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Everything posted by chrisann

  1. chrisann

    Dolce Stil Nuovo

    I love the label on this bottle, and was tempted to keep it just for that reason. However, this quite literally disappears on me. It's like the perfume version of the "Emperor's New Clothes" I put a dab on, and watery "lavenderish" wafts of scent greated me then, "poof" gone. "Weird", I thought. I'll just put more on, maybe I did not have enough. Tried again, GONE. Like a ghost visiting my skin. I cannot even give you impressions of what I smelled, b/c my skin drank it up like CRAZY. So weird.
  2. chrisann

    The City in the Sea

    I've been wearing this about 30 minutes now, and I have been trying to figure out what it reminds me of. I've had my AHA! moment and it is this: My trip to Florence Italy, there is this small apocathery that sells local perfumes. I bought a unisex body mist that was a jumble of various tangy citrus notes, intermingled with clean ozone notes, and a kick of skin musk. This is a dead ringer for that scent. It is so envocative for me. I am brought back to walking the cobblestone streets of Florence that Summer. For me this is a wonderful, happy, nostalgic scent. One I am happy to treasure
  3. chrisann


    I HATE cinnamon on me. It does really wonky things on my skin. I cannot wear Bengal or any of the other cinnamon dominant bpal smellies out there. I got Bakeneko, b/c I LOVE cats, and thought, "heck, I'll give it a go.." I don't know what kind of Voodoo is in this blend, but it is WONDERFUl on me!! WET It has sunnier aspects of orange chai tea, w/ swirls of dry cinnamon, and cardamon. DRYDOWN The cinnamon is present, but mingled with the other spices, it tones down, and just adds a sexy kick to the scent. This is so well balenced! The swirls of cherry blossoms with amber musk just makes my skin radiate this incredible wafting yumminess. This also lasts and lasts on my skin, esp, in my hair. I think b/c I do so well with amber, that the cinnamon tempers nicely in this blend. To show you how much I love this cat, I have tucked away 5 bottle's of it. (I think I can stop now ) also, my GF rarely comments on smellies that I'm wearing, she has complimented me everytime I wear this one.. Even if you too hate cinnamon, take a chance and at least try a decant, I'm glad I did!!!
  4. chrisann

    Two, Five & Seven

    It's a rosebush alright... I love a lot of Beth's rose blends, and while this is pretty. It really isn't me. I much prefer Rose Red, Peacock Queen, Peony Moon, and Ace of Hearts to this one. On me: Fresh roses, an assortment of them. I can smell a sweeter tearose most on me w/ the green notes weaving throughout. While nice on me, just not doing anything special to warrent a bottle. Might keep the imp to use in my burner.. 3/5
  5. chrisann

    The Hanging Gardens

    I don't know what's happening to my skin. Based on the notes, I should be able to pull this one off beautifully, but it smells like finger nail polish remover on me Ugh! I've had it on for 15 minutes and it's geting WORSE! Even if after an hour this were to transform into something amazing, I cannot bear the initial application. MUST.COME.OFF.NOW! On a happier note, I do love The PERFUMED Gardens
  6. chrisann

    The Ecstasy of True Love

    I got a chance to try a decant of this, and am glad I did not get a bottle Now, I can wear Patchouli. I LOVE Luperci, Schwartzer Mond, Passion, Vodoo Queen etc.. but, this Patchouli is acrid and dirt smelling on me. I make faces, and the faces are not one of pleasure and happiness. My squishy "oh, no!" face, does not change with the dry down either. I am almost temted to say this is one of my least liked bpal smellies. Off to swaps for this decant!
  7. chrisann


    So, I was one of the few that HATED Snake Oil on me. It was the plastic play doh ick curse. Not having high expectation of the Snake Pit, I'm surprised to find a few that are truely yummalicious on me! Boomslang is one of them. The cocoa in this is seductive, but not cloying. I keep huffing away at my wrists and going,"ummmm" The dry down does not turn on me. (thank God!) Although, this is the one snake pit that resembles Snake Oil the closest, it is a winner on me! I'm hoarding bottle's, and cannot wait to see how this beauty ages!
  8. chrisann

    The Ecstasy of Passion

    First off, I LOVE PASSION (thank you Judica!!) WET:On me, It's remincent of a clove version of Snake Charmer. Which of course is alright by me DRYDOWN: The drydown is so beautiful, and this perfume has great staying power. The vanilla starts to peek through, and the spicy aspect of the perfume reminds me of the spices in shub and Gingerbread Poppet 2004 (minus the ginger) It is simply TDF. I cannot wait to see how this bottle ages, but, I'm afraid it may not last that long! Going to my top 10, and will now have to toss my tushie in too, for the hunt for more.
  9. chrisann


    I got a sniffie of this from the wonderful myoubi (thank you!!) When I applied this wet, it was creamy vanilla, nutmeg, cinnammon bark, rum toddy goodness. I was estatic. "this is the one!" I yelled to my girlfriend. Thrusting my wrist under her nose. She actually stopped what she was doing, grabbed my wrist and stared huffing away. "oh, yes, I love this one! Get more!" I gave her my sad bunny eyes, and explained it was an old convergence blend, and near impossible to get a hold of. She gave me a look that said," I know that will not stop you from trying.." I can be incredibly determined, the Aries in me. But wait... where am I getting that B.O smell?? No. Not my wrist!! 30 minutes into this, and I get Angel. Well, something like it. There is this good B.O smell that Angel has in the drydown, that I'm getting here. However, it's too much on me, and it becomes acrid, smokey, and sharp. I'm so crushed, and start moaning, "Oh no! Oh, no!" My GF comes over to see what's happening, I have her sniff my wrist. She furrows her brow, and says," Ugh! that smells rank on you" Sigh. I guess on the brightside, I do not have to spend anymore time doing an exhaustive search on it, and I can save my wallet the crazy amounts of moolah I see it going for. I am jealous of those of you that have the chemistries that pull this off, because I can see where it could go so beautifully right! Another rare off my WL
  10. chrisann


    Ohhhh I'm loving the Eight Heroines series WET: Wet lush white florals, mingeled with tinges of tropical fruit (subtle fruit notes) It smells delicate and flirty DRY: Skin musk florals, with the Champaca flower lending this a sexier air. Warmer, seductive... I am I will be getting another bottle or two, before this goes bye bye. I cannot stop smelling my wrists....ummmmm
  11. chrisann


    Spooky loves me, and I love Spooky I was a wee bit leery of the rum note in this perfume, because rum and I have a shakey relationship at best. However, I do not get the sour note that rum tends to wreck havoc on me. In fact, I do not smell rum on me at all. This starts out chocolate butter mint, warms to coconut, cocoa vanilla, and turns to a smoldering vanilla w/ dustings of cocoa, and toasted coconut. I LOVE it! A bpal rare that warrents the fuss. Off to find me another bottle....
  12. chrisann

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The cobalt bottle with the papery label is probably the original, as it sounds like my own bottle of the original. I don't have a bottle of the second version though so I cannot confirm what the second one looks like, sorry! Are you wondering about May 2005 vs. January 2006? I would guess the cobalt one is from May 2005 and the amber one is from January 2006, and it's the fresher citrus causing it to be sharper (not having aged as long). Plus it could just be from variations in the component oils themselves, that even happens from one batch to the next, let alone 7 months apart. I had a bottle of the Jan. 06 briefly, and it looked identical to the original label, although I don't remember the exact texture/finish. Definitely paper though, not the newer glossy labels. The only glossy one was October 2006, which was orange instead of white. Yeah, I have January 06 and it is amber with papery lablel :-) I have the two you are talking about. The blue bottle has more chocolate and the second in the amber bottle has more Iris than chocolate. They have the same description but were blended differently. Don't worry, no one tampered with them because mine are the same. I'm sure you could confirm this with Beth and company. Hmm... I have a comment on this bottle thing. I have 2 Rose Red's 2005. One is in an amber bottle, the other blue. I have 2 Snake Charmer's. One is in an amber bottle, the other blue. I'm not so sure if he bottle color is a strict indicator of the time it was released. It could be a supply issue. I'm trying on my 13 white label (paper, not glossy) AMBER bottle, and it's pretty darn chocolatey.. (time has elapsed) okay, no citrus, chocolate dominates. I had my GF sniff my wrist, and asked her what she thought, "Hmm... chocolate." was her reply. So, I'm not convinced that the color of the bottle, is an acurate relfection of what year the white label 13's came out. Beth? oh Beth???
  13. chrisann


    My everlasting gratitude to Goddessrobyn for my decant of this!!! WETSweet Cherries, marachino meets wine. Not that sour tangy wine, but full juicy mouth watering cherries. Tempered with a slight smokey back drop. WORNOhhhh... I'm getting cloves and some spice, is that apple? Okay, now it's more smokey /incensey, with the berry note wafing in the background. Unfortunately, I am liking this one on me. A lot. Oh, dear... I have and enjoy wearing Alice, and I do not see the connection between Alice and Lugh. However if you are a spice/incense/autumal fan, this is for you! (think a cherry version of Samhain, kinda..or Hearth 2004 with out the pipe smoke) hard to add anything different from what has been shared by other members. For me, it's one of the few rares that warrents the hunt for more.
  14. chrisann


    When I placed my Yule order, I skimmed over this one, thinking," eh, doen't sound so special." Then proceeded to buy multiple bottle of 13, Snow Maiden, Winter of our Discontent... fast forward to a few week ago. I got a bottle of this in a swap. Curiosity got the better of me, with all the reviews comparing this to Snow White, so I had to try it for myself. IMO, this is BETTER than snow White. (gasp!) I thought Snow White was a nice blend, but lacking something. It turned a little too sweet/coconutty/floral on me. I kept my Snow White for a while, because it has a beautiful label, and eventually ended up selling it to a loving home. Snow Flakes does remind me of Snow white, like they share the same gene pool, but the coconut does not become cloying. There is a freshness woven in the notes that makes this creamy, crisp, watery, luminous. Just beautiful. The Snow White peeps, can have at her. For myself, I will continue to rassel up as much Snow Flakes as I can find. (3 bottles now and counting ) A+
  15. chrisann


    Okay, I have been gifted a BOTTLE of this lovely by another wonderful forumite. I mean gifted. it was an extra Still reeling from the generosity!! My impressions: This is a cool rose. White, and watery. It does not have that green, icy, edgy, pitch to it, that Rose Red has. Nor, as potently rich and red as Peacock Queen. Yet, this is such a lovely rose scent on it's own. The longevity and intensity that Rose Red and Peacock Queen have, does not assert itself here. I thought it would when I first applied it. I'm 2 hours into it now, and it is an echo of it's former self. A little sweeter, the rose scent smells 'cried out' (for lack of better description) and haunting. It is so pretty, and fits perfectly into the story of Ms. Havisham. I am impressed by Beth's interpertation. I will treasure my bottle
  16. chrisann


    I got a frimp of this from the lab. (thank you!) Shattered is masterfully blended. I am carried away by it's crystilline beauty. On me, I get no akward moments, and it does not turn soapy. This is crisp, breezy, aloof. The scent that wafts up from my skin, beckons me closer. This is so hard for me to describe. I do not get mint per se. Just a coolness, a bracing. The grapefruit adds sparkle and shine, and the Champagne notes give a tingly fizziness. It's so pretty, but angular. There is an edge to this scent, and I am entranced. This will go on my 5ml list!
  17. chrisann

    Lump of Coal

    I finally nabbed a decant of this, after much lusting and stalking of the boards! Being a chocoholic, I had high hopes for this one. Wet: Warm ooey gooey brownie batter! Yummmmm After a while: Ohhh nooo a weird plasticky smell emerges. The uber chocolatey delight that I was enjoying, now fades into a thinner, watery whisper. What I get now is a charred chocolate, plastic scent. Another rare I get to cross off my wishlist.
  18. chrisann

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    Okay, when I first got a decant of this about 4 months ago, I tried it and it was a jumble of sour, strong woods, and a kick of rose. Very bad on my skin, and my decant went immediately into my swap pile. I tried it on again today, and I have to say it is a completely different fragrance on my skin now. Aging changes this perfume so drastically. That sour note? Now is replaced but a warm rum skinscent.. I'm 30 minutes into it now, and all the notes are embracing each other into a spicy, woodsy, rose scent. It reminds me of a WARMER version of Parlemont of Foules. The rose in this is suggestive, not dominant. For those of you who tried this lab fresh, give this smellie some time to age and settle. It really is quite surprising how it evolves. Grade B
  19. chrisann

    Bon Vivant

    Ohhh this is so very bad on me! I have and love Strawberry Moon, and thought that this too would work on me. This is not the case. On me, it's a mix of plastic strawberries, cheap strawberry candles, and dots candies. I cannot wait to wash this off. UGH.
  20. chrisann


    I had high hopes for this one. But, on me it is extremely masculine. To the point of distinct mens cologne. Yes, I smell dusty leather, and dark woods and spice. However, there is this layer of something sharp that makes me cough. Almost alcohol-esque. I can see this being amazing on a man, or someone else with different chemisty than mine. Back to the swap pile it goes!
  21. chrisann

    Snow Angel

    Thanks to Delphinine I finally got a chance to try this lusted after smellie! After all the build up, and wishing, I find it is unremarkable on my skin. It's Like my Snow Bunny minus the Pine, and even at times echos Snow maiden on me. But, I like my Snow Bunny and Snow Maiden better. I get zero peach or tea on me. So, no more pining and wishing away. You Snow Angel hoarders can have her! Check one off my wishlist!
  22. chrisann

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    Okay... I do get some gardenia in this perfume, but I also get paperwhites on me. I have an almost allergic reaction to paperwhites, so that kinda kills this scent for me. I did brave through it, and the drydown is a soft powdery, vanilla, white floral w/ a trickle of spice. Very feminine and pretty. More innocent smelling than the name implies
  23. chrisann

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    I have to say, that I LOVE every single one of my Salon II purchases. It has blown my expectations out of the water!!! WET: Warm Caramel, not sickly sweet smelling. I don't care for some of the other foodier sugery scents. i.e Sugar Skull, Athens, Creepy. Those have a thick tooth ache inducing sweetness to them. Not this one. It is a warmer, more of a skinscent caramel. DRY:My oh my! This blends so well. It is edible and yummy, but in a womanly way. On me, the benzion, mysore sandlewood, and Patchouli harmonize in a subtle way, grounding the caramel and vanilla and giving this depth. I agree, that this is a refined gourmand. Foody lovers will want to snag a bottle of this quick! It's taken the top spot away from MB Underpants, as my favorite gourmand scent. I can't wait to see what aging, and mixing with other smellies will do to it.
  24. chrisann

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    I am so happy to finally get a bottle of this perfume Wet: Hello! Samhain??? A smokier, darker version of Samhain, but Samhain. (which is fine by me, since it's one of my top 10!) After some time goes by: The smoke starts to envelope the perfume in a soft craddle. This is Samhain's dark sister. Minus the sweeter cidery spices, but still spicy none-the-less. Hot spicy. Ummmmm... it makes me feel intoxicated and dreamy. I swear I can smell the faint trail of bonfire meshed with warm skinscent. This is Pure tounge wagging, panting, love. Finally, a bpal scent w/ smokey elements that I can wear!
  25. chrisann

    The Perfumed Garden

    I don't even know where to start with this one... It has changed my mind about the dreaded jasmine! There has not been a single bpal perfume that touts jasmine in it, that I could wear, until now. The Perfumed Garden is HEAVENLY I'm not going to go into notes, because frankly, I do not smell jasmine. Maybe, it's because morrocan jasmine is a whole other animal on me, but man this is TDF! The notes twine around each other so harmoniously that it becomes this balenced, yearning skinscent. Like being in a eastern garden. The scent of that garden mingeling with the scent of wet skin crushed against sex and musk. It's hard to describe, and I don't usually wax poetic, but this is so exotic on me. Up on my top 10 it goes