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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Antique Lace

    I can't believe it has taken me so long to review my "signature" scent! Vanilla and aged flowers! Delicate, Breathtaking, slightly sweet with just a little bit of powder. My all time favorite from the lab!And I still get a lot of compliments on it! I love it and will always love it! This will be my scent to always hoard! Dark Alice
  2. Dark Alice

    Hand of Glory

    I bought this decant for the illustration and on a dare of sorts to force myself to learn more about my beloved bpal!!!!!!! This was a very interesting scent. Wet from decant: Beeswax! Wet on skin: Beeswax pepper soap! Drydown on skin: Beeswax pepper soap perfume! I think an older relative of mine had a scent like this while she was alive. I wasn't a fan then and I am not now, but at least I tried!!!!
  3. Dark Alice

    Shrunken Heads

    No leather, no rainforest herbs, nothing but green pepper! And this is the first time I have had to review a perfume and wash it off. There is something in this that burns the back of my throat! I had high hopes for the wunderkammer, it seems that my hopes will have to be dashed for this act!
  4. Dark Alice

    Sir Hugh Ockram's Winding Sheet

    Today is a two for two failure for the perfumes that I thought I would love!!!! Sandalwood and dust! That's what I get from Sir Hugh Ockram and then it blends into a dusty soap on my skin!!! Grrr! I so wanted this one to work!
  5. Dark Alice

    The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus

    I was so excited to get this decant because of the notes, blood orange, amber, yummy ! OR so I thought. My stupid skin chemistry amps the gorgeous amber but then the ambergis takes over ! I imagine that this ambergis is a milder version of what they used collect in the old days to make perfume! Stupid Skin Chemistry!
  6. Dark Alice


    I just received my bottle! At first I was scared by the description of the spices. But...OMG this is the spicy scent that I have been looking for!!! Cinnamon Chai Tea!! The lab has done it again! I will be buying at least one more bottle of this before the Carnivale leaves town!!!
  7. Dark Alice


    The intoxicating perfume of exotic incenses wafting on warm desert breezes. Arabian spices wind through a blend of warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood and cassia. On this reminds of one of my teacher's from middle school and the way she used to smell every morning just before class started. Older vanilla, with cinnamon! I smell cinnamon and vanilla with something else I really can't identify. I am glad I ordered a bottle of this, I can't wait to see how it ages ! ADDED Sept. 2: I hope I am not duplicating my review of this scent, so here goes: Initially when I bought this, I smelled faint hints of vanilla and lots of Morrocan Spices...... needless to say I was scared!!! Then I convinced my self to give this some time to age and see what happens and Oh My GOODNESS....i am so glad that I did!!!! Spicy, creamy vanilla! That's all I get....and its Wonderful!!! A new love and favorite for sure!!!!
  8. Dark Alice


    Thanks to another BPALer I was able to obtain this one in a swap!!! I was really looking forward to this one, red musk, cherry, and star anise! These notes really like my skin and I really like them! However, not together! Wet in Imp: Black licorice which is my all time least favorite candy! Wet on Skin: Cherry licorice ! Dry on Skin: The red musk is finally coming out to play but, it still smells like red musk is being whipped by licorice! I wanted this one to work, oh well...off to the swap bin! One quick note: AEris was right, on the complete drydown this does smell like red musk single note. But then it morphs back into cherry licorice! I am going to wash this off and it's still off to the swap bin for you!!
  9. Dark Alice

    Eat Me

    Finally, I get to review my one and only favorite Alice in Wonderland Scent! I have two bottles (1 aged for 2 years and the other 4 months) Wet in bottle: Vanilla cake love! Makes me want to bake a vanilla cake! Wet on Skin: Currant ! Blessedly my skin amps black currant and it smells divine with the vanilla cake. Like Black Currant Jam smeared over a warm vanilla cake cloud! (I am so sorry but this is the one foody scent that makes me hungry for cake!) Dry Down: Vanilla Cake and Currant Love. Long throw. Aged, it has only gotten better! The vanilla has gotten richer and sweeter! My only point of concern is that when people ask me what I am wearing, I say "eat me" it makes me blush a little!
  10. Dark Alice

    Black Lace

    In the Bottle: At First I thought: Darker version of Antique Lace with Cotton notes ! But wet on the skin, the cognac and tobacco completely take over! They dance seductively with the vanilla and morph into what I would imagine Theresa Berkley would wear with her gentleman callers. (Cigars, cognac, with a touch of sweetness!) Dry on the skin: My original thought was right, A darker version of Antique Lace, but sexier and definitely worth the bottle!!!!!
  11. Dark Alice

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    When I first bought this bottle, I could only smell patchouli and red musk. However, I let this bottle age for six months, and now OMG....Vanilla Bean, red musk, with very little patchouli and my new favorite note wild plum!!! Honestly, the sweetness of the vanilla bean and red musk is what I had hoped for in Snake Oil. I am now wearing it to bed and in love with myself. I am so sad that this will be leaving us soon. However, all is not lost. I have a back up bottle of this and will have at least a few more before the Carnivale rolls out of town!
  12. Dark Alice

    Refreshing *and* relaxing?

    Antique Lace or Torture Queen to help me relax at nite. I find that once they both dry down, I feel like I am sleeping on a cloud of lightly scented vanilla, clean flowers
  13. Dark Alice

    Black Moon

    I smelled this at my greylen's house when I first started this obsession 2 years ago. I loved it then and snagged a bottle. I love it even more now that its aged! It's hard to believe it has taken me this long to review this bottle! In the bottle: this perfume evokes an image of a hot summer night from home. Damp with humidity, mixed with the smells of fresh cut grass, warm bodies, firework smoke or bbq smoke and the sweetness of foods long past consumed. It's literally a summer night in a bottle from home and two years later, it is still a warm summer night with in a bottle. Black Moon will always be one of my favorites!
  14. Dark Alice

    Juke Joint

    Since I am from the South and I love hearing stories about Juke Joints from my father, I had to review this. Wet: Alcohol and mint (Bourbon) Wet on skin: Bourbon and mint. I smell like I have been drinking all nite! Dry on Skin: Minty. Pretty mint and a little boozy. Overall: A keeper for novelty, but overall, not me.
  15. Dark Alice


    This is one of my all time favorite LE's and it only took me 4 months to review it! At first it starts out with honey and amber wet on the skin and then as it dries down.....I am carried away to a scene out of Arabian Nights. I imagine that the storyteller is spinning her tales surrounded by torches under a starry sky with arabian musk gently wafting in the breeze while noshing on black currants dribbled in white honey!!! Every note from this particular scent falls into place like words on the page of your favorite book! This is the first perfume from the lab that has completely enraptured me! I am so glad that I bought a back up bottle!
  16. Dark Alice

    Thirteen (13): June 2008

    I am so happy that I bought this 13!!! Wet in the bottle: Dusty or Dry Cocoa like you just opened up a fresh can of cocoa mix and some of it gets in your nose. Wet on Skin: Chocolate and apples. Baked Apples like the kind you eat at Thanksgiving dinner. Drydown: Once again my skin eats the chocolate and leaves behind a lovely allspice and apple scent. 1 and 1/2 hours later: Sweet allspice, a hint of cocoa, and apples!!! Definitely a keeper. I just want to wait until the cooler months of fall to wear it!
  17. Dark Alice

    Hollywood Babylon

    I tried this after looking at the BPAL Website at my last will call and I fell in Love!!!!!!!!!! This bottle is in encapsulated in the description itself: Cherry and Strawberry represent innocence and youth of one beginning a bright new career and the vanilla, musk, and amber come and steal it away from me reminding me grown hollywood starlet that has been long forgotten by the hollywood that once loved and adored her! This is my grown up perfume for days when I hate being an adult and wish I could be a kid again!!!
  18. Dark Alice

    The Torture Queen

    Normally I don't like gardenia, since my skin seems to amp it so well, but this scent is the exception to the rule!!!! I smell gardenia, barely in the background, with the chrome shining through so well on my skin. This is the clean scent that I have been looking for! Like shining up a the chrome on a brand new Harley ! Will have to have more bottles of this before the CD leaves town!
  19. Dark Alice


    I have had this for awhile and I finally figured out how to post a review! At first sniff, it is wonderful caramel and appleblossom. Wet: The caramel and appleblossom do this wonderful dance, sort of like the tango with caramel twirling appleblossom on the dance floor in a slowly and seductively to the beat of the music!!!! Dry Down: My lovely tango has turned sour. The cream and the amber step on my appleblossom toes and go sour on me! Had to wash it off and I still smell some on my wrists! Off to the sale bin with this one.
  20. Wow...this is my first review??? I hope this is going in the right place. What can I say about this wonderful perfume?? In Bottle: Vanilla, teak, and oak Wet: Vanilla Life created in a wooden oak box! Dry Down: Black Vanilla and Teak. The latter note I was always afraid of until now! Similar teak to what I found in GV but w/out the cream note! I only need reapply twice today! Yea!