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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Gooey Pillowcase Atmospheric Spray

    This smells like baking fudge, cookies, and pies all in the fall. It so wonderful and has strong throw and lasting power. I one phrase I love you!!
  2. Dark Alice

    Down the Rabbit Hole Atmosphere Spray

    At first this smelled wonderful.....Orange marmalade with dirt and sticks. Then it went down hill from there.....The marmalade turned to sour oranges and got this weird alcoholic perfume smell. The dirt note stayed which was great, but the orange went all yucky. I am really glad I tried to use this as a car scent first. I hope someone will love this more than I can!
  3. Dark Alice

    Mr. Nancy

    I received a residious amount of this in an awesome swap with Mango! In bottle: Sweet, evil gingersnaps Drydown on skin: Sweet evil gingersnaps and pancake syrup! WHAAAA? This one of the most unique scents I have ever had the pleasure to try. It may be imp worthy after all. But only in small doses. This has a lot of throw and lasts awhile.
  4. Dark Alice

    Lady Lilith

    This actually smells cool to me. I think its the vanilla creme and vanilla flower. The tea and the musks (red and white ) blend gorgeously. This is delicious. 2 bottles....maybe? Keeping this bottle....Definitely!!!
  5. Dark Alice

    Lilith Victoria

    The perfect blend of Dorian Tea and Snake oil. The fennel makes it smell green and light. I love this and I am so glad that I bought this bottle.
  6. Dark Alice

    Temple Viper

    The champaca really helps calm down the snake oil and frankincense is just yummy!!! I think I will need yet another bottle of this from the Carnivale before it leaves town!!!
  7. Dark Alice

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Black Opal?
  8. Dark Alice

    To Autumn

    I love this scent. The nutmeat....(that just sounds dirty) has a chocolate note on my skin and the cider or apples are so light and delicious. This could be the fall scent I have been looking. I am so glad I bought this.
  9. Dark Alice

    Wiley's Swamp

    A swampy f5. Not a fan, but it is really bright for a scent that is supposed to be in a swamp
  10. Dark Alice

    Brom Bones

    Am I the only one that smells the cleanest, most refreshing musk ever? Or does anyone also smell water. Fresh Cool water. That's exactly what I get. Maybe it's the leather?? On me it smells like musk and fresh water over something warm. I have never smelled fresh leather, so I don't truly know. But I know this much...I will love this bottle till it's gone....
  11. Dark Alice

    The Ecstasy of Passion

    Gorgeous Bourbon vanilla that behaves itself I love the red musk too. I just don't know if I should keep this bottle or if I should just decant an imp and pass on the love, cuz I don't think I will wear this one too much......
  12. Dark Alice

    Fearful Pleasure

    Dried orange peels floating in simmering cider, roasted apples, smoldering firewood, chimney smoke, sassafras beer, warm hawthorn wood, and oakmoss. Perfect. Mulled. Apple. Cider. Where has it been all my life? Right here, in this bottle, at this moment. I am in love ! Nuff Said!!!!
  13. Dark Alice

    Looking for scents that smell like chai

    Antique lace with a drop of Clemence. This worked wonders for me.
  14. Dark Alice

    The Lurid Library

    This is one of my all time favorite BPALS. Skin musk and incense....absolutely gorgeous!!!! The incense is not overpowering at all and it sticks to my skin like glue the musk....there are just no words to describe how this smells on me .I keep sniffing myself because I love it that much. I am so glad I have more than a bottle of this!!
  15. Dark Alice

    Black Pearl

    Why do the some of the lab's imps turn to crayon on me? This is the second GC (Brown Jenkins being the first) that turns to crayon on me. It has coconut and musk and other elements and yet I get a slightly cherry flavored crayon. Weird.
  16. Dark Alice

    Sugar Moon 2008

    Sugary sweet with a touch of cherry cough syrup. This moon does not like me at all.
  17. Dark Alice

    Hay Moon

    I loved Needle in a Haystack from the Halloweenies, but this hay... is less sweet and more stale. It smells like an old, wet bale of hay on me . Which is sad because on others it must smell heavenly ADDED 11/23/09: So I found myself with some of this from a recent swap. Wet in the bottle....Fresh and powdery. Drydown: I don't know how Beth does this but she put fresh green Hay in a freakin bottle. It's wonderful...I just don't know when I will wear it.
  18. Dark Alice

    Huesos De Santo

    Wet in the imp: Orange cakey goodness Wet on skin: Orange cake with custard Now the anise comes out at first its a bit strong, but then it settles down. Final Drydown: Orange cake with anise on top. I don't think I need a bottle, due to the anise. My fear is that it would age and take over the rest of the gorgeous notes!!! ADDED Sept. 25: I wanted to love this.The star anise hates me....I smell like a freshly opened bag of black licorice. I hate Huesos. It hates me. In the bottle, orange cakey creamy custardy love. Dry down on the skin.....Fresh bag of black licorice. I hate licorice. I just can't win with cakey scents!!!!!
  19. Dark Alice

    Purple Phoenix

    This smells like alexander the grape candy from wet to drydown.
  20. Dark Alice

    Tiki King

    I get no coconut or powder. All I get is lemon flavored popcorn. Not a fan.
  21. Dark Alice

    Hellhound on My Trail

    This is bourbon vanilla warmed by bay rum! Yum Yum, hubba hubba and Yowza! This makes me want to go put on my come get me outfit and pounce the fiance when he gets home! Definitely sex in a bottle!!!!
  22. Dark Alice


    Wet in bottle: In the previous review I can now understand why marared smelled carrot cake. The combination of the molasses, oat, may be musk and apples with a hint of carrot elude to the scent of carrot cake! Drydown on skin: Sweet Hay and Oats with a hint of molasses. Every horse's culinary dream come true??? Final Drydown: Yep, this is a Horse's dream come true! Oats, sweet hay, with a hint of molasses. Funny, I don't get any carrot in this and the apples and musk go away quickly. This is definitely a unique blend! I don't think I will need another bottle though! BTW: The artwork is adorably creepy for this time of year and for my favorite Halloween story!
  23. Dark Alice


    Ordered this unsniffed because of the Copal and Agave Nectar notes! In Bottle: Slight sweetness of copal and a hint of something dry Wet on Skin: Slight Sweetness of copal Drydown on Skin: Oh my goodness!! This is absolutely lovely! The agave nectar is now coming out, but is not too strong. The copal keeps it in check. I don't smell any rose!!! Yay!!! And then there is just the slightest hint of drying tobacco (cigar, I do believe) This is absolutely one of the most unusual and gorgeous scents i have tried in a while!!!! After letting this age for two weeks in the dark the agave has died down and the copal comes shining through. (more like martial arts kicking) Once it dries down it becomes the cleanest rose that I have ever smelled. I love it!!! (This is the rose scent for me!!!!!):D The lab wins again!!!
  24. Dark Alice

    House of Mirrors

    Wet in Imp: Very Glasssy.....with something green in it. And then nothing.....Amber and I have a love hate relationship. Sometimes it loves me, sometimes it hates me, and other times it just abandons me. Drydown: the amber barely appears on me. I get tiny whiffs of it as I huff my arm. It's so pretty and light, but fleeting...... ADDED March 9: Update review! I wore this today...and I could actually imagine myself swallowing a mirror. (probably because I put way too much of this on!) The amber in this is gorgeous...very womanly infact. I can see a woman looking at herself in a multitude of mirrors...I am in love with this and I am so glad that I have a bottle!
  25. Dark Alice

    Men Ringing Bell with Penises

    Rice wine and I don't get along. As a matter of fact, it tries to kill my nose everytime I get near it!!! This time is no exception. Funky sour rice wine note check. Naueseating on skin double check. Washing smell off to high heaven triple check!!!