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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Tanuki No Doke Daruma

    Wet: Juicy current and fresh apple. Drydown: As always the apple blossom takes over and kills everything glorious about the notes in this scent. Every now and then I get a whiff of red currant but this is predominantly overwrought by the apple blossom.
  2. Dark Alice

    Jibiki Danuki

    This was flat and uninspiring. There was black musk and flat sage and that's about it. So sad as I had high hopes for this one.
  3. Dark Alice

    Bocal de Sang

    Wet: This is blood and honey. Drydown: Slightly fruity, smokey, full of honey with just barest hints of blood. This scent is intoxicating I just need to find the right time and place to wear it.
  4. Dark Alice

    Tanuki No Amiuchi

    Vetiver and white sandalwood just dominate this perfume. Not a fan...off to the swaps.
  5. Dark Alice

    Tanuki No Kanban

    Warm, fruity, sweet and nutty. I want to eat this instead of wear it. I will keep the decant but I won't need more.
  6. Dark Alice

    13 Hours

    wet: powdery rose and ivy. Dry: I am amping the bejesus out of this stone note. Powdery rose flows in and out of this scent but it is definitely stone. It reminds of me of the stone in the Iganok Jewelers perfume. Except rosier. Off to the sales page with thee.
  7. Dark Alice

    Boot Hill Room Spray

    Unreleased Prototype- Room Spray. Mods. I couldn't find this in the thread....so if it doesn't belong here please move it. I received this loveliness in a swap with an unbelievably dynamite Forumite. Once I sprayed this...I was in fresh leather heaven. This is just leather, with a hint of something sweet...not red musk....and not cinnamon either...it's just sweet. It is absolutely divine. I am so glad that I have this and will cherish every last drop of it.
  8. Dark Alice

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self Similarity v4

    Snake oil and Celeste. Straight up from wet to dry. I don't how Beth did it but Snake oil and Celeste had an illicit affair on my skin and gave birth to this amazing scent. I will love this bottle forever!!!
  9. Dark Alice

    The Saddest, most Melancholy & Wistful BPALs

    Ironically...the phoenix at midnight.
  10. Dark Alice

    Please recommend powdery blends

    Powdery=the moon gazed upon my moonlit labours. It was an LE from this past Yule 2011 update. Gorgeous powdery goodness. I also recommend Old Demons of the First Class (GC) The pepper is mild and the orris root and musk make it powdery on me as well. It's one of my favorites.
  11. Dark Alice

    All about plum!

    Purple spotted swallow tail is amazing!
  12. Dark Alice


    Harsh herbal lavender that softens to an almost powdery herbal lavender on me. Off to the swaps with it goes.
  13. Dark Alice


    I couldn't agree more with this review. However, I will add that the lavender comes out slashing through the scent up front and then dries down to this lightly sweet, baby soft lavender that makes you want to cuddle the cute little monster with very sharp teeth. The dry down is worth it. Totally. So glad I bought this and I foresee multiple bottles in my future.
  14. Dark Alice

    Blossoms in Springtime

    Sweet delicious vanilla. (while wet that is) Dry: Light vanilla and more vanilla bean. I need this in my life. Must try to find a bottle. This shit is amazing.
  15. Dark Alice

    Medical Procedure

    This smells like generic men's cologne with a strong linen note on me. This one is nauseating as well and needs to find a new home ASAP.
  16. Dark Alice

    The Doom of Beauty

    Wet: Sweet juicy citrus oil and water. Drydown: Still citrusy with the barest hints of parma violet. This is so interesting. This the first bpal citrus that has stayed on my skin. And it's causing a headache. This has got to go.
  17. Dark Alice

    The Rose in the Deeps of his Heart

    Wet: Amber mixed with a woodsy and medicinal scent to it. Dry: POOF! Everything but a little trace of galbanum left. Up Close I can smell some roses and no Egyptian musk. I am a sad panda as I was hoping this would work on me but alas it doesn't.
  18. Dark Alice

    The First Encounter

    Wet: This smells like apricot/peach jolly ranchers. Drydown: This turns into a soft apricot scent. Light, and soft. Too bad it's not a me scent, but overall it is very pretty.
  19. Dark Alice

    Water Dragon

    This smells like cheap dryer sheets mixed with dollar store detergent on my skin. Must wash off now.
  20. Dark Alice

    Mischievous Spirit

    This starts out with peach and red musk. Strangely sparkly effervescent peach. This dries down to a flat peach soda and red musk with hints of cranberry. Definite pass.
  21. Dark Alice

    Pears - different BPAL pear scents

    Marotte has a wonderful dry, sparkly pear to it as well. (LE for April Fools) And Perilous Parlour-is straight up pear and vanilla. Good luck in finding what you seek.
  22. Dark Alice

    Pears - different BPAL pear scents

    Right now...to not stop...go and get The Vine that is still available in the lupes. The notes are "Bradford pear, honey, and vanilla cream". It lives up to the hype too bad my skin does not like it.
  23. Dark Alice

    In The Forest

    Wet: Sharp, wet smacked leather with skin musk. This does smell like someone might have been spanked in the forest. Too bad that this leather, again this type of leather causes migraines. Drydown: Clean, skin musk, leather, with sharp pine pitch. This has got to go and I will be rehoming my bottle when it arrives.
  24. Dark Alice


    Wet: Wet small red roses and the unmistakable gloriousness of Calla Lily. As this dries the frankincense and Egyptian amber peak through the roses. Drydown: Frankincense, with the hint of red roses and warm musky Egyptian Amber. This is lovely...but not for me. But I will keep this decant.
  25. Dark Alice

    Tears, Idle Tears

    TEARS, IDLE TEARS Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy Autumn-fields, And thinking of the days that are no more. Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail, That brings our friends up from the underworld, Sad as the last which reddens over one That sinks with all we love below the verge; So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more. Ah, sad and strange as in dark summer dawns The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds To dying ears, when unto dying eyes The casement slowly grows a glimmering square; So sad, so strange, the days that are no more. Dear as remembered kisses after death, And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned On lips that are for others; deep as love, Deep as first love, and wild with all regret; O Death in Life, the days that are no more! (Lord Alfred Tennyson) A bittersweet aquatic lifted by white rose, olibanum, amber, orris root, davana, and oude. I can't believe I am the first to review this. This aquatic is the same note on my skin as Festival of Anukhet. Light, clear blue water with hints of orris. I like this...but not enough to purchase another bottle. Many thanks to a gorgeous Forumite for gifting this to me. I will be using this until it is all gone.