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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Posts posted by Dark Alice

  1. I remember one winter evening looking at the sky and watching the clouds slowly drift in and saying Oh Shit! We are going to get hit with a blizzard. And that's exactly what happened. :lol: This scent evokes that memory from me. It smells like a pre-snowy night, the biting chill in the air, the cold snap of the wind, and the scent of moisture. Cold damn moisture. This is one of the few scents that is truly aptly named. It smells like the Winter Heavens...before it dumps a butt load of snow on us. :lol:

  2. Seriously...this is just lovely.


    Matcha Tea, gorgeous patchouli, and smoky black leather. In my bottle the leather is a little bit stronger but not by much. These notes just blend so beautifully together..the problem is that I think I may need to re-home this due to a possible headache inducement. I can't tell if it is the scent or something else causing it. I am going to have to wait and see after a few days. :(

  3. Hot damn there is grapefruit and yuzu in here! (wet this is all I smell)


    Dry:Vanilla cream, yuzu, and something slightly mentholated. No more grapefruit. Just creamy, a little plastic with yuzu and menthol. I think I am going to keep this sucker for those days when I don't feel well and can hardly smell anything. The menthol will help me alot. :eek:

  4. These thoughts supported my spirits, while I pursued my undertaking with unremitting ardour. My cheek had grown pale with study, and my person had become emaciated with confinement. Sometimes, on the very brink of certainty, I failed; yet still I clung to the hope which the next day or the next hour might realise. One secret which I alone possessed was the hope to which I had dedicated myself; and the moon gazed on my midnight labours, while, with unrelaxed and breathless eagerness, I pursued nature to her hiding-places. Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil, as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave, or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay? My limbs now tremble and my eyes swim with the remembrance; but then a resistless, and almost frantic, impulse urged me forward; I seemed to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit. It was indeed but a passing trance that only made me feel with renewed acuteness so soon as, the unnatural stimulus ceasing to operate, I had returned to my old habits.

    The moon gazed on my midnight labours: Moroccan musk, black opium poppy, clove, and orris root.

    First to review this. :eek: So here goes nothing!

    Wet: Soft but strong musk, which smells almost clean to me. (I guess that's what Morrocan musk smells like) with dry hints of orris.
    Dry: Musk, barely there clove (which I hope will get stronger with age) and orris root. This scent evokes a dark image for me. It is a scent for those who do bad things in the night, even if they think they are doing those things for the right reason. It's rare for a scent to evoke such an image from me. But this one does. It's purely clean, soft, and there is no poppy here and barely any clove. I see this being a frequently reached for bottle b/c I love the concept and the scent. However, I can see why it was hard on Beth to create scents attributed to the Frankenstein story. :eek:

  5. I don't know what this is but there is no chocolate in this. There is the scent of fresh green hay with hints of incense. Ashy incense. But no cacao at all...at least while wet. Dry there is the barest hints of chocolate, something lemony, with hay. This is definitely not me. But I am glad I got a chance to try it.

  6. I had a similar experience to Ms stellans...


    At first, this was all lovely lime, with the bergamot adding an extra layer of juicy citrus and just a slight peppery touch. The dragon's blood was there, but quite subtle - just kinda wafting around in between the lovely citrus vibe. I wouldn't have picked there being any floral element here, but since I know helichrysum is present then I can sense a sort of sunny gold-ness about it.. but it's not a strong feature of the fragrance.


    But then.. BAM! In strolls cedarwood, and that's when the trouble starts. This is how it goes:


    Lime - weeeeee! I'm heeeeeeeeere! Smell me! I'm fresh and lovelyyyyyyyyyy!

    Cedarwood - Lime? Pffft.. get outta my way! There's no room here for lime, and you can take that stupid girly bergamot with you too. Don't let the door hit yer ass on the way out.

    Lime - *leaves quietly, holding bergamot's hand*

    Cedarwood - OK, and now - that dragon's blood resin.. let's just push that aside, shall we? *shove*

    DBR - But.. I wasn't causing trouble, I was nice and subtle, why don't you like me?

    Cedarwood - Because I am CEDAR, and I will not stand for any other notes to be present in my company! Now LEAVE!

    DBR - *puts tail between legs and skulks away*

    Cedarwood - MWWWWWWWWAAAAAHAHAHA! I win! I'm the only one left!


    So yeah, it's all over for The Zoom - cedar wins the day. The cedar itself is quite pleasant, it's not totally pencil-shavings or mouse cage, but it's.. cedar. And after all that fuss, the whole fragrance (including the cedar) only lasts for about half an hour on my skin before it fades almost completely away. So unfortunately, this one is not a winner for me :( If the cedar hadn't bullied everything else away, then I would have really liked this because that early stage with the citrus + DBR was gorgeous.




    This...is the same conversation that my skin has had with this scent. My skin eats citrus scents so I should not be surprised at all by this. But still...I had to try it as I do enjoy the lime but the cedarwood....yeah....it's dominating and turning everything else into cedarwood with a fresh coat of furniture polish. This is nauseating. It must. come. off!

  7. Cooling pretty gardenia with the barest hints of tea rose. There is something in this that evokes a beautiful cool breeze. It is a classic floral and it is gorgeous...but thankfully it is not something I Need more of.


    ETA: and this dries to tea rose soap. :sick: So glad I don't need anymore of this. :sick:

  8. I write this in all seriousness but while wet this smells just like the kitty litterbox when the overlord had freshly used it. Urnine and deodorizing crystals. :sick:


    Dry: this doesn't improve as this is the kind of jasmine that turns to cat pee on me. *sigh* Off to the swap with this one.

  9. This starts out as a gorgeous spicy pumpkin scent. I am in love. And then the Blonde Wood takes over and that's all I seem to amp. This is so sad as while wet this is just gorgeous. I wonder though if I find a partial if I can just age it and see if the pumpkin comes through. :think:

  10. I think this is the Patchouli used in Luperci...but I could be wrong. :lol: Holy it slaps me around! I think this one needs to sit in the corner for a bit and think about what it's done... :) This should be fabulous after some ageing.


    ETA: I'm seeing mention of people getting Cedar from this...and good grief I wish I did!


    This just sums it up my experience perfectly. This patchouli is down and freaking dirty and just bitch slaps you. :trout: The chocolate is in there but barely and so is the bourbon vanilla but again the bitch slapping patchouli! :lol: Gotta love it! I think aging will help mellow this out and become gorgeous! :D

  11. This is the appley version of my beloved under the harvest moon! Blue Musk, heady ylang, ylang, and sweet vanilla bean. And like Under the harvest moon I will have to age this for at least sixth months so that I can wear it b/c blue musk fresh is a major headache inducer. Sigh. But I can't wait to pull this out again in six months to see how wonderful it will turn out to be.
