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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. e pluribus unum.....very green pretty floral
  2. Dark Alice

    The Pit & The Pendulum

    Incense. Smoky incense. I can imagine this smell in the tombs/cells of those waiting to go before the inquisition. This is beautiful...but I already have Midnight Mass and several other incensy blends that I love so this won't be necessary to track down.
  3. Dark Alice

    The Lady On The Grey

    Ambery grey....this is very lovely....I just don't think bottle worthy as I probably wouldn't wear it much! But it will definitely make it into the power scent rotation....This scent evokes the image of an old fashioned school teacher...that's prim and proper, strict, but fair, and kind to her children..and it definitely has a soapy tinge to it as well. Definitely imp worthy...
  4. Dark Alice

    Snake Charmer

    Okay...this is my second review of SC...except this is fresh! In the imp: Vanilla, plum and coconut. Drydown: Initially beautiful....a wonderful dance of vanilla, something that reminds of red musk and the fruitiness of the plum. HOWEVER....on the final drydown the coconut is starting to turn on me! Funky fake scented coconut. I hope to the heaven's above that this settles down with age...because I ordered 2 bottles of this @!#$%% because I fell in Love with it at WC....Don't fall out of love with me SC please!
  5. Dark Alice

    Fire Phoenix

    At first the sassaparilla in this warmed up to an inferno! I could imagine my skin on fire while smelling this wet. Dry: Smouldering embers of sassaparilla...and it has toned down a bit. I have never smelled anything like this before in my life....and I think I it! Definitely moving into my power scent rotation though....this is way to fiery for normal everyday work!
  6. Dark Alice

    Voodoo Queen

    Got this in a swap.... Dark, spicy and sexy....thats from wet to the drydown....I love it! Too bad the cinnamon or clove or whatever is making this spicy is making my skin itch... Oh well...off to the swap pile...
  7. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Twilight Eyes...I just love the photo gallery!
  8. Dark Alice

    Spawn of the She-Demon

    Gorgeous red musk! But then the roobis tea comes in and makes it a bitter smelling red musk. It's definitely different but I don't think this is for me!
  9. Dark Alice

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    wet: This smells like yummy strawberry cake with hints of grapefruit! Drydown: my skin hates this! It smells like the sweet plasticky fake strawberry flavoring from a Strawberry Shortcake Doll. Final Drydown: Nasty strawberry flavoring with hints of warm cake Not a fan!
  10. Dark Alice

    Bravery, Courage, Confidence, Intimidation, Power

    Tabella is one of my power scents....its starts out rich....but goes on light and stays close to the skin....Although it was a forum scent...it should be easy to find...
  11. Dark Alice

    Something like Acqua di Gio?

    Might I recommend a yule or two before they come down....Lines amongst the Eugeanean Hills or On Darkness....
  12. Dark Alice

    Scent for Halloween?

    Green Tree Viper....or Champagne and Cigars...or something that won't make me Nauseous....We shall soon see....any suggestions on what scent invokes a touch of Debauchery? Not alot...I am getting to old to be fully debauched!
  13. Dark Alice

    Belle Vinu

    Why do the scents that sound like they would appeal most to me...always turn out to smell the strangest on me? Florals with peanut oil....from the imp to the drydown...I smell lightly floral and peanutty...I am guessing that is the wood note....sadly this is not for me.....oh well...off to the swaps/frimps pile with this one!
  14. Dark Alice

    That! The Terror From Over There!

    The kiwi in this is glorious....fruity, fuzzy and green! But the greens....is that mint I am smelling ...I do believe that it is and now here comes the wasabi... it just adds to the beauty of this scent by giving it a spicy/bitter note to it which keeps it from becoming too sweet. I do believe that I have found a new bottle to order!
  15. Dark Alice

    Earth Phoenix

    My skin loves to amp Earth notes....in this case there is no exception. Wet in the imp, I smell soil and musk...no cherry...no tobacco no plum ....Dry Down: It smells like Chinese musk with hints of soil and a very tiny hint of tobacco....I am not crazy about this scent but I like it enough to purchase a bottle and add it to my rotation in my power scents!
  16. Dark Alice

    Crimson Christmas

    This is the oddest perfume. I don't smell the blood note...but the peppermint and snow notes are doing some weird hoochie coochie dance....and they are smelling like a cross between vicks vapor rub and peppermint...and the strange thing is that I love it! I think that I will keep my imp though!
  17. Dark Alice

    Bed of Nails

    This scent reminds me of The Blockhead in the Carnivale Diabolique series without the Pink Bubblegum note. It's very masculine and very leathery and very cologney....I am not a fan of this...but I am glad I got to try it....off to the swaps pile!
  18. Dark Alice

    Galvanic Goggles

    I wore this today on a whim..... Manly cologne....with slight hints of metal and oil. It smells like a sexy Daniel Craig with goggles on...when I wear this I picture him wearing the welder's suit plus the goggles....too much man for me....so I gave it to Ed my trainer....he loves it...and well...considering his physique....(black Daniel Craig body type, just older) it suits him.
  19. Dark Alice

    Goblin of Yuletide Present Atmosphere Spray

    That's what this smells like. Christmas/Yule in a bottle. It's what I want my future home to smell like with Cookies, and cider, and children, and well a norman rockwell christmas....its goregeous !
  20. Dark Alice


    Sweet boozy wine. Spicy wine. I can smell the red fruits in this. and the wine. I love sweet wine. And to me this is holiday sweet wine. I have never had mulled wine so if this is it...then Glad I got to own this.
  21. Dark Alice


    This smells like Mme Moriarty's older, drunken brother-in-law that she doesn't like to come over but has too because he is married to her sister, Marianne. The patchouli in this reminds me of Mme Moriarty, the vanilla husk softens it.....but this is definitely too manish even for me. I wonder what it would smell like on a man....
  22. Dark Alice

    Candy Phoenix

    Skin test from Will Call: Stale Currant Candy. From the time it was on till the time I washed it off. I had such high hopes for this one...because I love Black Currant.
  23. Dark Alice

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    Slithering Green musk with a hint of Currant. That is what I smell in this....its goregous....and the lemon doesn't take over! yay! My skin eats the fruitiness...but leaves the musk behind....this is fast becoming my signature fruity scent!
  24. Dark Alice

    The Gaoler's Daughter

    This smells of white florals, something green....and peach. But the peach is stomped into submission by the florals...I was hoping that this would work....but alas.....this is off to the swaps pile!
  25. Dark Alice

    Ho Ho Ho

    This is my first review topic starter thingy!!! So please bear with me. Wet in the bottle: Apple with another fruit I can't identify as well as some spice. Drydown: A very pretty cinnamon note....something spicy but not too spicy and it is not itchy on my skin. This ironically reminds of a glade plug-in smell....But it is gorgeous....I am glad that I have a bottle.