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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by sithwitch13

  1. The first time I tried it, I was a little disappointed since it smelled almost exactly like the red wine in Kali, which I had just bought a bottle of as well.


    The second time I tried it, I got the clove cigarette comparison people have made. But I like the smell of cloves, so that was okay.


    Yesterday, the third time I wore it, it was heaven. Just enough cherry to make it sweet, the clove and wine spicing it up, and some other stuff I couldn't quite identify (possibly the musk) holding it all together. I ended up using my jacket as a pillow toward the end of the evening and the sleeves smelled so good. So yeah, this one's a keeper.

  2. It's like bright, buttery cream soda. It started off pretty strong on me today, but I think it's fading faster than it did the last time I wore it. That time, it lasted pretty much all day and made my lab coat smell delicious--this time it's only been a few hours and it's nearly gone.


    There's something in it that reminds me of Bastet this time, too, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


    Anyway, it makes me happy.

  3. I'm not sure I would have tried this on my own, but it came with my most recent order and today I figured, "What the hell."


    It's sharp. Sharp, clean, and crisp. I don't tend to like very floral scents, and thankfully this isn't floral floral floral. I get the violet, yeah, but the eucalyptus blends with it nicely and the mint gives it a nice hard edge. It's just sweet enough not to be angry. It's kind of soft after a few minutes on me, but still noticeable.


    All in all, I think I like it a lot.

  4. This gives me the "fuzzy" smell that I've come to expect from sandalwood. The leather and musk make it a little more solid, if that makes any sense. I don't think it smells particularly masculine or feminine--it's just kind of clean and cozy. And I love it.

  5. When I first bought this, I couldn't stand it. The only reason it didn't get immediately swapped is that I'm a little attached to the Bloody Mary legend--it's the first ghost story I ever heard. My decant has been sitting unloved in the back of my drawer ever since.


    Cut to today, when I couldn't figure out what to wear. I saw it, decided to give it one more try before my upcoming "gather up stuff that doesn't work on me and swap it" kick, and opened the imp. The initial thick, cherry-syrup punch is there, fresh as I remember. Fresh on, the thick syrup is backed up by the most aggressive powder I've ever smelled. It's spent the last hour mellowing into a very bold, sweet cloud. It's definitely not an everyday scent for me, but I'm kind of liking it. It's rich, very aggresively cheerful, and my husband likes it, so... Imp, you still have a home with me.

  6. While it's not going to be one of my all-time favorites, that shouldn't be a slight against it. I love the way this smells, just... more on certain days than others. Today, for example, was a little cool but not cold, cloudy but not raining, and the two set each other off perfectly.


    It stays a constant creamy spicy apple on me, though as time goes on the creaminess becomes much more pronounced. At first application it's much sharper, and to be honest the first time I tried it it smelled like one of those wall plug-ins in apple cinnamon. I think that was just a bad day for me, though, since it hasn't done that on repeat. It just feels wonderfully autumn and cozy.


    Lambs-wool is something I'll happily wear to a Thanksgiving get together.

  7. On me, it smelled straight-up warm vanilla and sandalwood right after I applied it. I had no problem with this, since I love that combination. Within a few minutes, the lily started amping up and I was in heaven. Lily is one of the few floral scents that I absolutely love, and the one that I was the most afraid of in Haloes since I don't think I've ever bought an oil that used it before now. It's staying strong on me so far (about four hours after application at this point) so every now and then I catch a whiff and it makes me smile.


    When I actually sniff and get a good impression other than the overall "Mmm, yay!" reaction, I can catch hints of the amber and oak in the background, kind of being the solid base under it all. And I can get hints of what I'm pretty sure are the ginger and apricot adding some great sweetness to it, but I really have to concentrate to smell it. All in all, what I most get is a fuzzy, gentle, creamy sort of smell. More fresh than warm, I think, perfect for spring and autumn.

  8. I never would have chosen Ravenous on my own since patchouli and orange have smelled more or less like ass on me previously. But I got it as a frimp and got curious.


    Oh, am I glad I got curious. Fresh on it's like sharp, spicy, bitey orange. It stays strong for hours, and it's never unpleasant but it stays noticeable. It's bold. Eventually it mellows into an earthy, creamy scent. It's still recognizably orange but it's like sexy creamsicles. (Wow, "sexy creamsicles." There's something I never thought I'd say.) It's not "me" enough to justify buying a bottle but it's lovely.

  9. Oh holy crap wow.


    I swapped for this one out of curiosity and liked the way the little dab on the back of my hand smelled, so today I decided to try wearing it. I think *melt* is the best description for what happened. First it was all amber and vanilla, which I have absolutely no problem with, like Haunted and Dragon's Milk were duking it out on my wrists. As it started drying, the pine and juniper jumped out for a few minutes. And then once it completely dried, it settled into this wonderful delicious sweetness. The evergreen smell is still there when I sniff for it, as is the vanilla and amber, but it blends so insanely well! I'm in love. Hell, my husband liked it and he's noncommittal about everything but Sudha Segara on me. I wonder if I can get him to try it out, too...

  10. Oh, I love this one.


    In the imp and fresh on me, it's a very, very perfumey violety floral. Within seconds, the sandalwood jumps out. And then it mellows over time into a slightly musky scent. It's not dark on me--it's more dim, if that makes any sense. The florals and amber in the background keep it sweet, and the musk and something I assume is the vetiver keep it from being straight-up sandalwood. And at the risk of not making any sense, it's sort of a dry fuzzy smell.

  11. Creamy, sweet, light. It's milk and honey like Sudha Segara, but the oatmeal-y-ness (I don't think that's a proper word, but it's fitting here) that's present here makes it a bit more earthy. It's very soft on me. Good comfort on a day when I'm stuck at home and need it.

  12. I love amber. Haunted was my first favorite BPAL. I got this out of curiosity, and it's really grown on me. Wet it's a little heavy and spicy, but dry it's light and sweet. Amber is the most prominent note on me but I can get something floral in the back. It's light floral, not heavy girly floral, which works out well for me.


    There's a type of rose my ex-boyfriend once got me for Valentine's day--they were a dusty pink color with yellow accents. This scent reminds me of them, in a good way.

  13. This is one of those where I wasn't sure I would like it, and ended up occasionally loving it. It's too bold to be an everyday scent on me, but it does give me confidence and keep my spirits up when I do wear it.


    In the imp and wet, it's juicy banana and chili pepper. As it dries, I occasionally get apple and something fruity that I can't quite identify and can usually smell the sugar cane poking through, but it mostly stays banana and chili pepper. Tropical, strong, and sweet. Not girly sweet, though. It's got a lot of bite to it.

  14. Wet, the cocoa is easy to smell. It's more like unsweetened cocoa than chocolatey-type for me. As it dries, it's mostly fig and smoky woods, with little hints of the cocoa. It's a warm scent, but I love to wear this on hot days. Maybe it's the palm.

  15. Against all odds, this has become a favorite of mine. It's cool, creamy--wonderful scent in the summer or winter. I can't actually pick out any notes, though some days I think I can get a hint of vanilla or something that might be coconut. Anyway, it's beautiful and soft and I love it.

  16. First LE I ever bought, because purple is my favorite color. Granted, the description had something to do with it as well--I've had great luck with myrrh scents so far. This is no exception. Fresh on, it's bright wet grapes. Then the myrrh comes out, and the plum, and something floral--but the grape and myrrh stay on top. It's lovely and bold and a great confidence-giver to me. Wonderful.

  17. Wet, it's incredibly juicy smelling. There's really no other way to describe it: very sweet and juicy, and the only notes I can really pick out are honey and grape. As it dries, the honey mellows out and there's this light, creamy undertone and I can pick out the fig, too. It stays on very light for several hours--not as long as some others I have (which I suspect is due to the milk, as those never seem to last all day on me) but long enough. It keeps me cheerful, though--it quickly became one of the scents I would wear when I was certain I would have a bad day at work and needed a boost. All in all, I'm glad I bought a bottle off of a friend on whom it didn't work out as well!

  18. Vice was the first imp I ever swapped away. It went on smelling strongly like chocolate oranges. As it dried, it got this dusty, overpoweringly orange smell--my husband described it as "an empty orange Tic Tac container." I couldn't stand it and swapped it away to someone for whom it hopefully worked out better.

  19. Like a lot of others on here, I get a very green, fresh plant-like smell when it's wet on me. Nothing directly floral, but it just hits me as plant-like. As it dries, it's this combination of sweet and green on me. Earlier today I realized that it reminded me of a cheerful version of Haunted, so I suppose it has amber in there somewhere. I've found that it's wonderful on hot, humid summer days when Haunted would just be too stifling. It's sort of light and unobtrusive, but stays on me for hours.

  20. In the imp and fresh on me, it's pure milk chocolate. Very soon, it gives way to something I can only describe as "fuzzy." The cocoa smell is still there, but there's a hint of the vanilla and myrrh giving it depth. The sandalwood is very prominent on me and gives it a good hint of the "fuzzy" feel. Occasionally it moves up into a sort of effervescent feeling. Velvet just makes me feel so warm and loved and happy, I love it.

  21. The first scent I decided on when I made my first BPAL order. I love how amber smells on me, and I love musky-type scents. This scent is perfect for me. It's not too strong or too faint. It's musky (but not heavy animal musk, just... sort of dark) and a bit sweet from the amber. It's warm and fuzzy and something in the scent does sort of imply lemon. Not like a fresh lemon, though--it reminds me of the Easter lemon bread I made once in elementary school, with just a hint there. I love it enough that I wore it on my wedding day. It was my first bottle order. It stays all day on me and never goes bad. To me, Haunted is love.

  22. This one very nearly didn't work out. On me, it's very strong honey and dragon's blood, almost overpoweringly so. Given time, it dries down into a sweet vanilla, a little warm but strong, and it lasts all day. It keeps me cheerful at work.


    On a side note, this is not a scent to wear on a day when you get a migraine. I found this out the second time I tried it on, which was the point at which I was about to swap it away. But a later test proved that it's wonderful, as long as I wear it sparingly, with just the tiniest bit applied to my wrists and neck. A little goes a very, very long way on me.

  23. Fresh on me, there's a minute or two where it smells like smoky, spicy bubble gum. But that doesn't last long and the bubblegum turns into something sweet but not sickeningly so. I don't smell the sandalwood at all, but the myrrh and lotus are sort of softer than I'd expect so the amber and sandalwood are in there somewhere. It's a good scent on me, not too sweet, not too spicy, not too dark or hot. And it lasts for hours, but not overpoweringly so. I put some on yesterday and could still get a hint of it late this morning until I showered. An unlikely favorite of mine, I think.
