sweet. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This is the scent of a flower shop, funeral home or mausoleum. That very strong floral scent you get when you mix so many different flower arrangements together. A bit overpowering. Throughout the Day (10am-on): While I can certainly appreciate how this scent is so on-target (on top of it being a Funeral Oil, it definitely conjures images of eternity), it is sadly too powerful for me. I mean, even though it tones down a bit, I still cannot see myself ever wishing to smell like a funeral.
  13. Faerykin

    Van Van

    Van Van Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Lemon … surrounded by something thicker. I’m not sure what that something is, but I like It. I’m going to have to check the Forums in an attempt to narrow it down. One of the things that makes me leery when it comes to the Voodoo Blends is that the ingredients aren’t listed. I like to know what I’m putting on. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): That thicker ingredient is becoming powdery. Not headache-inducing as of yet, but I’m not a very big fan of smelling like powder. The lemon is still there, and it is difficult to pick out anything else. Still not completely unpleasant. For once, thankfully, the powder scent went away before it became too overwhelming. Now it is back to the predominant lemon with an underlying thickness that I am still unable to identify, but I am really liking. *sighs* This is a happy, feel-good scent. I can see myself wearing it often – especially if it helps banish depression. Throughout the Day (10am-on): The lemon scent completely fades as this wavers on the edge of trying to turn powdery again. But, it doesn’t quite fall. I still like it, and for the most part, it has kept me in good spirits. I believe I’ll keep the imp for times when I need that little pick-me-up.
  14. Faerykin


    Jailbait Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Holy Bubblegum! There is something lying under the bubblegum that I can’t quite identify. It is akin to something I will not mention. I do not like it and I hope it goes away. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): Luckily the awful scent that was lying under the bubblegum has disappeared. The bubblegum has also subsided a bit. It has softened to the sweet scent of candy. Throughout the Day (10am-3:30pm): Wow is this dissipating quickly. I’d have thought it’d last longer, I mean, I really slathered this one. I’m always shocked by those few oils that are nearly gone by noon (i.e., 4-hour life span). I catch faint whiffs of sweet … an indiscernible sweet – kinda like candy, kinda like sugar. Slowly dissipating until it is completely gone. *shrugs* Ah well. Not something I ever see myself wearing – a little too sweet, and that initial underlying scent is enough for me to toss this in the Swap Pile.
  15. Faerykin


    Salome’ Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This goes on strong, almost with the scent of a normal over-the-counter perfume. The saving grace is the almond, which provides a thick, sweet backdrop to the other notes – which mix and mingle in such a way that it is difficult to determine one from the other. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This doesn’t really change much. The perfume smell still makes its way to the front moreso than anything else. The musk is more noticeable and the almond has softened a bit. I hope the perfume smell goes away. Throughout the Day (10am-on): Something about this is giving me a headache. The commercial perfume smell has dissipated for the most part. I am left with a musky sandalwood with the barest hint of an underlying almond … and this headache. The headache is gone! How odd! I am left with a musky, spicy, jasmine scent that isn’t at all unpleasant. But, with the initial commercial perfume smell and the fact that this gave me a headache midway through, I’m tossing it in the Swap Pile.
  16. Faerykin

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    Sacred Whore of Babylon Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Rose? Almond? Cherry? Even my kittie thought this was quite unique. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This is definitely some kind of floral with nuts. It no longer smells of rose – but something I can’t quite identify (a lot of people say, gardenia … but I’m not sure). And under the floral is this nutty scent that could be almonds. Throughout the Day (10am-on): Something incensy-spicy is making its way to the top, and it could be myrrh – ‘cause it’s bringing on a killer headache. Please don’t get me wrong, this is truly an amazing scent. Beth’s oils are always so complex and wonderful. This has morphed into a spicy-incense resting atop a gentle floral. I don’t dislike the scent of myrrh – I dislike the myrrh-induced headache.
  17. Faerykin

    Wings of Azrael

    Wings of Azrael Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Violet with a rich, sweet backdrop. Very comforting. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This warms up to a thick, sweet violet floral. It is difficult to pick out the individual florals under the violet – but they are there, and they provide a nice, almost spicy, warmth. Throughout the Day (10am-on): The myrrh slowly comes forward to morph this floral into more of an incense-blend. It is still warm and thick. This grows increasingly thick – and there is a pressure at the back of my head that is equally increasing. This has become a very heady incense type of scent. I don’t think it’s gonna work for me – off to Swap.
  18. Faerykin


    Magdalene Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This is the scent of a greenhouse. Where, since it is completely contained, the air is thick with greens and florals. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): Though this calms a bit, it is still a strong green floral scent. Throughout the Day (10am-on): This has surprisingly softened to a semi-spicy floral. Interesting … I think I like it. Indeed, this is an interesting scent in the way it totally morphed. I shall have to see about wearing it sometime in the future to see if this is typical of this particular scent, or if it is just my body going whack-o.
  19. Faerykin


    Hemlock Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This goes on thick, green and very herbal. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): Something akin to powder is beginning to come forth. It is still very herbal and green – but now there is a thickness under it all ... hard to describe. Throughout the Day (10am-on): Still green and herbal with an underlying thickness that isn’t quite powder. There is also a sweetness that begins to come forth, and a growing softness. Barely present as I leave for home. This has morphed and faded into a soft green glow. This doesn’t strike any cords for me. *shrugs* It’s nice, but not something I can see myself reaching for. Off to Swap with ya!
  20. Faerykin


    Tintagel Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This goes on sweet, woodsy and a bit spicy. The dragon’s blood definitely brings a warm sweetness to the woods. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This continues to sweeten – or rather, the dragon’s blood thrusts its way to the top and begins to overpower the woodsy notes. Either way, it makes for an, as always, pleasant dragon’s blood scent. Throughout the Day (10am-on): Yup, dragon’s blood. That is pretty much all I smell now. Not a bad thing, mind you, I was just hoping for something more. However, it seems dragon’s blood likes my skin and tends to overpower anything else. *shrugs* Still, that very fact makes this a keeper.
  21. Faerykin


    Spellbound Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This is the darkest oil I have seen come out of the lab – it is such a deep red that it is almost black. It goes on thick, heady and very musky. This seems like the perfect nighttime perfume. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): Thankfully this tones down considerably. The musk and the amber provide such a backdrop, that the roses are nearly undetectable. This is definitely a scent of feminism – feminine seduction. Throughout the Day (10am-on): The roses are finally making their way to the forefront. They provide a sweet, almost cloying, thickness to the already-present muskiness. This is interesting in the way it morphs and develops. I hope the roses don’t sour. Well, the roses didn’t sour. It seems the musk and the amber are keeping them in check. This is truly a remarkable and complex scent – I’m really liking it. It certainly has lasting power, as it is still present as I leave for home. I’m going to have to save this for when I wanna be really sexy.
  22. Faerykin

    Baobhan Sith

    Baobhan Sith Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Holy Grapefruit Batman! I can barely detect the green of the apple blossom – but it is there. The white tea and ginger are totally lost here. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): The grapefruit has calmed and the other notes are beginning to come forth. This is certainly a warm month scent – Spring or Summer. It is bright and warm and energetic. If I had to attribute it to a color, I’d say yellow to orange. Throughout the Day (10am-on): The herbal notes are finally coming to the surface. This has morphed into a greener scent. Very lovely. This slowly fades to a nice herbal citrus. It is even present as I leave for work. Defiantly keeping the imp for an outdoor spring or summer day. EDIT: The hubby no likey. He says I smell like his grandma - off to the Swap Pile with ya!
  23. Faerykin


    Tisiphone Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This is warm, earthy, a bit spicy and a bit sweet. Very comforting. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): This continues to warm and become a bit spicier. Still a very comforting scent. The main note I detect is the patchouli, but the other notes form such a veil behind it that it is unlike any other patchouli I have ever smelled – this is lovely, deep, earthy and comforting. Throughout the Day (10am-on): I had been avoiding patchouli scents (aside from my precious Samhain) because of my husband’s negative association of it to ‘dirty hippy’. But, I should have known better. Beth is truly an Alchemical Goddess! The Lab added this in as an extra with my last order, and it has totally changed my view. This scent is just so warm and comforting. I think it is time to open my mind (and my Wish List) to BPAL’s patchouli. Another one for the Big Bottle List! If this keeps up, I’m gonna have more big bottles than I’ll know what to do with.
  24. Faerykin

    Snow White

    Snow White Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): This goes on sweet and a bit powdery. There is something lying underneath that I’m not certain I like. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): Thankfully, the individual notes dry into a nice blend. It is a bit chilly, and I can almost picture a fresh snowfall – with the big fluffy flakes that stick to everything, looking like pieces of cotton candy. This is almost like one of those early snowfalls – when the flowers are still blooming, so they still peek out from under the fresh blanket. Beautiful. Throughout the Day (10am-on): The florals are really beginning to shine through. This is such a lovely scent (I was worried after the initial wet phase). This is definitely a winter scent – and unless I’m testing other oils (or I find something more appropriate), this will more than likely be the one I wear on a more regular basis this season. There is something sweet here that after reading the reviews I thought may be coconut or vanilla, but it isn’t coconut or vanilla – if that makes any sense. It is a bit smooth and semi-foody, and it provides a very nice background for the florals. Just like if there is mint here, it is unlike any mint I have ever smelled – whatever it is, it adds a bit of a sharp bite, which is very nice. Also, the florals are unlike any florals I’ve smelled before with BPAL. I smell a bit of something like lily – but it is a cold, almost frozen lily. Someone mentioned the scene in Legend where everything that was once warm and inviting is now cold and frozen in a crystalline blue-white winter. Yeah, this is the scent of that scene. Complex and wonderful! This progressively softens into a sweetness that is unlike anything I have ever experienced. I shall have to wear this more often just so I can determine what all of the individual stages of this very-complex scent are.
  25. Faerykin

    Gingerbread Poppet

    Gingerbread Poppet Swiped across wrists and along collarbone. Initial Wet (8-8:30am): Oh yeah, this is gingerbread. Warm, nummy gingerbread with just a hint of cinnamon. Initial Dry (8:30-10am): The nutmeg is certainly making itself known now. I get a hint of spicy goodness underneath the gingerbread and the nutmeg. OMG this is delicious! Throughout the Day (10am-on): This is the scent of baking X-Mas cookies – the warm, inviting scent of X-Mas. Long-lasting as well. It is 3:30pm and I am still surrounded by the warm scent of spicy gingerbread. Every once in a while the gingerbread is accompanied by clove, nutmeg or cinnamon – almost like they each take their individual turns to shine in the spotlight. Truly Nummy!