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Everything posted by azhriaz

  1. azhriaz


    Vetiver, mainly... but not especially strong. It's tempered by something that smells like papyrus... mmm... cellulose... it does bring a tuber to mind. I do enjoy these kind of woody scents, but I just find them a bit plain to wear on their own. I might use this for layering or perhaps a room scent.
  2. azhriaz


    I get licorice from this too. I think it's the bergamot combining oddly with the other notes. It fades down after a bit and the bergamot becomes more lemony. Beyond that, my main impression is peach, but it's not a straight out 'fruity' scent. The white musk really makes it sparkle. Fae morphs a lot but always in a good way. I even like the licorice phase!
  3. azhriaz

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oh wow, I love those Gaiman labels... now I am hoping that I will like my decants enough for a bottle or two!
  4. azhriaz


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who got chocolate cherries from this. I think I smell some almond too, but that could just be that bizarre thing where cherry and almond perfume have a similar vibe even though actual cherries and almonds smell nothing alike. Anyway, this is foody! After a while it kind of verges into being a bit more floral, but mostly it's just sweet and delicious. I would get a big bottle if I had anywhere to put it.
  5. I think Premature Burial is still available. That's primarily earth. I also don't get a lot of florals from Worm Moon, but I think Premature Burial is stronger. Jazz Funeral could be worth a try. It does have florals but it doesn't smell very floral to me, and the earthy note sticks around.
  6. azhriaz

    Drink Me

    Drink Me sometimes smells lovely.. I think that's the custard and toffee... but then it changes to smelling... erm... like butter and turkey? I don't actually smell turkey but there's some kind of saltiness that is offputting when combined with so much sweet. Reminds me a bit of the saltiness in Gluttony. I don't get any recognisable fruit, just various sweet notes. I think my skin is turning it to plastic as well, just to top things off. Damn, I really wanted to love this.
  7. azhriaz

    Rose Red

    2007 version: I usually avoid rose.. I don't exactly dislike it, but it bores me to tears because I know that even if a blend has other interesting notes the rose will be dominant. Down with rose, I say! Yet... I became so curious about Rose Red... could it actually smell like a real rose?! And now I know... it truly does! It reminds me of sniffing the dark red roses from my dad's garden. There is a sharp green scent underneath, which sometimes smells a bit chemical, but I think it balances out the rose nicely. The overall effect is sophisticated rather than romantic or sexy (although having said that I think it would be incredibly romantic as a room scent). This is the type of perfume I can imagine wearing to work, if I dressed elegantly and was paid extravagantly! In other words, it's not really me But still... if it comes back I will be tempted to get a bottle anyway!
  8. azhriaz


    I assumed I would like this one, but the first time I tried it I was repulsed by the cloying sweetness. Tonight however, it is lovely! The pink pepper is very prominent and at first I thought I was smelling Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal. The passion flower is amazing, and does smell like passionfruit. I think it cuts the sweetness a little, which is a good thing. The scent dies down pretty quickly on my skin but doesn't disappear completely. I'm still not completely sure if I like this one... sometimes it smells fabulously unique, but then it switches to 'ick' or just 'meh'. Further testing required.
  9. azhriaz

    Quincey Morris

    I love the combination of pear and leather! It seems relatively light for a leather scent, but the leather note does last all day and the cedar comes out a bit when it's fully dry. The tobacco, vanilla and musk are very subdued.
  10. azhriaz


    Honey. With a hint of some plastic (vanilla?) and floral notes. The floral does not seem to be sweet at all, but of course the honey is. The musk and ginger sounded like the best parts and I can't pick them at all... I used to think that the lab's honey notes were going wonky, then I got some good quality honey flavoured ice cream and thought.. yuck.. it tastes like BPAL honey smells. heh. So I guess the honey note smells fine, it's just that I hate honey flavoured anything. I didn't think I disliked real honey that much, but there must be a reason I haven't had it in years. Oh well.
  11. azhriaz

    Ignis Massage Oil

    This smells like patchouli, sandalwood and myrrh to me. It's a dry, warm scent. I don't have a lot of experience with massage oils so I can't really compare the texture to others, but I find that it works really well. Not much is required but it's not overly greasy. The scent is extremely strong, I might try diluting it a bit next time.
  12. azhriaz

    Snow White Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    Maybe it would help if I knew what Snow White smelled like because this soap just smells like a very neutral soap to me.
  13. azhriaz

    Sri Lanka

    Sandalwood and cedar. That's about it. Doesn't morph at all throughout the day. I like sandalwood but I already have a bottle of Anne Bonny, which I prefer to this. Sri Lanka is a very neutral scent to me.
  14. azhriaz

    The Parliament of Monsters (2006)

    I didn't have high hopes for this one either. I thought it sounded a bit boring, but it's my surprise hit of the Carnival. It seems like a soft scent at first, but it really lasts and doesn't seem to morph a great deal over time. There's a nice balance of sweetness and dryness. Incense and opium smoke are definitely standing out for me the most, the tobacco and dust are fainter. My favourite incense blend so far!
  15. azhriaz

    Typical time...

    I will bet on reason number 1. I have gotten that same message if I check the CnS URL soon after receiving it. I think it can take a day or so to register on the site, so you don't need to worry.
  16. azhriaz

    Mag Mell

    I don't usually get impressions of colour from scents, but Mag Mell makes me think strongly of pale yellowish green, like new shoots of vegetation. The lemon verbena is overpowering in the bottle, but thankfully it takes a step back on my skin. I can smell sweet, dewy grass. I completely forgot there was ginger in this blend. It's very mellow and soft. Mag Mell is firmly in my top ten, I'm glad I bought a bottle unsniffed!
  17. azhriaz

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I think it's probably correctly labelled. Strangler Fig does have a sweetness to it, and I can see how you could think of vanilla. I don't put it in the woody or earthy category, but there's an undertone of green wood to it (I bought a bottle because I get just fig for the most part, which is one of my favourite notes and usually not noticeable enough for me in other blends). BPAL fig smells similar to every other "fig" scent I've smelled, in other perfumes and scented candles. (Haven't come across a fresh fig in a while to know if that's very accurate.. smells nothing like cooked figs). So if you've smelled any other fig scents it should be recognisable. If you're still not sure, you could just get another imp before ordering a bottle to make sure it's consistent. Sometimes there can be variation even if it really is the same oil.
  18. azhriaz

    Sweet, sweet florals

    Kurukulla is my favourite sweet floral, even though I'm not usually big on rose: "The Tibetan goddess of love and wealth. Her scent is a harmonious, sweet, enchanting blend of three lotus blooms and three roses".
  19. azhriaz

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    You might want to try Sudha Segara. It smells like ginger soap. The ginger is warm but not overpowering.
  20. azhriaz


    I prefer my '08 decant to my '07 bottle. For some reason I got no sweetness at all in the '07 version. '08 actually has noticeable sugar, which is nice, but it still doesn't work for me. I think it's the combination of the booze with a darker musk, I just find it really odd and unpleasant. The drydown is nicer (I couldn't even wear '07 long enough for it to dry) but I think I will just give up on Smut now.
  21. azhriaz

    Butterflies and Plovers

    Don't like this one much at all. Dirty patchouli with a sickly sweetness in the background. Well, it's not that bad really, but I'm refusing to let myself fall for another one of these Salon blends! The notes just seem to clash on my skin instead of working nicely together.
  22. Spirits of The Dead reminds me a bit of Dorian without the vanilla.
  23. Tezcatlipoca ended up being a really nice dark chocolate on me. I'd also recommend El Dia de Reyes, if you don't mind coffee. I don't get any chocolate from Gluttony at all. The Candy Butcher has a kind of biscuity smell.. not sure what to make of that, but it doesn't smell as much like dark chocolate as I'd hoped.
  24. azhriaz


    umm.. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cilantro how is cilantro not coriander?
  25. azhriaz

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    This is so strange... I have no idea what it smells like. I've never had a perfume 'cream' actually register as cream to me, so that could be the first obstacle. I can smell the teak in there somewhere, and the lotus occasionally peeks out (moreso after it dries a bit)... but primarily it smells like... er... orange? (but with no citrus...). And vanilla. It is a fascinating scent though. I'm trying to figure out which Lupercalia scents I need a bottle of, and I'm finding it hard to make a decision on this one. It's unique and I think I like it but I can't be quite sure.... So I asked my boyfriend what he thought, and he said "it smells like my protein powder! Tasty!". hmm. Not so helpful. There certainly is something glowing about this scent, and I can't stop sniffing my arm. I think I'll have to try it again another time and see if it starts making more sense.