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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice


    At first this goes on sickeningly sweet.... and I love the Lab's vanilla note....As it dries, it becomes more sophisticated, lighter in fact. I think the amber is truly coming out in this scent. Drydown....its is absolutely lovely lightly sweet, with a hint of womanly perfume.....I now have to own a bottle of this.....
  2. Dark Alice


    Not sickeningly sweet. I love the patchouli and strangely it loves me. I can't stand the apricot though. I never liked apricot in smell or in taste so this one is not for me. But this scent really does evoke the phrase "Depraved Indifference"
  3. Dark Alice


    Wet: This really does smell like I am getting ready to cast a spell, something green, and a little smoky...mysterious even. Dry: This smells like well....the mouthwash from my dentist office. It's a pleasant minty, medicinal smell....I just don't think I want to smell like I came from the dentist!!! ADDED 5/10/09: This reminds me of a minty Crest toothpaste that has crossed to the dark side. Evil Crest....it probably helps the cavities win.
  4. Dark Alice


    This scent does not evoke it's name at all. It's light, green, and it reminds me of Tide. I love this. But it is definitely imp worthy.
  5. Dark Alice


    Snake Oil with a a hint of caramel, maple syrup, and the spices of snake oil. It's okay, I am glad that I can swap it out so that others may get to try it!!!
  6. Dark Alice


    This smells like Snake Oil mixed with milk and chocolate rice Krispies. (wet) As it dries, the rice milk comes out more and starts to sour alittle but not too much. I like my imp, but I don't think I will missing too much if I don't get the bottle.
  7. Dark Alice

    King Cobra (2006)

    I love frankincense and I love copal. But together with snake oil, I get an overly fragant incensy bathroom soap!!! Really sweet light incensy bath soap!!Yeesh! I am going to keep this and see if aging this fresh decant helps it smell any better.
  8. Dark Alice

    Mourning Moon

    Wet on the skin: I smell like sweaty old gym socks and Grapefruit. There is something in this that makes the grapefruit smell rotten. I don't know if I will be keeping this one at all. Drydown: Now this scent has just gone poof on my skin!!! It has completely disappeared leaving behind the lightest hint of nasty gym socks. I now have to wash this off. I am Not a fan. This one is going up on evil bay for sure.
  9. Dark Alice

    Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills

    This is one of the most gorgeous scents I have ever smelled. It's light, with balsam fir and something cooling....it's not eucalyptus......it's a little cologney something in it reminds me of Brom Bones. It's such a clean, cooling scent with just a hint of fruit. I love it and I think that next to L'inverno, I have found the perfect winter scent.
  10. Dark Alice


    The notes that I was afraid....I am not afraid in this....the rose is subdued and lovely, the gardenia is playfully light and the vanilla and the ginger is treading lightly in the background. Blended together.....this is truly beautiful. I am so glad that I have just a partial, because I don't see myself wearing this too often...
  11. I ordered on October 17th directly through the lab. Is there a way to track it now? Cause I wants my new yules!!!!! YAY!
  12. Dark Alice

    MVJBA: Dog Days of Summer

    This is not at all what I thought it would be. I thought it would be a little smoky, mixed with incense and a little bit of coffee. However, this is very green. It smells like fresh green grasses on a hot summer day! There are hints of incense to keep this from being too green. But surprisingly there is no coffee grounds, which is a shame because that is what I was hoping for! But its still refreshing and different. I think I may have to obtain a bottle of this!
  13. Dark Alice

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    This smells just like pancakes, with rich boysenberry syrup, with a slight hint of maple! I am always impressed with beth's ability to create a perfume that smells just like breakfast and that makes me hungry when I sniff it!
  14. Dark Alice


    A lightly minty caramelly, milky scent. Not what I was expecting. This almost smells like coconuts but something about it is not nauseating, it's absolutely lovely. Wearable yes, but not an omg! scent. I am really glad that I got to try it though!!!!
  15. Dark Alice

    The Magi

    Coriander is strong in this.....it smells green and again I get a bit of eucalyptus from it! The vanilla bean stays hidden far away, the frankincense and white wine are missing too. This turns into ambergis...stinky whale smelling ambergis.....I am not a fan and I had such high hopes for this one!
  16. Dark Alice

    On Darkness

    Somewhere in this I smell a little eucalyptus and grapefruit. Wonderful grapefruit. This is a grapefruit with something else dark that I like! I am so glad that I have a bottle of this on the way and I can't wait for it to get here!!!!
  17. Dark Alice

    Butter Rum Cookie

    This is how I wanted Sugar Cookie to smell. A splash of butter rum, with the sweetness of sugar. This is just how it says from wet in the bottle to the drydown!!! I put this on 6 hours ago...and I still smell hints of it! I love it, love it, love it!!! This is definitely a 2 bottle affair!!!!!
  18. Dark Alice

    Sandalwood Scents

    You should really try The Ifrit!!!! It's very good.
  19. Dark Alice

    The Blockhead

    Rusted metal, leather, and a pop of pink bubblegum. Wet on Skin: Pink Bubblegum with something bitter and metallic. Drydown: well worn leather with a hint of sweetness! I like this, its just not bottleworthy, but I will definitely keep my imp!!!!
  20. Dark Alice

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    This smells like delicious fresh strawberries with tea and sage. However, the vanilla note under it is very plasticky! Which is weird because most vanilla does well with me. (wet) Drydown, this smells like fresh strawberries red and green in the patch. (and the yucky vanilla disappears!) It's lovely but I am not dying to own it! I am so glad that I was able to try this!!!
  21. Dark Alice

    Sugar Cookie

    Previous reviewer was dead on! It smells like vanilla, boozy, sugar cookie with just a hint of caramel. However, on the drydown, it smells like a mild spicy sugar cookie!!!! Maybe even a snickerdoodle!!!! I love it, I am glad I have a bottle, and I think I will wear this throughout the holiday season!!!!
  22. Dark Alice

    The Robotic Scarab

    I can't believe that I never reviewed this. Wet in bottle and drydown on skin....leather, a slight metallic oil and incense..... Gorgeous, beautiful incense. It gets better with age and I love it. Must get back up bottle!
  23. Habu, Green Tree Viper, and Temple Viper-these work extremely well for me. Aged or new snake oil, does not.
  24. Dark Alice

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    All of these imps were decanted by the masterful gwynfhar! mlxiv-wet in the imp lemon lime candy Drydown: lemon lime candy! I smell like lemon and lime lifesavers. mxviii-wet in imp: grapey floral Drydown Light grapey/fruit floral. This is not overpowering at all. Just light fruit and very light floral I love this imp. mxxii- wet in the imp: something funky and unidentifiable with a light floral base. It has a light floral base with something stinky in it. I wish I was good with notes, because I would love to know what was in this one. mccclxxxviii-wet in the imp: Strong grapefruit/citrus. Drydown: This one is a pure grapefruit/citrusy/with a little of orange scent. This so pretty, and it has a pretty good throw. dcccxv-wet in the imp: Creamy lemon with a little citrus. Drydown: Light throw, creamy lemon is all that is. It's nice, but doesn't last. mvii-wet in the imp: It made me sneeze, wet it smells like wet fruity candy hearts from valentine's day. The kind that are sold by Necco candy company. Drydown: light fruit mix with a serious womanly perfume It's okay but I think that I could send this one off to the swaps mxi-wet in the imp: astringent florals Drydown on the skin: Stinky like florals with cleaner. NOT good at all Last imp: Mystery imp: wet on skin: Melon Woh! hold the phone, honey dew melon. Clean and crisp honey dew melon that is edible. And now its a creamy melon. I love it! I now want me some melon.
  25. I tried Miskatonic U today to help me with research and studying. It really works! Smelling of coffee, creamy coffee at that helps me focus. Can anyone else suggest another coffee scent other than El Dia de reyes, )sadly it turned to butter on me) to help get through this research paper?