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Everything posted by surlygurl

  1. surlygurl

    The Golden Apple Of The Sun

    This is very pretty. Soft juicy apple (golden, for sure). Everything else is blended so well that I can't pick out individual notes. I was hoping for obvious carnation, but nothing stands out except the apple. As it dries, it fades away. So sad. Fresh, it's really juicy! You know what this sort of reminds me of? Ushi. But while Ushi was in-your-face fruit and resins, this scent is a gentle shy distant cousin. But there's still a family resemblance.
  2. surlygurl

    Pumpkin Princess

    Fresh on my skin, its a bright pumpkin with sweet florals. Very pre-teen girly with a toothachingly sweet throw. As it dries, it becomes less sweet and more grounded - I think the white chocolate anchors it. After the drydown, it becomes mostly vanilla with grounded florals. It's a soft & girly scent, very pretty, with not much complexity.
  3. surlygurl

    The Changeling

    This is not at all what I had imagined. In my mind, it was vanilla heavy with pumpkin & light woods. In reality, this is heavy duty blond woods with something smokey and menacing attached. It's a strong masculine scent. Even after it dries and something caramelly comes into the mix, it's still too strong for my tastes. Oh, and pumpkin? Where?
  4. surlygurl


    The imp of Whitechapel that I have is pretty old, so YMMV....... Fresh on my skin, it is bright clear lemon. Huh. Not very exciting. But..... there's something deep in the background, like a sweet white fog. Detectable, but not solid. As it dries, the lemon takes a backseat and the background scent comes forward. "What is that!!??" It's sweetish, kinda vanilla feeling. Whatever it is, it & lemon get along wonderfully. My mind wanders & hits on 'sweetgrass'. Okaaaayyyyy..... a basket of sweetgrass with some fresh picked lemons nestled in it. This scent lasts & lasts. The occasional waft reaches me and it's lovely. I woke up in the middle of the night and got that sweet-tart soft smell. I can't believe how much I like this!
  5. surlygurl


    Oh dear. This was supposed to be really good, with all those lovely notes. But when I first sniffed it, my reaction was "Eeewwww! Sweaty balls!!" Luckily, it got a little better on my skin. The vanilla was pretty, but the rum was dirty (and not in a good way). There was a bit of sour, and something sharp. I was hoping for florals/ vanilla/ rum, but no such luck. After a couple of hours it finally turned into what I had hoped - gently spiced vanilla with a sharp kick. Then it promptly faded. Harumph.
  6. surlygurl


    I also got the sparkling teenage girl pink grapefruit note, but the other notes kept if from going perky-sweet. All the Grendel scents have split personalities on me, and this is no different. The grapefruit, orange blossom, and champagne grape give the teen sparkle, while the tobacco, woods & resins bring it down and give it a calming, almost scholarly vibe. When the scent hits that perfect balance, it's my favorite of the bunch. Unfortunately, it usually see-saws between the two.. That's ok. It's great for warm weather.
  7. surlygurl

    Vampire Tears

    Ummm...... this scent smells like wisteria lemon Necco wafers. It really does. Just a powdery cloud of purple yellow sweetness with that special something, I know not what. A little sourness floating about, but not enough to get excited about.
  8. surlygurl

    Jolly Roger

    This imp had been sitting around forever, and I couldn't decide whether or not I like it. It starts out an aquatic bay rum - very piratey. It lasts a long time like this, then something goes a bit sour. I'm guessing the leather. After maybe 10 minutes the sour leaves, and it becomes more woody, but still dominated by aquatic bay rum. And as it dries, it sweetens and goes a little powdery on me. And it lasts all day. Your wouldn't think an aquatic would be an all day scent, but there you have it. I really like this on a warm summer day. So many scents are seasonal, and now that I know where to put this one (summer, definitely), I love it!
  9. surlygurl


    Wow! This is stunning! I originally passed this up due to the rose, but the other bits had me intrigued. First on, I get amber rose. Now, rose is a death note for me *except* when it's a rose resin combo. My first though was "This is a much lighter & brighter Binah". The dark resins are lifted up by something almost cheery, almost citrus-y. And as it dries, the scent gets brighter while still maintaining a soft resiny quality. Usually resins ground a scent, but I think that the rose grounds this and keeps the sunny resins from taking on a too churchy tone. I love it.
  10. surlygurl


    This is interesting. The imp is very aged, and at first it smells like raspberry - a juicy candy raspberry. Then something dark shows up and weaves in & out. Something grounding and a bit evil (yeah, cedar & vetiver). Just when I think it's going to all come together, it goes bitter herbal pencil shavings on me. It's strange, because I usually love cedar. All in all, it's not a bad scent, just... disjointed. Until the end, when the raspberry goes away. *sigh*
  11. surlygurl

    Minamoto No Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider

    This is a strange one. Fresh on my skin, it's very soft with a slight almost-soapiness. There is something there (which I now know is tobacco flower - same smell as Smoky Moon) that's hard to place. The almost-soapiness flows in and out, unable to decide where to go. As it dries, a little bit of vanilla comes out. There's never any sandalwood. No teak, no patch. In fact, it faded down to almost nothing. BUT..... every now and then I move my arms in a certain way and something... alluring.... wafts by. Is it me? I don't think so. Is it the beav? Maybe. I wanted to love this. And I just might. But it's very different that what I'd anticipated. Soft & ladylike with a gently insistent throbbing far down below. It may be worth getting a bottle to age.
  12. Wow. Fresh on, this smells exactly like the TAL Hymn to Pan - it's that slightly effervescent herbal cola smell that I love so much. Joy!! Within minutes, the fresh juicy effervescence fades and the herbal elements (bay?) come out stronger, but the whole thing gets a little dusty. It's like going into an old herbal apothecary shop, or going into a (great)grandparents attic and opening a chest of men's clothes. Slightly musty, bay rummy/ herbal, very faint. This needs to be tested side by side with my other bay rum blends, but I *think* it doesn't measure up. If the opening notes remained strong on me, I'd get a bottle. We'll see.
  13. surlygurl

    Spanked Revisited

    Fresh on skin: *sniff* *sniff* "OH LOOK! IT'S CINNAMON!" A few minutes later "OH LOOK! IT'S DIRTY CINNAMON!" Then, finally, 30-40 minutes later the cinnamon dies down and the cardamom (that I recognize from Bakenako) comes out and what I'm assuming is leather smooths over the whole thing. Someone upthread said it best: it starts like a hot spanking and ends with a warm glow. I do hope the initial blast of cinnamon mellows as the bottle ages, because the dry down is some sexy stuff.
  14. surlygurl

    Love's Torments

    In the imp, this was all "Eeeewwwww! Vetiver!!! Eeeewww!" But then I put it on. At first it was pure vetiver, then a fruity like sweetness came out. Then "HELLO! I'M LEMON. HOW ARE YOU?" Very sharp and fresh.... which then went powdery. There was almost a lemon gingerbread vibe for a bit. Or was it the vetiver that went powdery? Either way, the lemon mellowed and the scent took on a different dimension - dark yet bright, bold and coy. Very strange. Pretty, but it doesn't last long on me. And that meat smell people mentioned upthread? I thought it was my neighbors making dinner. But I got that, too. A very strange scent, this one.
  15. surlygurl

    White Light

    As far as scent goes, I don't really like it. To me, it smells like a grape spice candle. But when it hits my skin, the smell turns into something pleasant. The more I need the calming influence, the more pleasant it smells. When I'm not particularly ruffled, this scent has the effect of guiding me into a meditative calm. But last night - when I danced with a few different guys at a party, including Mr. Creepy McGrabbyHands (the last guy) - it was a blessing. Once I got home and applied this, the 'ick' feeling melted off me and it felt like I was wrapped in a warm fuzzy security blanket. It smelled wonderful, too!
  16. surlygurl


    The notes in this are LOVE.... individually. I love them all. As a combination? *shudder* Um... no. Fresh on, I get lots & lots of rootbeer. Wonderful stuff. Then, I'm not sure what happens, but the tea, champaca and tonka do something unkind. It may be the addition of the champaca (which works so well in resiny blends!), but this just goes strong and dirty, and not in a good way. I so wanted to love this. Phooey.
  17. surlygurl

    The Lupercalia Scents 2011

    My hands-down favorite is Copulating Mice. I almost didn't get it because the list of notes was a big "WTF!!?!". It's also, to my nose, the antidote to red musk, which is not a friend of mine. So it may not work on you. Burning Vulva is funky up close, but the throw is gorgeous. You may like Male Nude, Arms Upstretched. The red chyphre contains a little bit of red musk. To my nose it's in the snake oil family, but in a clean way.
  18. surlygurl

    Burning Vulva

    When I first tried this, my nose got the oakmoss/black pepper combo right away - shades of Ronin. But here it was backed up by smooth vanilla, sassy orange blossom and beeswax. Those didn't come out 'till later, tho. So today I dabbed some on before going to meet a friend. During the walk, I would occasionally get a dark pleasant waft. During the bus ride, I'd move my arms & think "what smells so good?" then realize it was me! The oakmoss pepper faded into the background and the other elements came forward. Before I knew what smelled so good, I thought I smelled cinnamon, like a less foody chimera. The throw is fabulously lovely, so if you're judging the scent by the up-close smell it won't be the same. Bottle buy!
  19. surlygurl


    In the decant, it's very vetiver and maybe a little musk. The smell is bracing and brings me into focus. I can see this being an "eeew yick get it off!" sort of scent for folks who don't have a focus. As far as intent, I use it before going on long bike rides. I'd much prefer sitting around reading the forums, but last summer I told myself "I WILL go out on long bike rides! Eat less, exercise more, lose fat, gain muscle!". I'd dab some on my 3rd chakra and swipe the wand across the backs of my hands before heading out. During the ride, I'd sniff my hands whenever I needed a little 'oomph', and it did help. Once it warms up, the smell helps center me and isn't as shocking. Quite a useful oil!
  20. surlygurl

    Male Nude, Arms Upstretched

    This update shall henceforth be know as "The Update when Red Musk Played Well with Surlygurl". Yes, I'm assuming that the "red" in red chyphre is red musk, due to the coloration of the oil and the, um, red musk smell . Fresh on, it does have that Snake Oil vibe of red & dark musks. It's this dark reddish glowing scent that soon goes to powder. But very sexy powder. I don't really get linen, citrus, or anything else that's supposed to be part of the blend or chypre. It's all about musks. And that's ok. I'll definitely keep the decant (it'll be stunning aged!) but see no need for a bottle.
  21. surlygurl

    Loosening of the Obi

    Oh! This is nice! On me it's mostly rice wine (more sweet rice, less wine. It's *not* an alcohol scent.) White musk gives it a little shimmer, white sandalwood grounds it a tad. The vanilla is merely there to sweeten - and not by much. This is a very subtle skin scent. Too subtle for my tastes, unless I want to bathe in it (which may not be a bad idea!!)
  22. surlygurl


    Oh. Well. Whaddaya know. Lemon tea with honey. Was I expecting something else? I guess I was expecting the anise to show up more or throw a curve ball. The lemon is kind of chemical smelling. It's a lemon pledge kind of scent on me. Pass.
  23. surlygurl


    I'm not sure what the combination is, but I've smelled it before in a 2010 Yule and, possibly, Intrigue. It must be Fig +?. Whatever it is, it's dark and bitter and steals the whole show. I keep hoping to get carnation or tea or nutmeg or vetiver even. No such luck. The drydown isn't quite as bad. I may keep the decant and test it again in a few weeks, but at this point, it seems destined for the swaps pile.
  24. surlygurl

    Springtime Playfulness

    This is a bright girly scent. A mishmash of sweet and tart, mostly; nothing stands out above the others. Coconut husk, musks and sandalwood must be anchoring everything because I can't pick them out. On the early drydown I do get squash blossoms, or at least a memory of the time I tried growing pumpkins and got no fruit - just huge, magnificent smelling blossoms. Pretty, but not for me.
  25. surlygurl


    Finally! A red musk blend that I can wear. My search finally paid off. This is straight up juicy red fruit. Not 'red fruits weaving through some dark ingredient', but red fruit. Mostly mango, a little fig. Tomato must be hiding, because it's undetectable. Luckily, the red musk does NOT have the starring role. She's a bit player who's working her butt off to keep the unruly fruits in line. This scent doesn't morph or throw out any surprises. A juicy fruity summer scent that will age beautifully and make an interesting layering scent.