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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by surlygurl

  1. So now my kitty thinks 4am to be the perfect play time. Ugh.

  2. The organic melon from the farmer's market wasn't nearly as sweet as the $1 "distressed" store melon.

  3. I just got through listening to 2 old men talk about WW2 - one of the men is a WW2 vet. Boring yet interesting.

  4. My cat likes melon. I can't cut into one without her trying to lick it into oblivion. Silly girl.

  5. Wow. Fish bone meal really stinks. Hopefully my tomato plants will like it & put out a gazillion little fruits.

  6. Thank you! (((hugs)))

  7. The MnS yesterday was awesome fun - your showing up made the day!

  8. Hey Lady! I had a rockin' time at the MnS yesterday :) . Thanks for hosting!
