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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by chrisann

  1. I squirreled my bottle away to allow some aging. I re-tested today and am in serious LOVE with how snuggly, sexy, and evocative it is. The initial scent in the bottle is nose curdling. It's banana scented nail polish remover. UGH! However, after 10 minutes on my skin, the banana note "POOF!" disappears and what remains is this intoxicating hazy tobacco, smoky, musky, slightly sweetened man musk. Like I had been rolling around in the arms of a lover and got his skin scent on me. It's drool worthy. Not quite sure I can pull it off because imo it's masculine. I'm going to try layering with it. At the very least saving it for my next BF/lover. It's a heady keeper.

  2. This makes my foody heart happy! I LOVE it!! Caramel and almond in equal parts are the most dominant when first applied, but they do tone down. As it wears, I get vanilla CAKE vs. honey. (for those of you afraid of the honey note) honey is in here, but on me, it's not a major player. My only wish is that it last longer on me. I felt this way with the Antique Lace re-release and find now that it's aged a bit it's got more depth and lasts longer on me. I think with a little aging this will be even more nom nom!!

    Total keeper!! Thank you Fairy!!

  3. Okay.. so I'm having a really hard time trying to describe this one to friends because it is such a concept perfume. Trying to pick out "notes" is driving my nose crazy. I am filled more with images. Kwamie Cotton is super snuggly. Like a floppy rabbit plushie, you want to crush to your chest and nap with. It's clean and giggly. It smacks of doing cartwheels around huge billowing sheets drying in the sunshine. It's that worn out white linen shirt you want to live in. There is the faintest breath of a delicate floral flitting around all this linen and fluffiness.. what is this?? Lilac wood? Blue Bonnet?


    Close to your skin scent and a delicate throw. Really just lovely.

  4. I'm taken back to 6 year old me, that cannot stop greedily gobbling up a bowl of strawberries that I'm supposed to be sharing with my brother. (mine, all mine!) My mom used to mix in a wee bit of sugar, and this years incarnation has that same sugared strawberry scent. SO nostalgic. I did not care for 2009's version at all. The sage/green note in that year's blend went bitter/ sharp on me and dominated the scent. THIS year is the reverse. More sugared strawberries with just a subtle backdrop of outdoor green. Sigh. I have a huge crush on this blend and can see this being in heavy rotation this Summer.


    (I love and still use 2005's version, which over the years is a more intense boozy strawberry. I slather it in my hair and layer it with Bulgarian Tobacco. :wub3: )

  5. This reminds me of when I used to work at the Chanel counter. It's reminiscent of Chance or was it Madmoiselie? It's been a while since I worked there. But, ANYWAYS.. it smells high end and I absolutely agree with mischiefofrats review on this. It's hoity toity. The hair toss, side eye, high heels and birken bag. BUT, there's also something blue jeans, white shirt, Parisian airy about it too. I'm not usually a fan of florals, but this smells so darn pretty on me. It's got a subtle aquatic feel to the "electric" tuberose note, which I can see as being interpreted as slightly masculine. Overall, On me it's decidedly feminine. The alydehydes in this blend scream "European vacation" or maybe that's just what I have on my mind lately. Nonetheless, a keeper as it's so different than any other BPAL blend I have and makes me want to drive a jaguar. Vroom Vroom.

  6. This is my favorite SDCC scent! (Thanks to my sweet fairy!!❤️)

    The leather note in this is feminine and golden. A juicy, gleaming aura surrounds this blend. I don't find it masculine at all. As it dries down, I get these delicious whiffs of smoky vanilla, weaving it's way through golden strands of butter soft leather. It's just gorgeous! It's so beautiful now, but I'm curious to see how it'll smell with a little aging,

  7. Halloween in Las Vegas was way too much STICKY red wine. Like you spilled it all over yourself and then got into a food fight at the dessert bar, had a guy that just smoked and wore too much men's cologne carry you out of the place. His scent mashed into yours. The kind of smell you just want to wash off. So much "Ewww" on me.

  8. I'm compelled to re-do my review on this perfume. I think my first test must've been a hormonal thing, b/c it faded quickly to a light, powdery, amber/vanilla skinscent on me. Which was pretty and soft, but not wow'ing me,


    SO happy I did a re-test a few weeks later! It's AH-mazing on me! It's a gorgeous, fuzzy, cream soda-ish vanilla skinscent. You don't wear it, rather it hugs around you in a effusive halo. I don't get a decisively "root beer" vibe from this, but I'm totally okay with that. Last week I got 10 new bottles of a combination of NAVA and BPAL in the mail. All I want to wear is Anti Saloon League.


    Oh! And I get many compliments when wearing this too! I had a guy exclaim, "Girl! You smell good!!"


    Yes, yes I do. Do not hesitate it lasdo'ing a bottle, should one cross paths with you. It's a glowing gem!

  9. I'm not usually a huge tobacco fan. It's okay if it's expertly blended into a scent to add dimension, but not dominate. I did not hold any high hopes for Bulgairian Tobacco SN, but was curious to see if the rave reviews warranted a try.


    This went BEYOND my expectation!! It's a vanillic tobacco. Sweet and chewy. Its like they've taken pipe tobacco, added a syrupy resinous vanilla, and mashed it all up. It's gorgeous alone and I've been having fun layering under other smellies. It's a glowing tobbaco vs a dry/dark one. I love it so much I bought three bottles.

  10. So Below went foul on my skin. I agree with Little Bird about the sweaty arm pit part, but I got the added bonus of the cardamon pod blasting acrid, gritty, dry yuck into the mix. Gag reflex foul on my skin. I couldn't wash it off fast enough!! It made me queasy. So bummed that I'm not experiencing the "win" must of the group is getting. It went to someone who loves it.

  11. Spanked took me a lot of hard wraught wrangling to get back in 2006. When I got a chance to test it, it was potent, steamy black leather, jabby cinnamon (not listed in notes, but that was what I got on my skin) and a minor blip of patchouli. I think the leather had it properly tied up and submissive. I thought it's "interesting" as a concept fragrance. But, too bad ass for me to live up to.


    Into my my HTF hoard box it went!


    Fast forward 10 years. I almost swapped this baby out, but have discovered that aging has done wonders to some of my past "no's" I have been re-visiting bottles that didn't work on me before, this included.


    NOW, Spanked 2005 is like wearing a smoky (bourbon doing that?) worn, smooth leather. Leather that has sat next to a hearth and over the years has pick up wood smoke. The patch is not discernible per se. It's like a thin cobweb thread weaving through. There, suppotive, but almost invisible.


    It's sexy sexy in a bottle. Confident sexy. I'm going to do naughty things to you, and you'll love it inspite of yourself sexy.


    Not sure about the 2011 re-release. I can confidently say 2005 will rock your socks off!

  12. Spayed it in my living room and I was transported to my Grandmothers house. And her love for glade room scenting.

    Which, killed it for me. It's a lovely, fresh, floral scent. I can't shake this scental association, so this lab sample will find its way in a swap/sale pkg.

  13. I love this so much, I spray it on my clothes too!

    I absolutely agree with Marilyn eyre's teview. It's cucumber and creamy earl grey tea. Warm white cake weaving throughout, ghostly wafting. It seems like this combination it wouldn't work. I was hesitating buying it, but glad I jumped in. I love cucumbers. I'm 1/2 Korean, and cucumbers are popular in their spa culture. I grew up doing fresh cucumber masks, using cucumber body oils and soaps. This spray, quickly puts me in a happy zen state. Lurve ❤️


    Now, to locate a bottle of the perfume ..

  14. I'm not getting what the consensus is getting. When first applied it's super saged up peach. Or some such similar herbal peach. Not the juicy fresh peaches you all are talking about. I want that version on my skin. As it stands, on me, it's peach rubbed in sage. "Meh"


    I'll try it one more time before I put it in the swap/sale pile. I really hope my chemistry is just having an off day. I WANT JUICY PEACHES!!

  15. I LOVE this! It's one of my favorite Lupers of this year. All the notes meld together in a lovely, warm, radiant skinscent. None of the notes dominate. They just dance dreamy on my skin. I smell huggable. Back up bottle worthy for sure! ❤️

  16. Blueberry Cream Pie starts out in a blast of freshly syruped blueberries. As it wears, I get more depth from pie spices. If this were a color it would be purple merlot. It's berries blossoming all over my skin. Heady, amost blueberry wine. I get zero cream and crust. It's not a super foody scent on my skin. I layered this with Stekkjarstaur and it added a nice toasty vanilla warmth. Blueberry's in custard. Nom.


    I can see this as being nicely layered with plum/wine scents to amp up the "inkyness" great with other foody scents. Not sure if I'm a blueberry kind of gal, but I enjoyed trying something out of my comfort zone. While I liked it, not sure if it's a keeper.


    If you're a fan of plum/wine notes. I highly recommend this to you. It's in that same scental vein.

  17. U Mutter wet, smells like Horchata on me. Straight up cinnamon, vanilla rice milk. Which is CRAZY!! I'm not complaining though, because I smell SO good. The spot on my wrist where I dabbed it on, is wafting deliciously. It makes me want to pounce on my arm. The throw is amazing for such a small dab. I'm 4 hours in, and with the dry down, I can see how this has a masculine edge. Not overtly. It's unisex in that raw sexy way Luperci is on me. I'm guessing this would be great layered with a vanilla HG or BO. I'm going to try that tomorrow. I love it, I want more


    Edited to add: My above review was on an aged decant. A sweet gal went to the museum and bought me a fresh bottle. The two smell very different! Almost like two different perfumes. However, I enjoy both of them. An earlier reviewer mentioned the perfume smelling a little of LUSH's Butterball bath bomb, and I concur. More vanillic, snuggly skinscent, warm woods. No Horchata in the fresh version. Love both aged and fresh, but my wee decant of aged, will not last me long. On the hunt I go!!

  18. I agree with Little Bird's review. I didn't even know there was cinnamon in this until I re-read the description again. It's very subtle, to barely detectable. The coconut in this reminds me of coconut in Tiki Princess, but this is much creamier, almost vanilla laden. When I applied it I immediately thought, "MACAROONS!!" Nom Nom!!


    It's an immediate ❤️ Total keeper, and slather worthy

  19. SO BEAUTIFUL!! To me it's a cousin to Snow White, but a blackberry/beeswax version of it. The milk note is a warm sweet milk, melding perfectly with the blackberries. The beeswax is that raw honey beeswax, it lends a skin scent warmth to it. The whiff of "cool" is the same as in Snow White. All this together = A total win!

  20. I absolutely love this blend!! From the opening first impression to the final lingering caress on my skin, it's pure gorgeousness. On me, it's that hard to find combination of fresh AND sexy. Which makes it versatile for AM-PM wear. I don't get the corpse-y reference on my skin..? What I do know is this is one I live to slather and huff. 💗

  21. I REALLY wanted this to be a "win" for me, but alas..




    I have finally accepted that I cannot do any of Beth's blends that have a 'milk/milk like note' in it. It just turns sour and metallic smelling on my skin. I was hoping that the honey and musk would dominate and that the milk note would just be "oh, so subtle" But on me, it's the exact reverse. :ack:



    After waiting it out to hit the drydown stage, it's become a little less sour milk and more coconut milk with a red hot cinnamon spicy undertone. BUT, the sour tang still lingers. It's a love/hate dance of war on my arm.



    Don't think I'm going to keep my bottle of Werepuppy... it needs to go to a home where it will be loved and appreciated. ;)

  22. I have tried to find something to like about Pink Phoenix... In fact I bought it at two seperate times thinking I needed to give it another chance. Alas, it truly IS just putrid on me. :P


    Pink Phoenix on ME, is hyper sweet (strawberry soda meets fruit loops on steroids) and just wafting under that sweetness, a little "sour" or dare I say it? A mixture of "plastic and butt " smell starts to emerge with that syrpy sweetness. It is truly aweful with my skin chemistry. Each attempt I have tried, Abby made the "I'm smelling something gross face" and begged me to wash it off! Sigh..


    It totally bewilders me, b/c when I read these rave reviews, I was so hopeful to experiance fresh strawberries, honeycomb and vanilla. None of those notes are detectable or delectable on me in this blend. This is in my top 10 of the most "blech! Yuckie!" bpal scental experiances I've had.


    A firm 0/5 :D

  23. I thought for sure I had reviewed this smellie a while back... since I'm wearing it today, this is a perfect time to do just that! :D


    When I first tried my bottle of Snake Charmer about a year ago, I liked it enough and was happy to find a "Snake" I could wear (Snake Oil, unless REALLY aged, is icky on me) I promptly put it into my bpal storage box and perioically would tap into it. I pulled my Snake Charmer out today (this one is the original release) and further aging of it has done wonders for it!!


    Abby had never commented before when I would wear it, but today, she grabbed me (literally) by the shoulders to do these deep whiffs off my neck. She made ga ga faces at me too. :D


    I liked Snake Charmer before. Now? I LOVE Snake Charmer. Esp. richly aged Snake Charmer :P Snake Charmer 2005... come to me... (working universal magic)


    A+ with undulating hips

  24. When I first got into Bpal in Sping of 2006, a very generous peep gave me a decant of Venom as a freebie. Back then, at that stage, I would sniff test the smellies in the vial first to deem weather I wanted to do a further skintest. I sniffed my freebie of Venom and promply forwarded it as a freebie to someone else. This is me now : :D Talk about swappers or rather frimpers remorse!


    Venom does indeed remind me of Dior's original Poisin perfume. Minus the strong heady cloud of alcohol and intensity. Venom is more insensey/resiny. Sexy in a warm skinscent way that is so common of Beths blends. I love it!!! :P


    * Many thanks to GypsyRoseRed for sending me a testable sniffie of this to try!!!
