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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Three Dayes

    This smells like old Bourbon, Jack Daniels, and Wild Turkey was splashed on my Skin. Oh my god it's dark...and as it dries...the vetiver it gets worse. This has got to go!
  2. Dark Alice

    Angel of Death

    Definite Catholic Incense vibe. Contemplative and boring. So glad I got a chance to try this...and realize I don't need more.
  3. Dark Alice

    The Tumultuous Vultures of Stern Passion

    This is the one that was NOT SUPPOSED TO WORK!! Lillies? HAHAHA? White musk... YEEAHHHH RIGHT!!! But it works!!! The lilies make a very brief appearance and then disappear! The musk takes over, the vetiver and plum dance this wild and beautiful jig on my skin and then BOOM! Gorgeous plummy musk! I love it.
  4. Dark Alice

    Streets of Detroit

    I cannot believe I have never reviewed this. This is scent is the essence of BADASSERY. Black musk and motor oil. Only a dab will do me as I have learned that too much of it causes a whopping migraine. But little dabs last all damn day. It's my kick ass court scent. It inspires me and reminds me in a weird way that I am a kick ass lawyer (which I am) I am just from the streets of Baltimore...not Detroit.
  5. Dark Alice

    Demonic scents

    Gore shock. Smokey, burnt,flesh. Sky city after, smoky,asphalt as if a demon is rising from the pit
  6. Dark Alice

    Hot, arid scents

    Capela Dos Ossoss v5. Hot, dry, bone. I love it so much. And Arabian nights (not the Tal) Arid, fragrant dry desert incense.
  7. Dark Alice

    Ruined Roses

    I guess my bottle is batch different. Fresh white rose with barely a touch of resins. I like it..but I don't think I *need it*.
  8. Dark Alice

    Creeper Dragon

    Creeper dragons smells like creamy green leather. Meh. Glad I got to try it though.
  9. Dark Alice

    Joyful Romp

    Light plum and floral plum blossoms. Not a drop of vetiver in sight. If you love floral, lightly fruity scents...this is for you.
  10. Dark Alice


    This is the year of the perfect smut. It is absolutely gorgeous. Perfect. Doesn't go to sweaty balls on my skin, lightly sweet, with a touch of booze. I love this. Will be buying a bottle.
  11. Dark Alice

    Ivory Vulva

    If you like gooey marshmallow mixed with coconut thrown on top of popcorn. This is the scent for you. Way too sweet and foody. I amp all the marshmallow and coconut!
  12. Dark Alice

    Startled Toad

    The lemongrass in this keeps this scent grounded and from becoming too sickly sweet. Wet: The lemongrass and coconut battle it out on my skin for control. So far the coconut is winning. Dry: In the end: the lemongrass, frankincense win out with the barest hints of coconut. Final verdict: Glorious coconut suntan lotion rolling around in lemon. Meh. Not a huge fan but I do adore the label art.
  13. Dark Alice

    The Perfect Lavender

    Bewildered is an AMAZING LAVENDER on my skin at least.
  14. Dark Alice

    Whiskey, Candlesmoke, and Musk Atmosphere Spray

    This smells like a dark bar...lit by candles...and it's closing time. I have had my whiskey and the bartender has blown out the candles so all that is left is the smoke. Such a jarring, evocative scent...but not for me. Not a whiskey fan...now if this was bourbon...I would probably buy five million bottles. But the whiskey note is way too realistic for my stomach to handle.
  15. Dark Alice

    Mare Nectaris

    This a right day/ Wrong day kind of scent. On the right day: Warm peach liquor with floating with papaya in a glass surrounded by the golden rays of the sun with golden musk. Wrong day...nauseating peach liquor. So I will keep it and see what happens.
  16. Dark Alice

    Pleasant Embrace

    Beautiful Pear. Lemon and silver...and BEAUTIFUL PEAR! I love this!!!
  17. Dark Alice

    Venus Caelestis

    This was a serious gamble. And for once it paid off! The frankincense and lemon peel are prominent with hints of lotus. There is a very small amount of sugar in this....but that's okay. I love this. I see this as a summer scent. It's so warm and inviting.
  18. Dark Alice

    Venus Genetrix

    Tea. A lovely Jasmine Tea. The vanilla is there and it does have the attributes of the Signore Dildo...but the tea keeps this in check. This is interesting. I don't hate it...but I don't know if I need it. I think I will age this to how it goes.....
  19. Piquant, tart, and strangely hypnotic. THIS IS HEAVEN!!!!! Black cherry and pomegranate goodness!!!!! It's not too sweet and not to overpowering. It's like the soul of la traviata with cherry! So glad I got a bottle of this!!
  20. Dark Alice

    The Unsteady Governess

    THE UNSTEADY GOVERNESS It made me, the sound of the words, in which it seemed to me that I caught for the very first time a small faint quaver of consenting consciousness—it made me drop on my knees beside the bed and seize once more the chance of possessing him. "Dear little Miles, dear little Miles, if you KNEW how I want to help you! It's only that, it's nothing but that, and I'd rather die than give you a pain or do you a wrong—I'd rather die than hurt a hair of you. Dear little Miles"—oh, I brought it out now even if I SHOULD go too far—"I just want you to help me to save you!" But I knew in a moment after this that I had gone too far. The answer to my appeal was instantaneous, but it came in the form of an extraordinary blast and chill, a gust of frozen air, and a shake of the room as great as if, in the wild wind, the casement had crashed in. The boy gave a loud, high shriek, which, lost in the rest of the shock of sound, might have seemed, indistinctly, though I was so close to him, a note either of jubilation or of terror. I jumped to my feet again and was conscious of darkness. So for a moment we remained, while I stared about me and saw that the drawn curtains were unstirred and the window tight. "Why, the candle's out!" I then cried. "It was I who blew it, dear!" said Miles. —The Turn of the Screw, Henry James White tea and violet leaf. I have always said that some of Beth's best creations come with the simplest notes. I was right then...and I am right now! This is just gorgeous! White tea with hints of fresh almost juicy violet. The smells like fresh wet white tea with violet. I just love it. I want to drink this blend and wear it all at the same time. It's just amazing. Beth has outdone herself once again!
  21. Dark Alice

    Tonka Recs wanted!

    Rum Soaked Tonka SN. Best stuff ever.
  22. Dark Alice

    Single Note: Stage Blood

    This scent evokes such a special memory. On my skin...it smells like the Safe T lollipops I used to get as a kid when I went to the bank with my mom or dad. Cherry candy. I love it and will cherish my imp until it is gone.
  23. Dark Alice

    In Templum Dei

    How does one review perfection? It' so hard...but this is the perfect Frankincense scent. Whereas Cathedral and Midnight mass turn smoky and become overwhelming on my skin...this does not. The frankincense is just perfectly blended with the sandalwood (which may help keep the balance) I love and adore this bottle. May need another before it goes way for good. This and SN Olibanum are my two go to incensey dream blends.
  24. Dark Alice

    Gingerbread Goblin

    This is the one time I need gingerbread. This is drop dead sexy gingerbread with coconut. I need a partial...but I need a bottle of this.
  25. Dark Alice

    A Measurement of the Soul

    Cedarwood=pencil shavings. That's all I can smell in the imp, cedarwood and figgy pencil shavings. I can't get past the cedar...*sigh* off to the swaps for you!