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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by surlygurl

  1. surlygurl

    A Wonderful Light

    First on, this is very pretty. Vanilla, honey, and something bright. I don't get orange anything or obvious amber but the linden blossom comes out and gives it a freshness. So far, so good. As it dries, the linden goes into hiding, orange peeks out, and the honey says "HI!! I'M HERE!!". And, yes, it's the honey from O, which which does not work on my skin. The other elements of the scent sort of dance around the honey as thought it were a bonfire. Let's hope the honey fades away, because it has potential.
  2. surlygurl

    Thousands of Lights

    This is one I almost bought a bottle of unsniffed. The notes just looked perfect. When I got the decant and tried it on, it was an unremarkable sweet incensy blend. I get vanilla, a bit of bergamot, and what must be oak. If I sniff hard enough the champaca comes out. On my skin, it stays the same all the way through. I like it, but it's much cozier and more vanilla heavy than what I wanted.
  3. surlygurl

    Pale Student of Unhallowed Arts

    I really like this scent. It reminds me of other fizzy (soda pop) bpals, but this is the bare bones version. Very clear, very clean. In fact, I own a frankincense chaos theory that smells like a sugared version of this. I would like a bottle of this for adding to unscented hair conditioner, but is it that different from my CT?
  4. surlygurl

    Dust of Snow

    This starts out with the labs snow/slush note. It's a little sweeter than other snow/slush blends, and it's gentle & pretty. As it warms up, it stays slushy but the florals come out more and it gets really sweet (as far as minty slush scents go). It doesn't last too long, but it's very pretty while it's there.
  5. surlygurl

    Cloth of Gold

    Another snow/slush blend, but this has something warm and delicate about it. What kind of petals are these? Something meant to evoke early spring, I'm sure. Cool snowy scent with the promise of spring. Pretty, but not unique enough for a bottle.
  6. surlygurl

    The Moon Gazed On My Midnight Labours

    When I read the description, I had to have it. A new kind of musk? Yes, please!! Now that it's here, I really wish I could smell the unfamiliar musk, but I get opium poppy with a touch of clove. There's *a* musk in here somewhere, but opium poppy/clove is the main player. The orris isn't a scent so much as something to keep the blend from smelling thick. This is a skin scent on me, mainly because it's so dark & heavy. "Midnight Labours" is right.
  7. surlygurl

    Colder and Colder

    Another of BPALs snow/slush blends. It's softer than some due to the musk and elemi, with no obvious florals. It's really a gentle musk blend with mint & slush. Pretty.
  8. surlygurl

    The Deepest Mysteries of Creation

    At first, it's incense and rose, very full and vibrant. Once it warms on my skin, it mellows a bit and the frankincense goes a little sweet (or is that the hyssop?). It's pleasant, much like other rose incense bpals. But then disaster strikes: something goes funky. It may be the oude. It's not so much a sour smell as it is body odor. So this lovely blend ends up smelling like what it would've smelled like on someone in the days before indoor plumbing. I'd like to try it aged, because I think the funkyness will age out. eta: A few days of rest makes a big difference. It's beautiful. The opening frank/rose calms down after a few minutes & blends with hyssop, while the oude gently mingles, like satin bedsheets wrapped around lovers legs. I just wish it lasted longer......
  9. surlygurl

    Pumpkin Masala Rooibos

    I purchased a decant of this because I really like both chai tea and licorice. When I smelled this I got a rush of spices with a dark, sinister licorice background. Not what I expected. I get the almond - the powdery foody quality. The mish mash of spices is just that - no one thing stands out, not even the licorice. All in all, this scent is just weird. Not for me.
  10. surlygurl

    Frost at Midnight

    When I first tested this, it was "Oh, yeah, another BPAL snow/slush blend. Ok." But now I'm getting the addition of orange blossom (love!), something foresty, and what I *think* is the ambrette seed. There's also an occasional "is someone smoking outside?" tobacco. It's really pretty, and like nothing else I have. I really like it!
  11. surlygurl

    Sorrowful Affection

    On me, this is all tropical floral. For some strange reason, this smells exactly like a perfume oil I got in Hawaii years ago. Must be the tuberose. While I expected florals, I didn't expect a Hawaiian paradise. I'll keep the decant for summer use, but probably won't search out more.
  12. surlygurl

    Amiable and Lovely Creatures

    On my skin, this is intense. It also reminds me of Persian sweets - lots of rosewater and almond. I don't get any patchouli or jasmine at first. As it dries it becomes less candy-like, but still too much for me.
  13. surlygurl

    Loi Krathong

    Fresh on, this is all incense, a little smoke, and a drip of candle wax. It pretty much stays that way on me. It also reminds me of something else, some other bpal.... Oh Yeah! The School from last yule. *dabs some on other wrist*. Yup. Loi Krathong is more incense & wax while the school is a bit darker, but the throw on me is the same. I was hoping for betel nut, but that didn't make an appearance.
  14. surlygurl

    Black Moon

    Yummmmm! I get the massoia bark and the crystal musk upfront. There are juicy fruits and soft florals floating around, keeping the scent from being too etherial. So pretty!
  15. surlygurl

    Araw Ng Mga Patay

    It starts off as warm bananas with a drizzle of caramel. Then someone opens the doors and takes the caramel bananas outside into the lush surroundings. Eventually the bananas/caramel cool down while the foliage heats up and the flowers bloom. Sharp heady tropical blooms are now the main scent, but there is a light foody smell. The muffins, yam, bananas- all are dense carbohydrates, and that comes across as kind of a grounding note (with a touch of flan). It's odd and confusing, but pretty.
  16. surlygurl

    La Calavera Catrina

    Wet, this is a very strong floral with grounding autumn leaves. I'm really amazed that the wild rose works on me. I keep waiting for it to turn to soap, but it never does. As it dries, the loudness fades and the chamomile, chrysanthemums & marigold come forward. The autumn leaves are always in the background, lending a soft earthiness. Unlike most folks here, I prefer this scent on the drydown, soft & shy. It's not a "me" scent, but I will keep my decant for those rare occasions.....
  17. surlygurl

    Beaver Moon 2011

    This decant must be one of the "musk" variations that people are talking about. I get no lavender and no cheesecake. What I do get is a near clone of Apatrophia from the 2011 Lupers, but without the soap and a touch sweeter. It's quite nice for a clean musk blend.
  18. surlygurl

    Cold Moon

    2010 version When this bottle first came to me from the lab, it was all toothpaste all the time. Mint blends are okay, but this has spearmint and/or wintergreen, which makes me think "toothpaste". Off to the swap pile it went. BUT.... Recently I pulled this out & gave it another try. The toothpaste vibe has gone into remission, and a soft sugar overlays the whole thing. Sort of like a snowy sugar (powdered sugar?) dusting on top of a very gentle spearmint. Or spearmint infused powdered sugar. The throw is gorgeous. I think I prefer this to all the "Lick It"'s.
  19. surlygurl

    Muse of the Night

    Yum! This is not my usual type of bpal, but it's very nice! It starts with jasmine and fruits. What kind of fruits? Purple juicy things. The jasmine is kept in check by the other florals and (presumably) the resins. When it's wet, the currant comes on strong and gives it a heady, lush feel. I wish it would stay this way. But it morphs into a fruity floral that's not *quite* generic, but not as complex as I would like. It's a musky currant floral, powdery and dark. I wonder how it'll age....
  20. surlygurl

    The Gorobble

    A scent redolent of the crusty exterior of burnt marshmallows. In the decant, it smells sweet and a tiny bit foody, so I tried it out. On my hand, I got vanilla, caramel, and light cinnamon. The caramel faded quickly (thank goodness!) and I was left with a gentle vanilla and a hint of something resembling Pickled Imp. Sniffed up close it was quite foody, but the throw was lovely, warm, and non-foody. Toasted marshmellows, yup. But better. It's really an amazing smell. As it dries, the cinnamon fades and a sort of sour candy smell comes into play. I like this much more than I thought I would and wouldn't mind a full imp. I'm not enamored enough to get a bottle, though.
  21. surlygurl

    Le Revenant

    The notes looked lovely, so I got a decant. Little did I know that the mix of heady florals would turn into something resembling jasmine on me. That bad jasmine that smells like all those GC imps in my swap box I really wish I could smell single notes of the florals and figure out who the culprit is. I love the notes individually, but the combo is not working on me.
  22. surlygurl

    The Black Apple Of Saturn

    This is one I was I was really looking forward to.... When I visualized the scent, I pictured something dark, a bit sharp, a bit earthy. On my skin, the apple comes out. It's lying on a bed of sweet powdery resins. Now, I really enjoy dark scents, but this is not dark. It is sweet. Up close, it's a combination of craft store candle and head shop. Or a very cheap but nice incense that you'd find at the local 7-11. I want to love it, but I want to find fault with it at the same time. I can do neither. The throw is very pretty, more than girly but not quite womanly. I'm conflicted. Can you tell?
  23. surlygurl

    The Glittering Apple Of The Stars

    This is more like it! Definitely glittering, it reminds me of seeing the edge of the Milky Way from an uninhabited mountain top. Cool but not cold. Soft, clean, a tad sweet. It has a whitish-silver vibe. I smell the white musk & the (non-foody) vanilla. Apple is an equal partner, not a star player. Lovely. Do I need a bottle? I'll think about it.
  24. surlygurl

    Ghosts In Love

    The notes looked so good.... Fresh on: OH LOOK! SOAPY ROSE!! On the drydown: softened soapy rose I sense a pattern...... When will I learn?
  25. surlygurl

    Expressive Head

    This one is odd, in a likeable way. Fresh on, the vetiver has me running for cover. Almost immediately *other things* come out and soften it up. I've only had it on for an hour now, but it is warming up into something interesting. It's a little spicy, a little dirty (as in DIRT, but I don't like soil/loam scents, and there's none in the description). No champaca, which I love, but I expect it will show up later. I'll keep updating through out the day, because I have a feeling that this will keep changing...