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Everything posted by surlygurl

  1. surlygurl

    I am Tired of Tears and Laughter

    Skin chemistry is so very personal! I almost didn't get a decant of this - lavender is not a big fave. Glad I got it. In the decant, it's very much clean herbal lavender. Could be single note. But then.... I dab some on my wrist, and it gets dark. Resinous. Almost smokey. Very heady. It only takes a minute for the change to happen on me... The lavender sinks like the setting sun into a resinous night. Not a colorful sunset, but something warm & glowing just underneath. More like dusk. I almost talked myself into a bottle, but the second time I tried it it gave me a headache. This is a special blend - not for every day wear. A "mood scent".
  2. surlygurl

    Deathly Pride

    DEATHLY PRIDE Godolphin Horne was Nobly Born; He held the Human Race in Scorn, And lived with all his Sisters where His father lived, in Berkeley Square. And oh! The Lad was Deathly Proud! He never shook your Hand or Bowed, But merely smirked and nodded thus: How perfectly ridiculous! Alas! That such Affected Tricks Should flourish in a Child of Six! (For such was Young Godolphin's age). Just then, the Court required a Page, Whereat the Lord High Chamberlain (The Kindest and the Best of Men), He went good-naturedly and took A perfectly enormous Book Called People Qualified to Be Attendant on His Majesty, And murmured, as he scanned the list (To see that no one should be missed), "There's William Coutts has got the Flu, And Billy Higgs would never do, And Guy de Vere is far too young, And . . . wasn't D'Alton's father hung? And as for Alexander Byng!- . . . I think I know the kind of thing, A Churchman, cleanly, nobly born, Come, let us say Godolphin Horne?" But hardly had he said the word When Murmurs of Dissent were heard. The King of Iceland's Eldest Son Said, "Thank you! I am taking none!" The Aged Duchess of Athlone Remarked, in her sub-acid tone, "I doubt if He is what we need!" With which the Bishops all agreed; And even Lady Mary Flood (So kind, and oh! So really good) Said, "No! He wouldn't do at all, He'd make us feel a lot too small." The Chamberlain said, "Well, well, well! No doubt you're right. One cannot tell!" He took his Gold and Diamond Pen And scratched Godolphin out again. So now Godolphin is the Boy Who Blacks the Boots at the Savoy A sooty licorice incense with coconut and bay rum. After much anticipation, this arrived in the mail yesterday. Three of my favorite notes blended together? Heck yeah! Travel shock (bottle) and headcold (me) aside, I tore into the package & tested it. In the bottle: Coconut cream. Seriously. It smells thick & fat-laden and slightly floral. I'm familiar with all the bpal coconut types, and the only other time I've smelled coconut cream was in a chaos theory. It's not one of my faves. I also get a tiny bit of "bay rum" - I thinks it's allspice. On the skin, this is mostly coconut cream. When I sniff up close there's a little allspice and an herbal black licorice kick. The licorice/bay rum compete for attention under the coconut cream for a while. As it dries, the bay rum & licorice fade into the coconut. There's not much throw. I hope this ages into something less cloying, but I won't hold my breath. eta: This is more like it! 2 weeks of aging & the coconut cream mellowed, the licorice took a big step up, and the bay rum is the 'glue' that holds it all together. I *knew* this would be a winner!
  3. surlygurl


    This scent is a changeling.... I dug around my unused HUGE box of imps for something woody & dry but a touch girly. This jumped out at me, so I retested it. (Mind you, this imp is probably 4 years old). In the imp, it's wood and juniper with something lifting it up. *dabs on wrists & chest* At first I get smooth woods with something uplifting. Very nice! Manly yet sweet. As it dries, the sweetness comes out more and somehow mingles with the wood & juniper. Definite fruit. Still a woody base, tho. A feminine scent for those who like woody, somewhat masculine blends (if that makes sense). Wait.... there's red musk in here? Red musk is horrible on me!! This shouldn't work at all. But it does. Not a bottle purchase, but I'll use my imp more often (than once every few years ). It kinda reminds me of Belle Epoque and others in that family.
  4. surlygurl

    Banded Sea Snake (2006)

    This oil was purchased in a decant circle when the snake pit was new. I remember not liking it very much but seeing (smelling) potential in it. So I put it away and ignored it. Today I put some on. It started off snake oil-y with a musty dusty funk. Oh geez.... now I remember. But I kept getting something pleasant between blasts of mustiness. After a long wait, a sweetness came out. It eventually chased off the funk, because now it is lovely. A sweet cotton-candy powder with an oceanic feel. Other reviewers mentioned sea moss and forest; I can see that. It's not an aquatic or a spice. It's just different. I like it! When the Carnival returns, I'd like to get a fresh decant to compare.
  5. surlygurl


    This is an odd scent. Mind you, I bought the decant during the first run decant circles, so it is quite aged. Fresh, it smells like nothing. nothing at all. But as it warms up, I get dark and herbal with a little tartness down below. Hey... this isn't half bad. As it warms up, the pomegranate (aha! so that's it!)and verbena brighten up the scent. It's still a dark herbal scent, but now it glows red from within. The throw is interesting. Tart fruit meets dark herbs & resins. This is gender neutral and would be lovely as a soap or an incense. If I didn't like it so much as a perfume, I'd put it in an oil warmer...
  6. surlygurl

    Notes That Don't Work, Blends That Do

    To keep this from turning into a coconut thread, I'll throw in my 2 cents for jasmine. Usually it is an evil, sharp, cat-pee kinda scent.... then I discovered Corina. There, jasmine gives a bite to the other florals and the whole thing smells lovely on me. Also, honey. Honey goes sour on my skin. Gennivre was horrid, and the honey blends were scary bad. But A.E. Albopictus from the 2012 butterflies was win on me. Maybe because of all the sharp bitey notes? Who knows. It doesn't read as 'honey' on me; it reads as sweet/savory garden. That may be the secret.
  7. I agree with Quillifer about Dragon's Blood being sweet. I'm currently wearing Martian Phoenix, and its an odd sweet candied Red Mint. Kind of strange from a planet that represents the god of war, but whatever. I like it!
  8. Let's see..... Tiki Queen Tiki Princess Tweedledee anything with mint in it but my latest greatest summer scent is A.E. Albopictus. I never much liked honey, but the herbs in this turn it into a fabulous glowing scent. YMMV, of course.
  9. surlygurl


    In the vial, this smells simply evil. Not like anything specific, just evil. But then I tried it on my skin (expecting evil), and all the notes blend together to smell like Powdery Violet(!!???!) Seriously? Yeah. As it dries, it morphs again into a very mild jasmine with other light florals. Not bad.
  10. surlygurl

    Rigorous Love

    Holy @#&*!! This is horrid on me! And I'm the person who loves tropical coconut in all it's forms. Coconut/anise must be a death combo for me, because I sold my bottle of Paduan Killer Swarm for the same reason. The lemongrass adds a whole other dimension of horridness. I don't know what the other notes are doing - probably cowering in abject terror. *runs to wash off* Maybe I should save this for a warm summer day, as steel grey skies don't make me think of tropical goodness.
  11. surlygurl

    Delight and Consternation

    Bourbon vanilla, custard accord, white rose, cocoa absolute, oudh, lemon blossom, and skin musk. Hey... whoa... wait. This works on me? It shouldn't. Cocoa and rose hate me, lemon is funky, etc etc etc. But really? Fresh on, I get those fake fruit candy sticks dipped in chocolate (lemon fake fruit, of course). As it dries, I get a little of the plastic wrapper, too. I think it's the custard that saves the day. Custard, vanilla, oud and skin musk. And the fact that lemon is really lemon blossom doesn't hurt. The blend is just this side of foody, not lemon or cocoa. Nothing really identifiable like one would expect. I'd love to get more than my little tester - especially since every bottle seems to be different. Not sure I want to spring for a bottle and have it be the 'wrong' mix of notes.
  12. surlygurl

    Unveil The Grace In Thine Eyes

    On me, this is a very soft amber. Soft, watery, barely there. It's a good under-the-radar scent for when you don't want people to notice your perfume - just that you smell nice.
  13. surlygurl

    Voyeuristic Monkey

    This is better on my skin than I thought! I normally shy away from patchouli, but the patch here reminds me of Depraved, which works on me. Everything else is nondescript; they are just there to color the patchouli. I do like it, and I will use what I have, but it's not a bottle purchase.
  14. surlygurl

    The Sound of Insects

    I knew this was going to be a fun scent from the notes. When I tried it on, there was a fruit party on my arm! A limey, bright, tart party. The lime is glorious - reminds me of Luna Moth without the sugar. It's straightforward and fun and I really like it. I get something that reminds me of anise a little bit(!?), but that adds to the fun. Unfortunately, the party ends abruptly and they all go home. Not so much as a "thank you for letting us use your arm" note. Oh well. I hope it lasts longer on others!
  15. surlygurl

    Angry Crab

    For my review, can I say "Yeah, what stellamaris said" From the reviews and my first sniff of the decant, I placed it in the "meh - try much later" pile. When Later came around I slathered some on, ready to go wash it off if needed. This reminded me of a GC aquatic, not sure which one. VERY aquatic. I was bracing for a hit of boy cologne when suddenly WHOOSH!!! Something sweetish and grounding came forth - frankincense, no doubt; not sure what petitgrain smells like. Up close it's really lovely. The throw is even better - salty sweet aquatic. I should deathmatch this with other aquatic bottles I own, but I think this will win. (This is going into my "possible bottle" pile!)
  16. surlygurl

    Intercourse Through Folding Screen

    When I sniffed this in the decant, it smelled clean & pretty, so it went into my "try soon" pile. Looking at the notes, I didn't know what to expect.... On my skin, it opens with a powdery orris and rice paper. White, Clean, powdery. I expect the red chyphre and bands of yellow smelling jasmine to snake out, any minute now. And the benzoin should ground it, shouldn't it? But the elements of the scent blend and settle and give me Baby Powder. Wet, dry, and in between - always baby powder clean!!!
  17. surlygurl

    A Sudden Invitation

    Hoooo! Wow!!! I agree with joyfulgirl - this blend is SOOO GOOD! When I first applied it, my mind went racing to a previous Shunga that I love and own a bottle of. It must be the agarwood/plum combo. Something about that just gets me going. Anyway. I don't get any outright mint or sandalwood, but that's ok. This is a lighter brighter Calligraphy Practice, but it also kinda reminds me of an Indian jasmine incense I used to burn - Savahn Mogra. There's no jasmine in here, I know....but there's something a little sharp like jasmine. I love this, but I already have a bottle of her big sister from last year. I should do a side-by-side comparison before buying a bottle. Shouldn't I?
  18. surlygurl

    A Mirror of Spring Pleasures on Kites (2013)

    I was really excited to see honeysuckle in this. I was hoping for a floral honeysuckle scent for spring. On my skin, the hemp and a bit of amber. The honeysuckle & honey come out as it warms up, with beeswax bringing up the rear. It turns from a yummy floral into a powdery slightly sweet beeswax scent. It's a very quiet scent that lasts longer than I'd expect. Quite lovely.
  19. surlygurl

    Contemplating the Moon Through an Open Window

    This starts out as sweet & pretty soap. The carrot is loud & sweet, the milk giving it body & a softness. As it dries, the oakmoss comes out a bit, softening & grounding the scent. It really does smell like a classic perfume. The sweetness remains throughout, even when dry.
  20. surlygurl

    En Eski Aşk Şiiri

    In the decant, I wasn't too sure about this. But once on my skin, this becomes an edible rose jam with sesame butter and olive oil. Maybe a little honey to thicken it. If "antique" is antique, this is ancient. The smell of dried rose petals soaked in fresh olive oil, a bit of sweet almond, some olive. I can definitely see this being a high end perfume in ancient times. I'd love to smell how this ages!
  21. surlygurl


    In the decant, I smell juniper and amber. A little scary, but I give it a try. On my skin, it blooms. It's amazing. It does smell antique, warm, slippery, polished. Old amber, a little juniper (not much). No obvious musk or leather. It smells..... not like a perfume, but like an aura. The throw is subtle, the scent is gentle. Damn. I need a job. (Bottle buy)
  22. surlygurl

    The Perfumed Garden

    I have a decant from '07, I think, and couldn't figure out why I never wear it, so I got this years version. Fresh on, it's gorgeous. Pretty, fruity, incensy. Very nice. i don't get the individual notes, but it's really nice. Kinda girly, but that's ok. As it dries, everything simply fades. I'm sure I'll need to test it again, but now I know why I don't wear the old one - it just doesn't stay on my skin. Pretty, though.
  23. surlygurl

    I Loved You at First: But Afterwards Your Love

    I got this decant at the last minute because of the Cathouse Atmo spray comparisons, so I was not surprised when a reddish jasmine came forth on my skin. Really pretty, a little sharp (but nothing I can't handle). I was hoping it would spread and mellow, enveloping me in a floral hothouse cloud. It didn't. It remained sharp red jasmine. Which isn't bad at all. It would make a lovely.... erm, room scent , but it's just not a "me" scent. I'll definitely use the decant.
  24. surlygurl

    Vivamus, Mea Lesbia, Atque Amemus

    Ummm.... this is kinda nice. Red Musk always shouts and stomps all over everything, but this scent is a gentle clear red musk. There are other elements in it, sorta. And that's just it - everything else is "sorta". So instead of a loud stompy red musk marching all over my arm, I get clear gentle red musk stomping all over my arm. Maybe extreme drydown will be different; if so, I'll edit this.
  25. surlygurl

    A Thought from Propertius

    So..... I love love love apricots, and am becoming ok with honey. But I guess apricots should remain a food item, not a perfume item. This is nice. Sweet apricot honey, a gritty touch from the pepper. Aaannnddd..... that's it. It's 2 dimensional on me, kinda pretty. It'll be saved for summer.