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Everything posted by chrisann

  1. chrisann

    Ace of Hearts

    I got this bottle on ebay, the end of summer, not knowing what to expect, but just loving the label. It has become one of my "go to" perfumes, when I'm not sure what dab on for the day. I have such luck with Beth's interpertaions of rose perfume's. Rose Red being my all time favorite, Ace of Hearts and Peony Moon my second's. I find that this has a very long staying power. On me? It's a fresh blossoming rose, weaved with a creamy sweetness, which just avoids being cloying. Not a stale rose, or a dried rose, or a potpourri-esque rose. But, fresh velvety petal's. I also love to wear this when I'm in a hormonal mode. I do the whole pampering bath, cup of tea, relax with book/movie, and then dab a bit of Ace of Hearts on. It makes me feel serene and balenced.
  2. chrisann


    I will have to sadly agree with what some other member's have said. BABY POWDER! It's unfortuate, because it starts out so lovely. In the end though, baby powder, and that's not something I wish to smell like. Into the swap pile it goes!
  3. chrisann

    Bitter Moon

    I love Bitter Moon in all it's stages. You know what it REALLY reminds me of?? I keep sniffing and the the memory recall I get is the LUSH store. It's that yummy, tangy, come hither smell when your walking by the store. The smell that drags you INTO the store. I do smell a lot of what the other reviewers say, blackerry, citrus, Lavender (kinda... vauge-ish) poppies (soft, delicate one's) yes, maybe even rose (but, not over powering) It is such a beautiful blend as a whole. I love that I do not have to wait for a funky period to end, before it BECOMES something better. I will treasure my bottle, and will look for more. You know what? Even if it was a blooper on me, (thankfully it's not!) I would treasure it for the KICK ASS label it has. It's one of my favorite's! What an impressive way to end this year's lunacies! Bravo Labbies
  4. chrisann


    I lucked out and bought a partial bottle for only 8 bucks! I really did NOT expect this to work on me, because my past experiances with pepper notes have not been good. Granted, it's been more pink peppercorn horror stories, but the dry aspect of pepper makes me leery. I kept seeing chit chat about this being a winner of a scent, and I decided to see what all the fuss was about. On Wet: Whoa! Irish Spring? It makes me want to do that 'clean as a whistle' thing! Fresh, green, and earthy. Yet, on closer inspection... something spicy, warm underneath Time goes by:I get that chai tea drydown, but still fresh smelling. It really confounds me how it's got this it's so wrong, it's right thing going for it. I'm really enjoying this scent. I can see how this can easily be a unisex fragrance. My chemistry really sweetens perfume, it amps up anything vanilla, honey, floral. So, on me this is very feminine. Final thoughts: Very glad to have my partial bottle, and will not pass up getting a back up one someday. This is going to be a good work scent for me. I agree with what another member said, it is what Irish Spring wishes it could be. It's that and SO much more. Kinda like the sexy, naughty cousin. I cannot stop smelling my wrists.
  5. chrisann

    Rose Cross

    A profound symbol of an individual’s personal initiatic process, spiritual refinement and evolution, synthesis, grace found as a result of trial and suffering, and the alchemical process by which we transform the raw essence of our souls through light in extension. This is a holy oil, a representation of the triumph of spirit over matter: purest rose with sacred frankincense. Wet: Old lady rose. Oh, no! I do well with Beth's rose blends, but this is not starting out too promising. On a while: Yep, cloying, icky, cheap rose perfume. Kinda, drugstore-ish on me now. Dry down: Not really a stand out rose perfume for me. I'm okay with this, because, Peony Moon and Rose Red more than satisfy my lust for rose!
  6. chrisann


    I gotta warn you... this smell's astringent and medicinal in the bottle. WHEW! WET: Nyquil meet's eucalyptus Some time later: The medicinal element burns away, and it smell herbal/green with ... yes, juniper. Drydown: Dry, brisk, echo's of herbal/green/juniper. Not much of a fan of juniper, and I'm itching to wash this off me. My least favorite bpal scent to date.
  7. chrisann

    Rose Red

    I must start out by saying, that I NEVER was a rose fan until bpal. I just die and go to olfactory HEAVEN with her rose blend's. I picked up a bottle of Rose Red 2005 on ebay, and man am I glad I did! I cannot add anymore insight on the perfection of this scent, than has already been shared by the other reviewer's. Only that it also lasts, and lasts on my skin, my clothes, and my dog when I hugged her. I will treasure my beautiful bottle. Now, I MUST have Rose Red 2003 and 2004!
  8. chrisann

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    Oh my GOD!! This is insanely devine. I can hardly get my thoughts togeather. MUST buy more. Holy Schnikie.... Wet: I can hardly remember wet. I'm fainting and goggley eyed by the '30 minutes into it' phase. I seem to recall, spicey/ musky/patchouli with a softer twist. Can I talk about how it is now???? Holy crowley batman. I'm INTOXICATED!!! Sniff. sigh. sniff. Go buy some now!! It's what I wished Snake Charmer was on me. I have to do some clever mixing with SC to get it to make magic on me, but this is truely hands down, drool worthy.
  9. chrisann


    I bit the bullet and shelled out some major moolah for this baby. Here's my humble review. Wet: Fresh sugared ginger, and woven in, is a crisp citrus note. Kind of like lemon poundcake, because I do smell vanilla in here too. On for a while: Lemon holding hands with ginger rinds, sprinkeled with nutmeg/allspice Drydown: I swear this reminds me of spicy Ginger icecream. Total mouth watering goodness. I can see why there's so much lust for this perfume. This totally appeases the love for the foodie fragrance. Yet, it's so much more than that. The spicy notes lend it a sexiness, that takes it to a whole other level of YUM. Verdict? Money well spent. Bring it back Beth!! *edited to add review of 2006 re-release I have the 2006 re-release on today. I do not smell more lemon, in fact, i smell MORE ginger, pumpkin spicy, smokey goodness. To me, this is less candied ginger in the dry down. I love both of my bottles, and wonder if this will resemble my 'aged' bottle more with time. Regardless, I'm happy all round!!!
  10. chrisann

    Black Moon

    The absence of light: motia attar, black orchid, mugwort, English pear, cucumber, blue lotus, jonquil, massoia, calamus and crystal musk. Schwartzer Mond has NOTHING over this treasure!! Black Moon is all the things a treasured perfume blend should be. Sexy, distinct, evocative, and addictive. The notes are so well blended from each of it's phases, that I experiance no 'akward' transisitions. This is by far my favorite Lunacy. I have stock piled Black Moon, and have found it to be layerable with other beloved scents such as O.
  11. chrisann

    Thirteen (13): October 2006

    I was a little leary of this because of the dreaded lavender note. Much to my surprise... It's blended so well, that on me, the lavender doesn't make a peep. Wet, it's orange chocolate goodness, with fresh floral's cascading through it. It seem's odd mixing chocolate, fruit, and floral together, but, wow this REALLY works. It starts out in a sweet, bright way (not headachey) and BLOSSOMS into a warm skinscent. This lasts and lasts on me. I ordered two bottle's and have just gotten around to trying 13 last week. When I got this weeks ago, I opened the bottle, sniffed it, then dismissed it. When am I going to learn to NOT judge bpal on the initial sniff !? I was going to swap one of my bottle's out, (the horror) and now am going to hoard this precious yumminess all to myself. It really is just complex and beautiful! Entirely wearable all year round.
  12. chrisann


    LOVE. So in love with this imp I just got! Sigh. I love O. I was told to try a few other bpal scents. Sudha Segra and Hetairae being a few. Hetairae is by far the stand out perfume on me. It's sexy honey, all grown up with a deeper edge to it. All the notes play together really nice on my skin. Smelling wonderful on all levels of application. I MUST get a big bottle of this.
  13. chrisann

    Sudha Segara

    I had such high hopes for this one! I love my bottle of O and was out looking for other honey scents to try. Wet: The promise of honey deliciousness, with a tang of ginger? Lemon? 30 mins later: Lemon tea. Literally the smell of sharp lemon tea. Lots of puckery lemon. Few hours later: Faded lemon tea. This is sadly a no go with my chemisty. On a happier note, I also got an imp of Hetairae that has turned out to be a wonderful honey perfume on me.
  14. chrisann

    Sugar Cookie

    I agree with what so many have said! Tasty sugery, vanilla yumminess. There really isn't a lot I can add, except this, it is WONDERFUL to layer with! I layer it with Smut, Snake Charmer, Trick #2 etc... it does wonders when you want it to sweeten up one of your scents. I love and have both Sugar Cookie 2004 and 2005. My preferance leans towards the 2004 version. 2005 is more sweet, buttery, "rumish." 2004 is warmer with the spicer notes amped up. There's more kick to the ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardoman? (sorry my spelling is wonky) and although I'm usually loathe to cinnamon. The cinnamon in this is well balenced and not the dreaded "red hots cinnamon" variety. More akin to cinnamon stick. I really love both, but the 2004 version puts hearts in my eyes!!! *edited to add comparison to 2004 version
  15. chrisann


    For me Queen started out hopeful. It's a honey scent! I LOVE honey scents!! Then, she turned nasty on me. An acrid peppery smell crept in, mixing with a dryness that reminds me of burnt rubber. Must wash off!!! Sadly, not for me.
  16. chrisann

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    When I first opened the bottle, I almost didn't put it on. It smelt like rancid flowers. I promptly put it away (for weeks) I was in the mood to give it a go today. On me, here's what I discovered. Wet: Jasmine blossoms bloom fairly quick on my skin. The sour note I smell in bottle burns away (THANK GOD!) 30 Mins: Jasmine, with a fruity tea twist. Not a sweet tea, more fresh and crisp. Drydown: Jasmine with warmer tea notes. Reflection: If I was more into floral's and specifically Jasmine, I would be all into this. However, I've never been a big fan of Jasmine. It is very pretty though. I'm amazed that something that smelled so foul in the bottle, smells really lovely on the skin. It is an uplifting, yet, tranquil scent. It makes me think of Jasmine fields at dusk. For those of you doing what I did in the beginning, making a judgement on sniff only. Brave it and try it on. You might be happily surprised!
  17. chrisann


    This was really awful with my Chemisty. It started out smelling like pungent chemical ick on me. Morphed into hairspray, then settled into faint perm soultion. This sounds Harsh.. but, on me, that's pretty much it. That's the way the mop flops!
  18. chrisann

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    I bought two bottles of this because of the Name and the tempting decription. Needless to say, I'm so glad I did!!! I may need to buy more. Wet: This for me is the iffy stage (as I'm discovering with most of my bpal scents) I smell dry resins, woods, and I swear on me.. eucalyptus? Hmmm.. and it's all watery faint on me. I have to keep looking at my wrist to confirm I've applied enough. 30 Minutes: Oh the intoxicating loveliness! Spicy Rosewood indeed. Sophisticated and sexy. Complex and blooming. Now, I know I put enough of this perfume on. It's unfolding so enticingly. Drydown: The spicy floral notes start to morph into a drier scent. I smell faint wisps of leather and clove. A winner! Beth never ceases to amaze me. (nose still pressed to my wrist)
  19. chrisann

    The King of Hearts

    When wet: Cherries, medicinal lavender. They fight and clash against each other. This is where I'm tempted to wash it off, but I perservered. Some time went by: Hmmmmm this smells like it's going to work! The cherry smell is almost all gone, and the lavender just smells faintly herbal. Not as sharp, and acid. There is a creamy, clean, powery scent that has taken it's place now. Drydown: I'm not a fan of powdery or lavender perfumes. But, this does morph into something very wearable. It surprises me. I keep smelling wafts of it emminating from my skin, and darned it! I like it! It's a great work/day scent. Light to medium staying power. I'm going to continue to use my imp to see if I need a bigger bottle later.