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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Posts posted by Dark Alice

  1. The lemongrass in this keeps this scent grounded and from becoming too sickly sweet. Wet: The lemongrass and coconut battle it out on my skin for control. So far the coconut is winning. :sick: Dry: In the end: the lemongrass, frankincense win out with the barest hints of coconut. Final verdict: Glorious coconut suntan lotion rolling around in lemon. Meh. Not a huge fan but I do adore the label art. :D

  2. This smells like a dark bar...lit by candles...and it's closing time. I have had my whiskey and the bartender has blown out the candles so all that is left is the smoke. Such a jarring, evocative scent...but not for me. Not a whiskey fan...now if this was bourbon...I would probably buy five million bottles. But the whiskey note is way too realistic for my stomach to handle. :D

  3. This a right day/ Wrong day kind of scent. On the right day: Warm peach liquor with floating with papaya in a glass surrounded by the golden rays of the sun with golden musk. Wrong day...nauseating peach liquor. So I will keep it and see what happens. :D

  4. This was a serious gamble. And for once it paid off! The frankincense and lemon peel are prominent with hints of lotus. There is a very small amount of sugar in this....but that's okay. I love this. I see this as a summer scent. It's so warm and inviting. :D

  5. Tea. A lovely Jasmine Tea. The vanilla is there and it does have the attributes of the Signore Dildo...but the tea keeps this in check. This is interesting. I don't hate it...but I don't know if I need it. I think I will age this to how it goes.....

  6. Glittering, ductile amber wet with carrot seed and bittersweet grey musk.

    Get this. Get it NOW. :joy: The Carrot seed makes this seem like champagne on my skin...but not the nauseating kind. It's slightly effervescent. The grey musk is slightly sweet but not overwhelming and the amber...maybe this is the glittering part...is amazing. Subtle and not overwhelming. GET THIS NOW...you need it. If you love amber and grey musk...you will love it. :wub2:

  7. How does one review perfection? It' so hard...but this is the perfect Frankincense scent. Whereas Cathedral and Midnight mass turn smoky and become overwhelming on my skin...this does not. The frankincense is just perfectly blended with the sandalwood (which may help keep the balance) I love and adore this bottle. May need another before it goes way for good. This and SN Olibanum are my two go to incensey dream blends.

  8. Tweed and crisp linen, lime-tinged aftershave, the sleek steel and oil of a well-cared for service revolver, and a memory's echo of a Jezail bullet shell.

    Watson is a smooth operator. The lime, after shave oil, and linen blend into a sweet yet subtle perfume. I love it. It can be a little powdery at first on my skin...(my skin amps powder) but don't be afraid. This mature, critical thinker, is definitely a delicious man to be reckoned with. I am sure...that layered with Sherlock...this will be the perfect scent. :D

  9. The Lake of Forgetfulness: a deep, still pool of lavender, aged benzoin and patchouli, frankincense, and sorrow-honeyed ylang ylang. Deep beneath, there is a touch of fig's sweetness and amber's golden light.

    The ylang ylang makes this powdery...but overall it is truly a beautiful scent. Frankincense, benzoin, and the lavender swirl together in a wild dance with the ylang, ylang and crescendo higher and higher while wet. Dry...this scent crashes into a beautiful ylang and amber scent on my skin. Not a lot of fig here but I think some aging will help with that. This will truly be a beautiful scent once some of the ylang ylang settles down. I just got this bottle today so right now it and the amber are the loudest notes on my skin.

  10. Clean, bright, and juicy lemon when wet. Dried...the davana really comes through with the lemon and I can smell no white amber. I think I need this bottle but it will have to be aged. This is good stuff...just needs some time on it.

  11. In The Bottle: I'm reminded heavily of the sweet juniper note in 21 when I put the bottle up to my nose. Nothing but juniper. It's very holiday-like, don't get me wrong. Just not what I was expecting the 'frost' note would be like.


    Wet On Skin: I'm still getting nothing but the snow note at this wet stage. I like it, but I hope to see the vanilla and sandalwood soon...


    Dry Down: Oh, you pesky water and ozone notes. I thought for sure it would be held in check by greater forces but...nope. There is nothing but frost on me. Forever and ever. If the Lab decides to do a vanilla-sandalwood scent on their own, I will be very, very happy. But with my skin chemistry, those more subtle notes simply can't fight their way through the total amping of frost.


    Sigh. Off to swaps you go...

    THIS! I get the frosted "snow note" and pine. Frosted pine with no vanilla sandalwood. I am so sad to see this as this is the one I was most excited about. :P Off to the swaps with you...

  12. Wet, rose geranium.


    Rose geranium walks into a bar with balsam, opoponax, violet leaf, leather and patchouli. Being the spoiled, snotty little bitch that she is, she insists on being first, slapping all the other scents into submission, demanding all get out of her way. She dominates the others, drowning out their desires to become a harmonious reminder of autumn. No, she is selfish and obnoxious, taking the credit for everything they could have become.


    Rose geranium, why do you thwart me so?

    This. The damn harlot over took the gorgeous brown leather and violet leaf. Bitch. Leave the others alone to blend with you...stop screeching at me. Glad I found this one a new home.
