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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Siberian Musk

    On me this is Old Demons of the first class without the other notes. Warm, fuzzy, snuggly musky musk. I want to keep this bottle and see what I can wear it with b/c it is just that gorgeous enough to keep.
  2. Dark Alice

    Eight-Petaled Lotus

    Sweet, watery floral with a hint of perfume. Dry: More floral...still with a slight perfumey edge that I amp. Complete drydown: I lovely subtle floral perfume. This is gorgeous but I think I only need a decant of this. So off to the sales with the rest of ya!
  3. Dark Alice

    Sphaeromachia Gaumeri

    The lemon in this is WAY TOO STRONG! The icy note comes through along with the white musk..but the lemon turns this scent into a fancy lemon version of joy on my skin. No bueno.
  4. Dark Alice

    Thirteen (13): July 2012

    Dark chocolate raspberry. On my skin. From wet to dry.
  5. Dark Alice

    Singing Moon

    This is such a light, ethereal scent on me. It definitely lives up to it's name. I imagine Billie Holiday singing one of her more famous hits "Blue Moon" beneath a starry sky. Too bad it's so light on me...b/c this is gorgeous.
  6. Dark Alice

    Annurca Apple Blossom

    This is the rich smell of a green apple floral. It's light and delicate while wet but a bit too perfumey. Too bad it turns to expensive soap on my skin. Sigh. This was not meant to be.
  7. Dark Alice

    Spanish Red Carnation

    This is the truest scent of carnation that I have ever had the pleasure of sniffing. It smells just like the flower. The problem is that as I suspected,it messes with my sinuses and makes me sneeze. I adore this scent. I will cherish my decant, but alas I won't need anymore.
  8. Dark Alice

    Mouse Circus

    Wet: This is ultra sweet. Vanilla with some kind of cotton candy note in here. There is also something salty and a little nutty in this on my skin. Dry: Too damn sweet. It's like airy cotton candy, vanilla, and some sweet nutty sticky concoction. I hate sweet scents. I was swept away by the idea of vanilla with a little cotton candy (which I love the smell of) But sadly this is a fail on me and must find a new home.
  9. Dark Alice

    India Ink

    This is dead on in its description. Wet this smells like fresh wet, black ink. As it dries, it smells like peppery paper. It's like leaving your black ink pen down to long on a piece of think post or resume paper. It's actually quite nice.
  10. Dark Alice

    Tanuki No Orai

    Comings and goings. White peach, golden peach, mango, persimmon, lotus petal, osmanthus, and shishito. Wet: Peach musk. Delicious wet peach. I want to lick my wrist. Drydown: Light peach musk. This really doesn't change much from wet to dry! It is absolutely gorgeous and stays close to my skin once dry. My skin loves to eat this one up so I am going to have slather it on.
  11. Dark Alice


    I can't believe I never reviewed this. I keep a tiny drop in an imp just for shits and giggles and fortunately I can test it while I have this sinus infection so the scent doesn't overwhelm me. Wet: Burned ham and burned tires with smoke. Dry: Burned ham and burned tires with smoke. Okay...my original assessment was wrong. I could smell this through a damn sinus infection. This stuff is disgusting. I now must scrub this off and put coffee under my one working nostril.
  12. Dark Alice

    Your Salon Must-Haves!

    Where is Haloes listed? The only salon I will truly miss and that I bought a back up of was Orpheus. It is the most gorgeous but melancholy floral scent that I own.
  13. Dark Alice


    Fruity and fun!!!! I feel like I am a kid again, eating fresh oranges while watching Fraggle Rock. I love it! But I am wearing this now and it is giving me a headache b/c it is not the right day to wear it. However, I will find the right day to wear it and it will be worn and loved!
  14. Dark Alice


    This smells like a Doozer! Crystal, dust, and radishes. Sadly, radishes overpower the lovely dirt and crystal notes. The radish actually makes me gag in the back of my throat. I am sad. As I wanted this one to work on me. ETA: The final dry down is a soft crystal soily scent. This is what I want. I think I will be finding a partial afterall!!!!!
  15. Dark Alice


    This is sweet, creamy, and just down right fun. All of the fruits blend so well with the vanilla cream and sugar that it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish each fruit note from the other. It's like eating fresh fruit with cool with and a sprinkle of colored sugar on my skin. So lovely...but alas like most foodie scents if it makes me hungry I have to pass on it.
  16. Dark Alice

    Ruddy Daggerwing

    This smells like a funky old Christmas Chocolate Orange. Yuck. Must wash off now.
  17. Dark Alice

    Bernardino Dotted Blue

    Super duper fancy bar soap with a pinch of patchouli. *sigh*
  18. Dark Alice

    Two-Barred Flasher

    Little Bird has it dead on. This is just lovely. Blueberry, (that actually works) Lilac that is non-intrusive and orris just makes this gorgeous. Two bottle purchase for sure.
  19. Dark Alice

    Ae. Albopictus

    This is one of those scents that doesn't blend well together on my skin and I can smell each and everyone of them when I sniff. Saffron, Tomato Leaf, and pimento are all check and trying to battle for dominion on my skin. So far no one is winning and they are all giving me a headache. Time to wash this off.
  20. Dark Alice

    Smoky Moon 2012

    This is a smoky, incensy blend. It's a bit tangy though. I think that's the grapefruit. I want to let this settle and try it again in the fall b/c right now it smells a wee bit too much like BBQ on my skin certain stages and in others it is gorgeous incense that doesn't make me sneeze. Overall I am really glad I bought this.
  21. Dark Alice

    Virgin’s Blood Bath Oil

    Soft dreamy red rose and cream. And not the stinky kind of cream that turns sour on my skin. It's luscious. I don't know why I got some of this...but I am so glad that I did.
  22. Dark Alice

    Where is this scent?

    I have a delicious scent of Blood wafting around me but I can't seem to find reviews. Can someone help me?
  23. Dark Alice

    Zebra Heliconian

    This is just beautiful. It's cooling, fruity, and sweet and the notes blend so damn well together that it's hard to tell them apart. The sage is actually behaving and the vetiver is non-existent. I love this. I may need a bottle.
  24. Dark Alice

    Ruddy Daggerwing

    This scent can be summed up in three words: Savory, Caffeinated, MEAT! What the hell??????
  25. Dark Alice

    Ceanothus Silkmoth

    Jasminey-orange? That's all I get from this from wet to drydown. I am hoping that with a little aging the vanilla and moss and oudh will come out more. So I am going to keep this for now. ETA: Now the orange has all but disappeared and I am left with this soft jasmine and vanilla bean scent. This is really quite lovely. I am definitely keeping this bottle.