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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Gothic Horror

    This is a wonderful light powdery incense on my skin...with the barest hint of rose. I love it!
  2. Dark Alice

    Pumpkin V (2009)

    In the bottle: Dark Starbucks Pumpkin latte coffee. Wet on the skin: Spices, nutmeg, cinnamon-like spice-cardamom I think, with hints of strong black coffee. Dry down: Perfect mimic of a Starbucks Pumpkin spiced latte. I really am glad I have this bottle...it's finally a pumpkin I can wear! Thank you beth!
  3. Dark Alice

    "You can't afford me" scents?

    Marotte. Even if it's named after a fool, it smells like a woman who can't be. There is nothing else like it for me!
  4. Dark Alice

    Voodoo Lily

    In the imp: Bright, citrusy floral....very pretty. Drydown: A bright floral with a touch of something spicy and citrusy. It's quite lovely....but an imp will definitely hold me over.
  5. Dark Alice

    Deep in Earth

    Wet in the imp: Green Dirt...green aquatic dirt that you find at the edge of a swamp or pond. Drydown: Slightly sweet earth. Novel...but not worthy of the imp or bottle.
  6. Dark Alice

    The Ghosts of the Arroyo Seco Bridge

    As the previous reviewer stated... Aquatic in the imp. Drydown: High class, expensive soap. *sigh*
  7. Dark Alice

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Pulled To Autumn out. And oh my. I can't wait till it cools off here enough for me to wear it. So far, it's the only apple scent that I have ever truly loved from the lab.
  8. Dark Alice

    Hunter Moon 2004

    Animalistic musk with wine and a hint of something green. Really, I see the followers of Diana at the pinnacle of the full moon hunting by dim and shadowy light in a forest. There is something wild and wonderful in here...but it really is not for me.
  9. Dark Alice


    Sweet Cream with a hint of linen. Another miss in BPAL land. Off to a new home for this. *sigh*
  10. Dark Alice

    Detestable Putrescence

    DETESTABLE PUTRESCENCE This smells just like it says. Slightly warmed, sweet vanilla ice cream. There really is no cold note to this it is smells warm. Just like the kind I would eat as a kid..
  11. Dark Alice

    Pumpkin V (2009)

    In the imp: Spiced pumpkin coffee! Drydown: Gorgeous spiced pumkin coffee with the barest hints of hazelnut! For once...a pumpkin I can wear that doesn't become too buttery.
  12. Dark Alice

    Summer's Last Will and Testament

    Wet: Fresh rose and orange tide! On the skin, Bright citrus with hints of amber and fresh rose. From wet to drydown. Although, dry the rose does soften up quite a bit. Still not a huge fan of this...but I will keep my imp to see how it ages.
  13. Dark Alice

    Suck It

    This is wonderful. In the imp it smells like cherry brandy. On the skin from wet to the drydown...I smell cherry liquor. Wonderful concept but I think I will keep this one to imp status and keep it for the novelty.
  14. Dark Alice


    It's like the gentle chamomile and the two vanillas are dueling it out on my skin for dominance. Very light...and slightly sweet. But the notes are definitely trying to fight for dominance. I am going to age this as I KNOW it will become more beautiful and rich with a little time.
  15. Dark Alice

    Horreur Sympathique

    Sweet. That is the only thing that comes to mind with this perfume. Sweet, perfumey floral. Bleh. To Generic for me.
  16. Dark Alice

    The Snow Storm

    In the imp: icy, cool, fir trees. Wet on the skin: Ice cool, hint of fir Drydown: I smell like a fir scented car freshner. Rats.
  17. Dark Alice


    In the imp: sweet red wine fresh from the vine and honey. Wet on the skin: Red wine..mixed with the sweetness of myrrh and honey. Final Drydown: Gorgeous red wine and myrrh. I think the myrrh is what is keeping the honey in check. I actually love this!
  18. Dark Alice


    I have to admit that this is MUCH better with age. (I just received an aged bottle in a swap) It definitely starts out as sugar and roses and then just mellows into a light sugary rosy creaminess. It's a rose I can live with. Since my skin AMPS rose like nobody's business I think a little of this will go a long way and I will definitely wear this during the winter months. I don't think I will part with this anytime soon.
  19. Dark Alice

    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

    In the imp: Wowza fresh honeydew melon. Wet on skin: again fresh honeydew melon, sweet, and crisp. Drydown: Honey dew melon with a hint of mint and something else that makes me think of bubblegum. Glad I got to try it, but I don't think I need a bottle.
  20. Dark Alice

    The Sluggard

    I am saddened by this blend as it was one of the ones I was most looking forward to trying. Wet: Gardenia and frankincense are battling it out on my skin. And now the neroli and gardenia are battling it out. No lavender just gardenia and neroli. *sigh*
  21. Dark Alice

    Devil's Night

    Honestly....this smells like it belongs on a female rapper. When I smell it, I get hints of Chai Tea and something tough. Like MC Lyte from the 80's. I envision myself dressed in leather, with big hoop earrings, tearing it up on the dance floor to a favorite hip/hop tune. I might have to track a bottle of this down. ADDED Sept. 9: This is gorgeous....yet sweet thuggish musk....I am in but its a little too smoky for right now. I am going to age it....as I know it will turn into something glorious after a month or so.
  22. Dark Alice


    Dry Red musk, warm amber (that I can actually wear) and spices plus something woody. (WET) Drydown: Red musk, amber, spices, and funky pencial shavings. It also has hints of cinnamon red hots through some of the phases of the drydown and actually makes my skin freakin itch. Whew! No need to track down a bottle or imp....I am just really glad I got a chance to try it.
  23. Dark Alice


    This is gorgeous. Like I can imagine a woman getting ready for a night of dinner and dancing. It's just that I imagine that the woman getting ready is from the 1940s. This has an old perfume feeling to with hints of violet, vanilla, and what my nose wants to say lilac and sugar. I really like it. I can't wait till it cools down for me to be able to wear it.
  24. Dark Alice

    Recommmendations for Green Scents

    51 is also fresh...
  25. Dark Alice

    Bat of Health

    Fizzy Juniper Soap that my skin eats. Stupid skin chemistry. But it was lovely while it was here. *sigh*