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Blog Comments posted by surlygurl

  1. Heh. Welcome to the world of fingernails. I've always had 'em long-ish and its amazing how fingernails become an extension of the fingers - peeling up stickers, lifting light things, etc. Typing is a whole different ballgame, too. Once in college I cut all my nails off, just for fun; my sense of balance was thrown off for days. Is that how pet birds feel when you clip their wings? Poor things.


    Anyhow, here's a nail care tip: when you file them, pick a direction and stick to it. Either from the point down to the sides or from the sides up to the point. This way, the enamel grows in that direction and becomes stronger. Just filing back and forth creates something akin to split ends. Or so someone told me long ago. It seems to work :hug:


    Is this part of the "sexyback" revolution going around on these boards? :twisted:

  2. As a shy silent type, I can understand your dilemma. Some people jump right in and are adored from the first; but I've been here a few months and feel like I'm shouting into the void wherever I post. When I do get a response to something, I'm shocked! Shocked, I say! And, yes, I've noticed the cliques, too. The bigger the forum gets, the more cliques there will be. That seems to be the way the world works, so I'm quite used to it by now. Some of us are outsiders no matter what we do, it seems. Welcome to the club! (semi-joking)


    (I almost didn't post this because I figured "ah, nobody wants to hear this drivel. Besides, it's off topic and people are going to just read it and roll their eyes :hugs: )


