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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Posts posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dry Leaves...dead on...dry brown dead leaves...and then the white musk comes out to play and mixes with the incense to almost choke the life out of me. This scent actually makes me nauseous on by itself! BUT: when mixed with Moxie Nouveau's Hallowmas which is overwhelmingly beeswax at times these two blends compliment each other and turn the Sonnet is to something praise worthy! The incense is softened, the dry crunchy leaves swirls around me with the barest hints of vanilla from both scents. Truly Sonnet is a work of art...but it must be shared with another scent so I can love it. :D

  2. Wet: Fruit punch apple cider


    Drying-Red hot apple cider and it burns and itches and I had to wash it off.


    Final drydown: (b/c cinnamon stays on my skin regardless) Red Hots and apple cider. :yum: Very good on the final drydown but itchy nonetheless.

  3. Am I the only person intrigued by this? Cause this is amazingly weird. :eek: Lilac musk (lilac is a death note) works on me...too bad I amp it to a million! But pomegranate keeps this grounded. So for the first 2 minutes these two scents are wrestling on my skin. Ultimately the Lilac wins and is so exhausted that it becomes a soft, close to the skin scent. Now the rose peeks out and this becomes old ladyish almost. I like it oddly. But this is definitely a once in a while scent. I think I will decant this out for others to share and keep a 1/2 bottle for myself.

  4. Never in my life have I loved a cake scent as much as I love this one. IT IS FABULOUS! :joy:


    In the bottle: Red wine with cake.


    Dry:Red Velvet cake, icing, snake oil and dorian all meshed together. I want to eat this...and I need a back up bottle in my next order. It's just that damn good!

    There are cemeteries that are lonely,
    graves full of bones that do not make a sound,
    the heart moving through a tunnel,
    in it darkness, darkness, darkness,
    like a shipwreck we die going into ourselves,
    as though we were drowning inside our hearts,
    as though we lived falling out of the skin into the soul.

    And there are corpses,
    feet made of cold and sticky clay,
    death is inside the bones,
    like a barking where there are no dogs,
    coming out from bells somewhere, from graves somewhere,
    growing in the damp air like tears of rain.

    Sometimes I see alone
    coffins under sail,
    embarking with the pale dead, with women that have dead hair,
    with bakers who are as white as angels,
    and pensive young girls married to notary publics,
    caskets sailing up the vertical river of the dead,
    the river of dark purple,
    moving upstream with sails filled out by the sound of death,
    filled by the sound of death which is silence.

    Death arrives among all that sound
    like a shoe with no foot in it, like a suit with no man in it,
    comes and knocks, using a ring with no stone in it, with no
    finger in it,
    comes and shouts with no mouth, with no tongue, with no
    Nevertheless its steps can be heard
    and its clothing makes a hushed sound, like a tree.

    I'm not sure, I understand only a little, I can hardly see,
    but it seems to me that its singing has the color of damp violets,
    of violets that are at home in the earth,
    because the face of death is green,
    and the look death gives is green,
    with the penetrating dampness of a violet leaf
    and the somber color of embittered winter.

    But death also goes through the world dressed as a broom,
    lapping the floor, looking for dead bodies,
    death is inside the broom,
    the broom is the tongue of death looking for corpses,
    it is the needle of death looking for thread.

    Death is inside the folding cots:
    it spends its life sleeping on the slow mattresses,
    in the black blankets, and suddenly breathes out:
    it blows out a mournful sound that swells the sheets,
    and the beds go sailing toward a port
    where death is waiting, dressed like an admiral.

    - Pablo Neruda

    A dark purple river swelling with tears of rain, damp violets, and specks of bone thick with green scents that speak of mortality: black dried fruits, opopponax, moss, violet leaf and petal, tobacco absolute, saltwater accord, niaouli, and brushed sage.

    Wet: Wet dirt with hints of violet and water..

    Drydown: Gorgeous, violet, water, and green. As it continues to dry there is the barest hint of fruit in this. And now the tobacco is starting to peek it's head out. This is a clean, violet slightly aquatic scent with some fruit and tobacco. Oddly...this is wonderful...I hope that it will age beautifully.

    "I am come-I am come! once again from the tomb,
    In return for the ring which you gave;
    That I am thine, and that thou art mine,
    This nuptial pledge receive."

    He lay like a corse 'neath the Demon's force,
    And she wrapp'd him in a shround;
    And she fixed her teeth his heart beneath,
    And she drank of the warm life-blood!

    And ever and anon murmur'd the lips of stone,
    "Soft and warm is this couch of thine,
    Thou'lt to-morrow be laid on a colder bed-
    Albert! that bed will be mine!"

    - Henry Thomas Liddell

    Icy skin touched by a perfume of violet leaf, white tea, olibanum, elemi, myrrh, wormwood, crypt dust, and saffron with a dribble of blood red musk.

    The first to review this... :eek:

    Wet: Red musk and the it disappears and White tea from the Unsteady Governess with the barest touches of violet begins to appear.

    Drydown: White tea, violet, with a dribble of red musk! Mircalla and the unsteady governess had a love child. A beautiful soft, close to the skin sexy as hell love child. The myrrh keeps it grounded and the wormwood is almost non-existent. This stuff is amazing...I see a back up in my future. :joy:

  7. :wub2: The Fabulous Cfrancesca :wub2: shared some of this with me and others and I can't thank her enough for that cause...now I know that I don't need anymore. Seriously. I don't. :joy:


    Wet: Gorgeous wet pomegranate, patchouli, and barely there ginger.


    Drydown: Lilac Fourege with the barest hints of pomagranate and it turns into generic men's perfume on me.


    This would be amazing on the soon to be husband but alas it is rare and I don't feel like trying to sell my first born just for him to try it.


    But thank you once again cfrancesca for letting me get a chance to try it!

  8. From wet to drydown: Overwhelmingly sweet nauseating tuberose and pikaki. This just provides the surety that pikake as a flower is a death note b/c my skin amps it and it overwhelms everything.

  9. Wet: Leather Accord and something else that is light and clean. Refreshing in fact. Then the drydown is OMG headache inducing orange blossom mixed with an elegant light and clean men's cologne. :sick: I am so glad this going to a new home in a swap.

  10. Alas...this may not be meant to be. This starts off with a light cocoa and leather scent. (The leather from Western Diamondback so it works for me) however as it dries...the tobacco takes hold and strangles the other notes. I am hoping some aging will lessen the tobacco and increase the bourbon vanilla and leather as this scent has alot of potential.

  11. Wet: Chocolate Orange woods.


    Dry: Orange wood. The ash is the most dominant note. It blends well with the citrus...and now comes the sage and citrus with hints of wood. There is also something in here that is nutty. :eek: This is a definite no go. *sigh*

  12. HYGEIA
    Hygeia, Gustav Klimt.
    Red musk and red amber, sweet incense, Mysore sandalwood, tobacco absolute, golden musk, orris root, frankincense, and helichrysum.

    This is the softest and nicest red musk scent I have had the pleasure of owning.

    Wet: Red Musk, with the barest hints of orris root.

    Dry: Soft red amber, hints of red musk, and on me something clean and golden. Dry this scent evokes something yellow in my mind...I guess it's the golden musk. This is truly a lovely scent and I am so glad that I accidentally ordered two. My mistake is truly my gain.

  13. Evil Dr. Pepper with resins. This is so light on me...which is a shocker. :eek: Since the 2006 bottle is so much stronger. This would be sooooo much better aged. I have a feeling that if I track down a bottle and age it it will become as glorious as Schwarzermond 2006.
