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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice


    Thanks to a wonderful swapper, I am at last allowed to sniff this oil too!!! wet in imp: brown sugar mixed with warm butter. wet on Skin: Brown sugar mixed with warm butter, and a splash of vanilla Drydown on skin: Brown Sugar Cookies! I can see why everyone likes this one so much. A little sweet, but delicious nonetheless. I love it!
  2. Dark Alice

    Blue Moon 2004

    Thanks to a wonderful swapper, I am finally able to review this perfume : Wet in Sniffie: Clean Herbal Scent wet on skin: cucumber, herbs, and an underlying medicinal smell. Drydown: I smell like fresh cucumber. Not a particular favorite of mine but I now see why others would like this scent. It's very soothing.
  3. Dark Alice

    Cheshire Moon

    I smell lemon blossom. Then lemon cake. Then lemon blossom again. It's all I get. Stupid Skin chemistry! This one is off to the swap bin for good measure.
  4. Dark Alice


    why is it that I never get the notes on my skin that are posted in the oil???? I smell slight funnel cake I get no sugar tart apples, nor any of the other notes listed. Oops! My mistake, there is the sugar. Just sugared funnel cake I love it and I am glad I only have an imp of this cuz if didn't I would eat my arm.
  5. Dark Alice

    Monster Bait: Closet

    I smell bourbon. And lots of it. I also smell buttercream and the funky red dye of the red velvet cake!!!! Oh so strange. Glad I got this in imp form. I love to eat red velvet cake but Lord knows I don't want to smell like it.
  6. Dark Alice

    Snow Moon

    In December, the skeletal, ice-rimmed fingers of winter take hold, and the nights are long, chill and dark. The first flurries of snow touch the land, and the earth itself becomes quiet. A scent of purity and silence, soft with falling snow, as dark as Midwinter: an icy flurry over the winter blooms of narcissus, pansy crocus, dahlia, tulip, chrysanthemum and white rose, with a hint of fir and birch. In the imp: Pine Wet on the skin: Vick's Vapor Rub!!!! Darn these winter scents. I have been looking for one and so far I haven't found it. Dry on skin: Pine sol and Vick's vapor rub!!!! Off to the sales bin with this one!!!!
  7. Dark Alice

    Gypsy Queen

    I finally got the chance to smell this and I must say....I am truly impressed. Despite all of the listed ingreidients in this, my skin has the tendency to amp rose the most. In this imp the rose is not overpowering. It's just soft, subtle rose. There is also something green in this. Subtle, like rose stem??? It's like I am walking in a rose garden and the wind gently pass through the flowers creating a gentle waft of rose on the breeze. Although, I am not a fan of this, I finally understand what all of the hullabaloo is all about.
  8. Dark Alice


    I bought this imp a year ago and it is a true shame that I have not reviewed it till now. In imp: Peppermint oil, the pure kind that my grandmother uses to keep the mice away. A scent that I grew up with, loved, and will always cherish. Wet on skin: OMG clears my sinuses. I used this while I had a cold last year....best stuff ever! Cleared my sinuses, eased some of my suffering and helped me breathe!! Drydown: Light peppermint candy scent. I love it.
  9. Dark Alice

    Stormclouds Over The Midway

    I was excited about this particular scent, as I am now on the prowl for a light, ozone scent. However, it seems that I am going to have keep on looking.... Wet in the imp: Incensy ozone (love the incense note) Wet on skin: Ozone Drydown: Ozoneriffic!!! Any incense that may have been on my skin, was eaten up! Gobble, gobble, gobble! Ozone remains alas, off to the swaps/sales bin!
  10. Dark Alice

    The Spell of Amorous Love

    Extremely pretty! I received this frimp from a wonderful seller! Wet in Imp: Green tea and currant. Dry on skin: Green tea, currant, and florals. Complete drydown: refreshing green, currant tea. I absolutely adore this scent and I am glad that I have the imp! Finally bought a bottle! I am in love.
  11. Dark Alice

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    How does one pronounce some of the Japanese Scents? Kitsune-tsuki? Tananomae? Help please.
  12. Dark Alice


    When I got my package yesterday, the first thing I noticed and asked myself was, what smells so good? It turned out to be the imp I have most wanted to try, Dionysia!!! Wet in imp: Berries and incense Wet on Skin: Fake berries and incense candle/potpourri from the yankee candle fall collection. Dry on Skin: Whew....that yankee candle scent has passed. Now it's lovely frankicense with a light berry lilt to it. The two notes are gently dancing together in a gorgeous swirl on my skin. Must own bottle before CD leaves!
  13. Dark Alice


    I gave this a full slathering last night feeling skeptical about its powers in helping me fall asleep and stay asleep. I must say that TKO lives up to its name! In the imp: lavendar and vanilla marshmallows. Wet on Skin: Soft, lulling lavendar that helped me go fast to sleep! Drydown (the next morning) I felt like I was waking up on a bed of lavendar and vanilla marshmallows!!!! My imp will definitely get some more use and I may have to procure a bottle before school begins!!!
  14. Dark Alice

    Brown Jenkin

    In the imp I get a nice incense scent and something else, dry. Possibly the coconut husk? Wet on the skin: I get the same smell: light incense with dry husk. Drydown: I get Brown Crayola Crayon. The only way I can make the comparison is because I have crayons for the kids I work with and that's exactly which crayon is smells like-the brown one. Off to the swaps for this one.
  15. Dark Alice

    Santo Domingo

    I don't know what carribean blossoms are in this blend but rose is the only thing I picked up from this scent. I also get no salt or bay rum, unless its the spice that I smell with the rose??? Wet on skin: Subtle flowers, with a little something spicy. Dry on skin: FULL FRONTAL ROSE BLOOMS!!! But not the sickeningly sweet of tea rose, like a fresh crisp rose that has just bloomed. (or I should say several thousand roses blooming at once) Complete Drydown: Subtle soft pink rose. Then it fades to that same light spice from the beginning with a little bit of rose. Overall: Although I hate rose as a note, this was quite different. I am actually willing to keep this one and finally say that I have a rose scent that I can wear!
  16. Dark Alice

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    Pure Darkness: Like aged Black Moon. Only Darker. My next question is what would catwoman or the joker smell like? I meant to write that I agree completely with this observation. Mechanism is classy and intriguing!
  17. Dark Alice


    I was so excited to try this one. However, I am starting to truly believe that amber is my enemy and aparrently so is laundanum. In the bottle is smells like beautiful egyptian musk. However from wet to dry down I get this weird rubber, cleaner smell. Maybe its the laudanum. And I don't get any honey! How odd. Oh well que sera sera! Off to swaps!
  18. Dark Alice


    Odd, the only thing that comes out in this is sugared rum and lotion. I love the rum, I just can't stand the lotion smell. I should know better than to continue to try coconut scents. I smell like rum flavored tropic suntan lotion. Very weird scent! So off to swaps for you too!
  19. Dark Alice


    I smell like a candy necklace. From the moment I open the imp to the time I put it on I smell like a candy necklace. As much as I like to eat one, I don't want to smell like one. Off to the swaps for you!
  20. Dark Alice


    Hi! My name is Amber and Black Musk and I will haunting you today! In Bottle: Black Musk. Amber runs away to hide. Wet on Skin: Amber creeps from out of the corner and pokes its head around to say hi! Dry on skin: Oh...Black Musk will you have a love child with me amber? Sure they both say. They ride off into the sunset and later..... Overall: They return with their love child Amber Lemon pledge! Curtain closes and the imp is pulled off the stage by a long hook into the swap box.
  21. Dark Alice

    Red Lantern

    I don't know if I ever reviewed this one. But if so I am so sorry moderators. Either way here goes: In bottle: Caramel and spice (of some kind) Wet on Skin: Caramel and wild plum. Dry on skin: Wild plum and asian spice. I don't know where I get the plum, but its there and its NOM!!! Overall, this scent is pure magic. This scent evokes the image of an elder, wiser geisha teaching a new arrival the ways and arts of her craft.
  22. Dark Alice


    This is Madame Moriarty's Sexy Younger, Wilder sister!!!! In the bottle: Red musk and Black currant (two of my all time favorite notes) Wet on Skin: Lotus Root (for some reason my skin loves to amp this) Red musk and Black Currant Dry on Skin: Slinky subtle red musk and something else, feminine, wily, seductive. Overall: Marianne is all sweet in the beginning but devilishly sexy in the end. The artwork is gorgeous and more than appropriate for this bottle. I can't wait to see how she does as it ages! MUST Have more Bottles before the Carnivale hits the road and leaves town!!!! ADDED 7/3/09: I let this age after last year. I am so glad I did. The orchid has died down and now I have beautiful subtle, sexy, red musk and mimosa with a hint of bergamot. I love it, doesn't matter that she was discontinued...one bottle will be enough...but I do really love this scent!
  23. Dark Alice


    I order a bottle of this unsniffed because I love boozy scents and I love tobacco! (Juke Joint is one of my favorites) However, I was unpleasantly surprised by Roadhouse. In Bottle: Fresh Dandelions (I loved that smell as a kid) Wet on Skin: Stale Beer with crushed dandelion. Dry on Skin: Crushed Dandelion soaked in 3 day old stale Miller Lite. Oh I had such I hopes for this one. Oh well...off to the sales bin!
  24. Dark Alice


    I found this imp at work! (Of all places) and decided to review it. In the imp: Gingersnaps (not a fan) Wet on the skin: Evil gingersnaps! Drydown: Smoky, gingery evil gingersnaps from the devils bakery! Overall, if you like gingersnap cookies from hell, you will love this scent!
  25. Dark Alice

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    Malediction is one of strangest scents I have ever tried. I just don't know how to describe it. Also, Kabuki, with red musk, cherry, and something else....dark starts out as cherry cough syrup on me and then dries down to the perfect red musk single note. Weird!