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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Posts posted by Dark Alice

  1. I am not good at reviews. Thus, although I've been with BPAL since 2006, I am unsure if I've ever written a review - maybe one?


    Antique Lace is one of my all-time favorite scents. I love it. In all my years of BPAL-dom, it's one of two I've paid heavily for, and not regretted it. I love AL, and I know AL on my skin.


    Stekk is AL with a non-buttery*** marshmallow note *on me.* The AL aspect is about 80-90% of what floats up to my nose, with the remaining 10-20% being the all-white, fresh (not cooked) marshmallow veil.


    Love. Serious hoarding happening here. :wub3: :bunnyluv: :evol: :wub2:


    ***I *hate* buttery notes with a passion. HATE.

    This review summed it up perfectly. I may have to make one more order for it...it's just that good. Light on the marshmallow but that vanilla note on the final drydown is AL's cousin. LOVE! :wub2:
