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Dark Alice

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Posts posted by Dark Alice

  1. Lavender and smoke with hints of vanilla. Wet this stuff packs a punch with the lavender and smoky musk. It's also ver womanly and robust. But as it dries it becomes a soft gorgeous musk/vanilla/rose cloud of goodness. I really like Ninon and I am so glad I took a chance on ordering it! :D

  2. Wet: Overly sweetened coconut with hints of pear and incense.


    Dry: The pear and coconut battle it out on my skin for ultimate domination....however the carnation just referees the fight balancing them both out a really sweet coconut scent with light pear notes. This is sad. The coconut is actually too sweet...so my decant will have to do me. I was really excited about this scent too. :(

  3. Thanks to Scrappy for a tester of this scent.


    Wet: Amber clove. Clean/but golden amber clove.


    Drydown: The softest sweetest clove ever! It is delicious...but the amber is a wee bit headache inducing. No need to track a bottle of this down thankfully.

  4. :wub2: The wonderful Marsmomma was gracious enough to send some to me to test! :wub2:


    Wet: This vanilla has got to be the same as the floral, Madagascar vanilla in Celeste. Light, floral, classy.


    Drydown: This a floral vanilla. Not foodie at all. And most definitely reminds me of the vanilla from antique lace. I can see why some others would say this reminds of this on their skin. On me it's slightly Antique Lacish...but more floral. I am so thankful to be able to try this so I can NOW eliminate from my list of things that I need to have! :joy:

  5. A friend was gracious enough to let me make a tester from her incoming bottle. :wub2:


    This a soft lightly creamy red rose scent. Pure...from wet to drydown. Not too strong, but just a dab will do ya! (I amp the hell out of rose) I see why rose lovers may go ga-ga over this. It is truly an incredible scent...that will be loved well in the home it is going to. :D

  6. Yeah...so Surreality hit it right on the head. This is milk chocolate and butterscotch. Not overwhelming...but definite butterscotch...kind of like the butterscotch you eat on icecream maybe...not the candy. I do want to eat my hand...I just don't know if I want to smell like food. :P

  7. This is truly a morpher:

    Wet: Blood orange and patchouli

    Dry: galbanum and patchouli

    Final drydown: Galbanum, patchouli, barest hint of mint and benzoin. Nothing spectacular. Going to pass on this one.

  8. This is exactly what I wanted Black Pearl to smell like. This coconut/orris root combo is working well for me. It's so clean and light...and the cherry blossom is not taking over and trying to kill me. This may be bottle worthy.

  9. This has the lemon note from Great Grey Witch...it's just much stronger mixed with sugar! LOTS OF SUGAR! It dries down to smell like lemon sugar and quickly my skin eats the lemon up! (as it does with most citrus blends) Pretty while it lasted. Glad it is going to a new home though!

  10. I was so excited to try this...and alas...it is NOT GOOD ON ME! This smells like fresh hot pepper juice. :eek: My grandmother cans peppers in the summer and this smells exactly like it when wet. Dry: It smells like fresh pepper juice and orange blossom. This has got to go! STOP THE PRESSES: ETA: This has dried down to the most gorgeous parmaviolet scent! :wub2: This stays...just in partial form. :D

    Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,
    Tears from the depth of some divine despair
    Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes,
    In looking on the happy Autumn-fields,
    And thinking of the days that are no more.

    Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail,
    That brings our friends up from the underworld,
    Sad as the last which reddens over one
    That sinks with all we love below the verge;
    So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.

    Ah, sad and strange as in dark summer dawns
    The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds
    To dying ears, when unto dying eyes
    The casement slowly grows a glimmering square;
    So sad, so strange, the days that are no more.

    Dear as remembered kisses after death,
    And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned
    On lips that are for others; deep as love,
    Deep as first love, and wild with all regret;
    O Death in Life, the days that are no more!

    (Lord Alfred Tennyson)

    A bittersweet aquatic lifted by white rose, olibanum, amber, orris root, davana, and oude.

    I can't believe I am the first to review this. :eek: This aquatic is the same note on my skin as Festival of Anukhet. Light, clear blue water with hints of orris. I like this...but not enough to purchase another bottle. Many thanks to a gorgeous Forumite for gifting this to me. I will be using this until it is all gone.

  12. This is a gorgeous evergreen/piney scent that for once has not made me sneeze. It is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to get my partial so I can give this a full test run. The vanilla really keeps the balsam grounded but the balsam is so fresh and green. It's like smelling fresh juicy green pine with the barest hints of sweetness from the vanilla and honey. This is a keeper. :wub2:

  13. Honestly...based on the label art I was expecting this to smell like a leather penis. Not that I know how one smells personally...but anyways...:ack:


    This is actually quite nice. The leather accord behaves well with the toasted sandalwood. I foresee at least 2 bottles of this b/c it is a gorgeous subtle leather scent that I can wear when it gets warmer.
