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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by surlygurl

  1. This is the only fraggle I got a decant of, and I guessed right. I figured it would be a cute light purple scent, sweet and powdery. And it is - all the way through. A little sparkly even.... this would be great to scent a light purple gel pen with. The florals gave the scent a softness, like being in a garden or meadow, but it's not really a floral. It's a gentle purple sugar.


    The lilac reminds me of Ashlultum (grindhouse lady), but that turns to grandmother on me. This - Mokey - smells like her 8 year old granddaughter.

  2. In the imp there is a strange minty smell and something thick. On my skin, the minty smell comes out for the first few minutes then leaves. What is left is a thick pink scent. It's powdery and sweet without being foody. Or floral, really. But it has elements of both. It IS thick, though. Wafting clouds of pink, like loose strands of cotton candy. There a plasticky vibe underneath things - probably the leather.


    This is thick and heady, but not in a good way.


    eta: I washed it off, but couldn't get it all. what was left was/is quite nice!

  3. This imp is really well aged (5 years?). I remember it scared me a bit when fresh, but it turned lovely on the drydown. Into my imp stash it went... for a long time.


    I put some on my arm this morning, and it has quieted down to a sweetish powdery light green vertiver. I don't *think* I get the myrrh, unless aged myrrh is the sweet & powdery part. I Love Love Love this! Let's see..... imps age faster than bottles, the imp is 5 years old, so a bottle will be perfect in..... what? :P

  4. This very aged imp smells on my skin like moss & patchouli. The copal, like an old penny, has lost it's shine. I can't place the heliotrope (if it hasn't aged away). Light moss and patch and a pile of dirty crumpled dollar bills. Haha - dirty money!

  5. Ocean water, hyacinth petals, star jasmine, and fir.


    Okay. Um. Either my nose is broken or my my imp box does magical things to the imps, because, on me, Egle smells like Light Rain and a hint of caramel. For real. If I try real hard I can imagine jasmine growing at the edge of the forest (the 'caramel tree forest', which is what pinched w/4 aces turned into after a bit of aging). No pine. No fir. This scent is Rain, a touch of jasmine, and a breeze blowing in from the caramel forest. Definitely on the sweeter side, but quite pretty.

  6. This is a miracle scent. Aquatics are iffy on me, and dragons blood very rarely works. This combo works.


    Fresh on, the dragons blood is there, same as in dragon's milk (I don't know if the lab has multiple types of db). Then there's a biy of ocean. Fresh, clean, slightly salty. Definitely aquatic. The db adds a warm sweetness to the ocean scent. It's resiny (duh) and sweet - I can see the colors red & light blue swirling together.


    I finally figured out what I'm smelling. A favorite incense of mine - Devi's Passion. That's more floral, not aquatic, but the spreading sweet red resin is the same. Love it!

  7. Wow. Ok. I'm trying not to read the replies above, but it's hard not to. I don't know what they were smelling.....


    My decant is probably 4-5 years old, and I don't think it has changed much*. On me I get incensy fruit. The fruit is festive but there is something somber and heavy to it. Not sour, which is what heavy sometimes turns into. It must be the florals everyone is talking about. Whatever it is, it's very pretty on my skin. I don't do fruity scents, but I could see wearing this. Too bad my lone imp is all I have.



    * I say "I don't think it has changed much" because the little cap label I put on when it was new-ish looks festive & colorful. Yeah. I'm weird.

  8. Of the handful of decants I got from this series, this is the one I love. In the bottle it is sharp and funky and kind of heavy. There are too many notes to say what is what. On my skin, it's heavy and sharp. I can sense the tomato leaf and the pimento. The heavy bit - cajeput? - just sits there. But as it dries I get some sweet and some spicy breaking through the somber savoryness of it all. Ultimately it all blends into a spicy sweet herb garden.


    This is one of those scents that wafts up from my desk and I just want to drift away with it. I'm hoping that it smells as good on me and that my chemistry doesn't muck it up.


    eta: Now that it's aged a bit, it is glorious. Spiced honey, not quite edible. It glows pink and copper shot through with green, perfect on a warm summers day.

  9. This is my favorite of the Bards this year. On first sniff, I thought it would be lemon candy. I applied anyway and WOW! Loud herbal lemon and something creamy and sweet. At first they're side by side, but eventually the herbal lemon loses itself inside the creamy sweetness. It's sweet without being foody, clean, uplifting. Bottle buy, for sure.


    (I couldn't figure out why it's so familiar until I read the notes & reviews. It reminds me of Scales of Deprivation, but soft & sweet! Must be the white sage/lemon combo.)

  10. This is the first one I tried out of the package. Soft barely pink apple, a touch of earthy moss, and spring breezes. Dandelion lends a clean sappy smell. It's very pretty and a little girly, but understated, too bad it fades to next to nothing.

  11. Oh yeah! This is an interesting blend. I almost didn't get a decant because only certain leathers work on me, and rum can be cloying. Well.....


    Fresh on my skin, this is rummy frankincense, golden and, yes, cloying. And LOUD. Right away I get the champaca - more golden notes. The leather is there bringing the golden sweetness into (almost) submission. *%#*% unruly kids!!


    After maybe 10 minutes the scent calms down and the smells that waft around me are beautiful. It's still on the sweet side (is this a theme for Lupers this year or what?) but pleasantly so. Reminds me of Port-au-Prince without the spices (and sweeter. Yeah). I have to retest this a few times, but it may be a bottle purchase. If it is, it'll last a looong time.


    eta: this oil fades quickly on me. Soon after the intensity dies down, the whole thing fades out. Too bad.

  12. This is nice! I am a big fan of nutty scents and the "white grains" must be some type of nut. I get very little sandalwood with a bit of something warm & comforting (amber and hops?). It does remind me of Grossvater Tanz, but it reminds me even more of Copulating Mice minus the lemony parts. Since I already have the latter, I'll keep this decant for when I want to add a nuttiness to other blends.

  13. This is the one I was really looking forward to. I adore coconut in all it's forms, and the black coconut in Death Adder is especially beautiful. So I had high hopes.


    In the vial, it's sweet black coconut and something almost caramel-like. On my skin the almost-caramel turns to crazy sugar and the scent is SWEEEET! Tooth achingly sweet. I don't know if I can stand this....


    Okay. As it dries it becomes less sweet. I don't sense any ambergris/oceany bits but I *may* get the champaca. It's not really champaca - it's just a warping of the sugared black coconut. And it doesn't morph much at all. Anyway, it's too sweet for me.

  14. This is a very fresh herbal scent. It smells yellow-green, and I get something lemony on top of the herbs. There's no lemon in here, but it's what I get. Since I don't know what osmanthus smells like on it's own, all I can pinpoint are the hay & musk. It's pretty without being girly and it'll be a good spring scent.

  15. This is a pleasant scent. Everything blends together and creates a dark warm musky scent with a slight clove bite. Fresh on my skin, it *glows*. But as it dries, the frankincense (I think) backs off and lets a softness take over. The jonquil - which is lovely on me in this - dies down with the frank. I much prefer this scent fresh.

  16. Okay... I've tested this a couple times now, and I don't understand all the love for this. On my skin, it's Snake Oil minus the hot sex part. I mean.... it's pretty and well blended, but it's not stunning. Kinda on the sweet side of things. I'm glad I tried it and I will wear my decant.

  17. Like others have said, this is a snow blend. On my skin, there's snow and ozone. And ozone. And more ozone. I sniff around for the pear & honeysuckle. For anything else, really. But I do not find them.


    This ends up being a very clean ozone boy cologne. I'll retest in a few days, but as it stands? Not for me.

  18. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, then Beth & Co. have made me crazy.


    When I read the scent description, I should've known what to expect. Plum (or any fruit)+ patchouli= sour funk on my skin. I guess I though Plum Musk would be different. And it was.... for the first 10 minutes. *Sigh* Oh well, it was fun while *that* lasted.

  19. Okay. THIS is why I get decants, especially ones that are iffy.


    In the vial, it's kinda scary & unpleasant. On my skin, it's the loveliest dry, woody, warm scent! It's sweet from the beeswax, fresh from the clary sage, bright and dry ('sere' came to mind - great crossword puzzle word) from the woods & opoponax. The violet leaf gives it the barest thought of a floral. Pretty!!


    As it dries, the oud comes out and gives it a sour note when smelled up close. The throw, otoh, is balanced between clean/sour, sweet/woody. It's not a traditionally 'pretty' scent. It's more understated and mysterious. And it may be bottle worthy.

  20. Hello, I was heard your brand name from magazine, and would like to try to order new perfume of The Ides of March 2012 - 5ml.


    As I lived in Hong Kong. Woudl you please let me know any agent in Southern Asia which I can buy from them easily ?


    Kindly reply at soonest. Thanks a lot.



    I don't think there are resellers outside of the US. This link is the lab's FAQ page and gives you the international order information. Probably your best bet would be to find other BPAL/perfume fans in your area and split the cost of a large order.

    This is the link to information on group orders.


    Good luck!

  21. I could almost swear that there's red musk in here. Mainly because it goes so wrong on me.


    I get something red (dragon's blood), and honeysuckle, and black pepper. I suppose the ginger is adding to the spice, but in a supporting role. There's really nothing to ground this scent on me - it's like a watery fire. Too confusing for my poor nose.

  22. I though this would be a big ol' love fest. Vanilla, tobacco, coconut, well....everything!


    When I tried it on, it was sweet with all those lovely things, then the lilac jumped on the stage and stole the show. really. It went from "pretty floral vanilla" to sour lilac that my grandmother would have worn. Phooey.

  23. So... I keep getting frimped this. I've been avoiding it because I have a bad association with the TAL Wolf's Heart. But since the universe wants me to try the bpal version, here goes:


    Dragon's blood and dark spice. Dark, sweet, floral (db), spicy. I like it. Dragon's blood usually goes super sweet on me, but this is tempered. It softens as it dries, and everything blends together. It's a warm unisex blend, a tad sweet, a tad spicy, with something else. It doesn't smell foresty, but I get the feeling of dark cool forests and animal body heat. Smelling it on me makes me feel self-assured. Now I just have to round up all my imps of this!

  24. First on, this is very pretty. Vanilla, honey, and something bright. I don't get orange anything or obvious amber but the linden blossom comes out and gives it a freshness. So far, so good.


    As it dries, the linden goes into hiding, orange peeks out, and the honey says "HI!! I'M HERE!!". And, yes, it's the honey from O, which which does not work on my skin. The other elements of the scent sort of dance around the honey as thought it were a bonfire. Let's hope the honey fades away, because it has potential.
