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Posts posted by azhriaz

  1. This one is a bit too sweet for me. There is just a hint of the green notes, it's mostly fluffy marshmallow. After it's been on my skin for a while it goes strange and smells like banana lollies. Then it goes back to pink marshmallow and stays that way. This is the first "marshmallow" scent I've tried and it worked better than I expected, however it's not the type of thing I can see myself wearing again.

  2. The first time I used TKO I made the mistake of using the same amount as I would with other perfume oils. This resulted in a burning sensation in the back of my throat. So I won't be doing that again. A teensy dot on each wrist is plenty!


    I'm not really a huge fan of lavender in general, and this is a kind of harsh lavender, but the vanilla marshmallow effect in the background is tantalising. It definitely has a calming effect.

  3. Initial impression is very floral. Creamy, almost tropical flowers. The florals reminds me a lot of Chloe Narcisse, but soft and fresh instead of sharp and cloying, so I'm thinking there may be plumeria and/or daffodil based on that. I don't think it's gardenia because it's not as intense as the other BPAL gardenia scents I've tried, but it's in that kind of realm.


    After it dries down a bit there is more damp greenery, with very subtle citrus overtones. I was expecting something a bit more lemony, but it's barely there.


    I was scared that "mist and rain" = men's deodorant because that's usually how ozone/aquatic notes tend to go for me, but that element is muted. It's a suggestion of dampness rather than outright aquatic.


    Overall this is lovely. More traditional/feminine than I tend to go for, but it's so nicely done I can definitely see myself wearing this.

  4. When did you place the order? If you've ordered by paypal the money will be deducted straight away, but there's no confirmation email except the standard paypal one. You should get a shipping notification when the order ships, but that may not be for a while. The time between ordering and shipment seems to be approximately 2 weeks at the moment.

  5. Reading the description made me fearful that this would be contain some really evil dark musk so I was surprised at how nice this was when first applied. There's a little bit of sweetness to it and the musk is pleasant rather than scary.


    But then all of a sudden the musky goodness evaporates and I'm left with a pine-like scent. It smells almost sticky.. makes me think of sap, or vaporub. The pungency fades a bit but doesn't really morph beyond this. Definitely not my thing.

  6. I was thinking more flying and airport security. It's getting so they won't allow you to have any liquids in your baggage.


    They won't? I checked the TSA site and it says "Air travelers may now carry liquids, gels and aerosols in their carry-on bag when going through security checkpoints" (with size limits), so if anything they seem to be getting less strict. There was no reference at all to limits on checked baggage, unless the liquid is flammable. So I don't think you need to worry.

  7. Scorched musk! It really does smell exactly like I would have imagined, not that it ever occurred to me to imagine such a thing...


    When I received my imp fresh from the lab I was too scared to even try it on my skin. It reminded me of Brimstone, which is not really wearable for me. A month or two later and it's still a little intense on first sniff, but after application the musk and burning subsides a little. Just enough to let the tonka do its thing. And I do like tonka.


    Prurience is rich and smouldering (also unwholesome and voluptuous! the description is really spot on), and I've been sneakily sniffing myself all day, which hasn't happened for a while.


    Pretty good staying power, as you'd expect from preponderance of base notes.

  8. I received 2 imps of Oblivion in my last lab order, and they are both orange and I can see how they could fit your description of sandalwood with something a bit sweet. I thought it fit the description (it does smell like wood spice and labdanum to me at least) but was lighter (in scent) than I expected. Maybe the green is something that comes with aging.

  9. It was the agave nectar that prompted me to buy a bottle of Mictecacihuatl unsniffed. I can't pick agave out at all, but I am still very happy that I have a bottle.


    It's basically a fragrant, light wood. The spices are more incensey than foody. I was scared of the rose and tobacco, but the rose is very subtle and blends perfectly with the other notes and the tobacco is definitely hiding from me.


    Very sophisticated and even romantic, but I feel like I could wear this one for any occasion.

  10. I'm also not getting the same impression as most people.... it's all fig leaf.


    Fig leaf doesn't smell like fig to me, it's a slightly bitter vegetal smell that evokes freshly crushed garden weeds. This spray reminds me very much of the leafy top note in Premier Figuier by L’Artisan Parfumeur.


    I would have liked more smoky tea in this, but it's still a nice and refreshing outdoorsy scent which works nicely as a room spray.

  11. Euphrosyne is something I never would have picked out based on the notes. Yet bizarrely enough, I really like it.


    Jasmine has ruined so many blends for me, but it's behaving itself here. I can smell it, but it's not dominating any other note.


    Rose is another note that tends to stand out at the expense of everything else, but it's very subdued and seems to be hidden amongst the other florals.


    The gardenia/vanilla combo reminds me of Le Serpent Qui Danse, but the lemony note (whatever it is...) adds a nice contrast and complexity to the sweetness.


    I'm very pleasantly surprised, but it's definitely a morpher so I'm not completely convinced it works on me. The vanilla seems ok, maybe developing a hint of plastic but not as bad as usual.

  12. In the imp, this smells like polished wood with a bit of sweetness.


    On my skin all the notes blend together and end up smelling just like tobacco. It's not bad, but if I wanted to smell like tobacco I would just take up smoking..

  13. In the vial: Rather sweet. With a hint of orange. Not citrusy at all, but it still reminds me of orange. Maybe that's the ginger. I was expecting my nose to be assaulted by cinnamon and black pepper but I can't detect either of those.


    On skin: Less sweet. And very light! There is some cinnamon now but just barely. And it vanishes again quickly. The prominent note seems to be the desert sand. It's a very smooth and warm scent. Cleaner, softer and less masculine than I expected. I can't really pick out tobacco as such, there just seems to be a subtle incense in the background.


    This is truly lovely. I'm pleasantly surprised that sand was the primary note.


    ETA: Oh, and just in case anyone is wondering, the oil is yellow, not red. So I don't think there is much Dragon's Blood. I didn't notice any.

  14. I've had this imp for a while now, and I remembered it is as being very floral. I put it on today and it is all cinnamon. Relatively light cinnamon, and rather sweet.


    Florals seem to have vanished completely! I'm sure they were there before... At least it isn't making my skin go red like cinnamon usually does.

  15. Straight out of the imp, I can smell a wonderful dirt smell, and horribly soapy rose. Luckily the soap phase is temporary, it quickly settles down and smells very much like real dried rose petals. It has a definite pot pourri vibe.


    Then the rose disappears and the earth smell is dominant. Very similar to Jazz Funeral with both mosses and earth as notes.

    Now the rose is back again! Not as strong as before, but it's still playing nice and not turning to soap.


    This is a lovely scent, but I am just not that into rose. I will stick with Jazz Funeral because the mossy/earthy aspect is the same.
