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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Posts posted by Dark Alice

  1. Good

    Light stinky floral something is in this. Plus vanilla. But whatever is turning floral on my skin is taking over the vanilla. PASS. Guess I am not meant to be good after all....;) :twisted:

    Leather, musk, blood, and steel.

    Wet: All ye leather fiends...rejoice! This is beautiful brown leather...fresh...on me its kind of like the leather from Brom Bones without the cologne note. There is the barest hint of metal in this...but it really is a clean leather with metal.

    Drydown: Leather with the clean metal and now the musk kicks in. Thankfully it doesn't really overtake the leather...it kind of compliments it..and there is the faintest tang of blood. This is gorgeous. And an immediate bottle purchase.
  3. Evil

    Smouldering opium tar, tobacco absolute, green tea, black plum, kush, ambergris accord, ambrette seed, and costus root.

    Seriously...I need to be EVIL! :twisted: Malificent from Sleeping Beauty Evil...cause this is what this smells like. The green tea and tobacco really keeps this plum grounded and the ambrette and ambergis from becoming a floral ambery nightmare. :joy: On its own...this is a winner...but I can't help but wonder what will happen when I layer it with something else.

  4. Seriously...this is good shit! :joy: Clean, flawless skin musk with the barest hints of sweetness. I love it...and it will be in my next bottle order for layering!

  5. This is clean and dirty :twisted: all at the same time. I imagine that Pam from Trueblood would smell like this. Nightblooming jasmine with the dirtiness of the patchouli and clove to indicate that she is indeed not a good girl. :twisted: :vamp: I love it..but my imp is just enough to keep me happy. :thumbsup:

  6. Highly disappointed in this b/c it would have been gorgeous had it not been for the powdery note of doom. I want to know what it is in this blend and stomp it into the ground b/c it is taking away from the gloriousness of the sandalwood, barely there caramel and bourbon vanilla. *sigh*

  7. Anyone get tea from Unveiled...cause on me...it's kind of meh. :huh?: Esp. now that I have had it for a year.


    thats so sad, because your glowing review was why I bought a bottle! Ill have to give mine a good sniff-n-test and see how its doing


    I wrote this as it is truly sad. I really loved this one. I hope that it is just shark week that is causing this blend to go bland on me. :unsure:

  8. Did I mention how fabulous this is? No...well let me tell you...


    Gorgeous Sandalwood, a bourbon vanilla that is to die for and a wee bit of Khus to keep it from being to damn sweet. I wish this scent would come in bottle form as I would slather myself in this all day. :lol:

  9. Pie crust, smears of blueberry marshmallow cream and lemon meringue, and hemlock.

    I smell like lemon meringue pie. I can smell the filling, the buttery crust, and the whipped cream which on my skin smells like it is about to spoil. :sick: . While I may want to eat lemon meringue pie..I don't wish to smell like it. PASS.

  10. When I was a kid I used to wonder if the wine in communion was really grape juice. Turns out that it was really really cheap grapey bad wine. That's exactly what this smells like on me. Cheap boozy grape bubble yum bubble gum. Time to pass this on to one who will love it more than me.

  11. First off...I hate bugs. In any form or shape...I freak when lady bugs land on me...but that's another story all together. :lol:


    But this is the nicest smelling bug I have ever had the opportunity to try. It's herbal with the barest hints of sweetness which I suspect is vanilla musk and stays true to form from wet to the drydown. Lightly herbal greenish with vanilla musk. Glad I got to try it...but thankfully it is not for me. :D
