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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Posts posted by Dark Alice

  1. Cracked oak beams, sagging, moth-shredded velvet curtains, beeswax and streaks of ancient greasepaint, shadows of broken props, a memory of tobacco smoke, a discarded ballet slipper, and a broken marionette.

    This is a favorite. I smelled red leather, like the old theater, mahogany and other wood.I love it.

  2. Cracked, peeling leather, creeping sheets of corrosion, exposed wires, and congealed pools of motor oil.

    There is something completely creepy and off about this scent. A scent of metal, old oil, and wiring runs throughout with a hint of old car grease streaked through old leather. Definitely glad to try it...but since my decant exploded everywhere in my package, I now know it's definitely not for ,me.

  3. A gleaming glassy ocean
    Under a sky of grey;
    A tide that dreams of motion,
    Or moves, as the dead may;
    A bird that dips and wavers
    Over lone waters round,
    Then with a cry that quavers
    Is gone—a spectral sound.

    The brown sad sea-weed drifting
    Far from the land, and lost;
    The faint warm fog unlifting,
    The derelict long tossed,
    But now at rest—though haunted
    By the death-scenting shark,
    Whose prey no more undaunted
    Slips from it, spent and stark.


    -Cale Young Rice

    Seaspray and flecks of foam welling with opoponax and labdanum's sepulchral moans.

    This smells like grey days on a ship. No wooden floors or tar or pitch. Just the scent of warm grey sea spray and the wind in your face. It's. amazing. This will find a new home in winter and possibly summer rotation this year. :wub2:

  4. Faint red musk, patchouli and caramel. I amp caramel to the nth power and this does not disappoint. The vanilla oddly softens the sweetness of the caramel making this bareable until the Damn LILAC comes stomping on my skin. *sigh* This had such promise until the stinky lilac took over.

  5. Presently I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was the groan of mortal terror. It was not a groan of pain or of grief oh, no! it was the low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul when overcharged with awe. I knew the sound well. Many a night, just at midnight, when all the world slept, it has welled up from my own bosom, deepening, with its dreadful echo, the terrors that distracted me. I say I knew it well.

    Opaque grey amber and opoponax swelling up like thick smoke, pressed under the weight of baleful tobacco.

    The grey amber, opoponax and smoke blend really well. The tobacco gets strong for a minute and then it backs off and you are left with this mildly sweet tobacco and grey amber scent. This will age well and is extremely well blended. I love it!

  6. This is what Poison Ivy smells like. A supervillain in her own right, champion of flora and hate of man kind, she smells seductively of green things, lily, roses, carnations and other flowers. At first this scent is wet and heavy. Like walking into a flower shop. Dry: It becomes very light, and inoffensive. This is something I see wearing in the cooler months as well as the spring!

  7. This is very subtle. So far, it amber, with bare hints of clove (white clove is cleaner than black on my skin apparently) and the patch is non-existent. The saffron..yeah..she is still here mucking up the place and taking over the other notes. I think with some age and time, it will be beautiful. :D

  8. I love this. Strawberry daquiri, with hints of violent and dirt. It's pretty and disturbing all at the same time. I will wear this more in the fall due to the bug attraction factor with the strawberry note, but it is quite lovely. :D
