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Everything posted by mooncityminx

  1. I agree with the Bordello rec, and I want to add that Bathseba also smells similar to me. Aglaea is somewhat similar as well. At least to me.
  2. mooncityminx


    About a week or so ago I was suffering from headaches that lasted for days. I tried everything I knew, with minimal success at relief. Well I had a frimp of Ugh stashed away, and I didn't have a lot of faith. Afterall Ugh is supposed to be for muscle pain. What I had felt like a sinus headache from hell. To me it smells exactly like a really potent version of those Halls lemon hebal cough drops. I mean that in the best way possible. Even though cough drop is not a fragrance that I would perfume myself with normally, for theraputic use it is quite nice. It doesn't smell medicinal in an icky way, and its throw is subtle enough. I wouldn't worry about grossing anyone out if I wanted to wear this out of the house. Really it's more lemon verbena than Vicks Vapor Rub. There is a slight cooling effect when applied to the skin, but not much. The citrus does not go wonky on me as most citruses tend to do. The smell is soothing and theraputic. It did help my headache, and did a better job than acetomedrophine. I had to reapply a few times but that's to be expected in an extreme case such as mine. I need to get a bottle of this stat.
  3. mooncityminx


    I finally hit the jackpot and scored a bottle of this. Shout-out to the generous people on the swaps board! This is the one blend that I have most wanted to try in all of BPAL history but missed the boat. In the bottle Midway is a little boozy. It actually smells a little heavy in that bottle like butter and rum and sweet sweet caramel fried vanilla with a hint of smoke. I would have loved single note funnel cake (or doughnut), which is what I thought this might be like, but on the skin this is lacking the fried batterness. It does still have a butteryness but it is more like vanilla butter than the heaviness of Gluttony (Gluttony was not my friend, even though I love the foodies.) I was worried about the caramel apple because apple doesn't always love me but I haven't caught even the slightest whiff of apple. Overall this is very vanilla. On my skin after drydown I get a lot more smoke, but to get more lasting enjoyment I've started wearing this in a scent locket. Calico Jack (my locket) enables it to last and last. I'm still using the original piece of cotton ball unrefreshed from more than a week ago and it is going strong. It's the ultimate comfort scent. Reminds me a little like eatting cookie dough while sitting in front of a bonfire when the person next to you is drinking some Sailor Jerry's. Not as rummy as Hellcat. And less buterscotchy too. More boozy and complex than the vanilla in Antique Lace. Much more refined than Gluttony and not as yuck-butterball. More dark and naughty than Eat Me. Much more foody than the Candy Butcher. More fried and smokey than Haloa. More sinister than Mr Nancy. I think any foody fan should try this if they can.
  4. mooncityminx

    Perpetuum Bonum

    This is my first TAL bottle. I got it in a swap. I've used a few imps ears of other blends and had some positive results, but so far I am most impressed with Perpetuum Bonum. Wet: Sweet, sweet cherry wax! Mmmm. Like cherry soda syrup. Tangy. There is a softer undertone which is slightly sweet herbal. For some reason it reminds me of the way paper money smells. I can't figure out in what way. It is amazing how alive with energy this oil is. If Beth were starting a cult of her own, I'd be obliged to join it so that I could learn the secrets of her energy work. Drydown: The softer dusty note is becoming more pronounced, although the cherry is still tangy and dominant. I'm having trouble remembering the specific instances of good luck that have come to me since starting to use this oil. But I do remember that it has worked for me in appreciated ways. The scent itself is unique and fun, not something I'd wear as a perfume, but that's not the point. It is very effective at evocing a certain feeling. Effectiveness Verdict: Potent! ETA: Every time I've worn this out of the apartment I've found money on the ground, only coins so far, but I've also found lost valuables I had been looking for, gotten great shopping deals, and I've found close parking spaces quickly in crowded parking lots. I've taken to wearing it any time I go shopping or have some activity planned out.
  5. mooncityminx


    I got this as a frimp. Lately I have been more interested in fruity scents so when I opened the lid and my first impression was Kool-Aid fruit punch, I was like, cool. As it dries a floral comes out, a soft sweet floral that isn't cloying or soapy. Heliotrope, you and I are going to be friends. I'm very much relieved to learn that bergamot and I can get along. There is an unidentified citrus floating around in certain BPAL blends that makes some scents go rancid smelling on my skin. Thank Mab it's not bergamot because right now I am loving this so much that I need a bottle! *slather* As it dries more I can detect the musk, but oh it's so divine.
  6. mooncityminx

    Penny Dreadful

    In the Imp: Mildew. Wet: Now I can see how what I am perceiving as mildew might also be described as that smell that potting soil has, but it's not earthy enough. Potting soil has a warm earthy smell with some substance behind it, this is not it. Dry: The lovely floral comes forward but not enough. It's as if I'm going through an antique bureau and I open up a beautiful box full of letters and vials of perfume and everything looks so lovely except that there is mildew speckled across it all. Ick.
  7. mooncityminx

    The Darkling Thrush

    In the Imp: Astringent smell that reminds me of doctors offices. Wet: Florals galore. That seems to be the luck I had with most of the Yule blends. I think it's mainly my skin chemistry. Dry: Something about it now smells like ocean and something sweet. It's like someone invented a disinfectant and scented it with kelp. I don't understand why I would smell kelp or disinfectant in a blend described as amber orris and violet but there it is.
  8. mooncityminx


    In the Imp: Aquatic minty. Wet: On my skin florals come out that I can't identify. It's still very aquatic but on my skin the florals seem to be overpowering everything else. Dry: Yep aquatic florals. I can see how someone who loves aquatic smells would love this, or someone with skin chemistry that doesn't amp the florals as much. Smells better to me in the imp than on my skin.
  9. mooncityminx


    To me wet Oborot and for at least the first thirty minutes I get a very unpleasant kick of green olives. It's like a pickled smell but without the dill. After that it settles into a nice woodsy smell, but what a long time to wait. I've been trying to pin down the culprit and I think I detected a similar note in Lycaon but had chalked it up to the olive leaf. I'm not aware of Oborot having olive leaf. Oh well, skin chemistry 101 everyone's is different.
  10. mooncityminx

    Aries 2007

    At first all I get from Aries is black pepper. It smells like I ground up a peppercorn and smeared it all over my wrist. It doesn't make me sneeze though. Hours later, and I mean at least five hours later I can detect the honeysuckle faintly. I don't know if it's my body chemistry or what, but I will be swapping this one. It's not bad, it's just so peppery.
  11. mooncityminx


    Aaaaah! I just got her in the mail and she smells exactly like my Rose Petal doll I had when I was a kid. I used to sniff that doll all the time! Hell, if I still had that doll and she still smelled, I would still be sniffing her. This website has a picture : http://home.comcast.net/~mjm1977/rose_petal.htm I never ever thought I would actually find anything that really smells like her. I tried when I was a teenager, but all the rose perfumes I found smelled soapy or not sweet enough. The smell is a strong rose, not at all soapy, and sweet vanilla perfectly merged together. Now I want more of this! What will I do?
  12. mooncityminx

    The Estee Lauder similarities thread

    I think Beyond Paradise is what I keep thinking of when I wear Vasakasajja. I like Beyond Paradise a lot for a commercial perfume, even though I'm not usually so floral. Vasakasajja is even better and I am absolutely in love with it. It's an LE and it's only available this year for a few more days. You can bet I'll be snatching up a bottle.
  13. mooncityminx

    Snake Oil Soap

    This soap is really beautiful. It's brown, tan, and cream swirly. It has the symbol for brimstone in the middle. The wrapper... Has a picture of a palmistry chart on the outside the color of parchment. The inside has a little bit of information about the soap. The smell is like sugared tea with cream, not very Snake Oilish to my nose, but exceptionally wonderful all the same. I cut off a travel-sized chunk from the end to try, so that may be why the fragrance is different for me. It may be that scent varies throughout the bar. Usually I am allergic to almost all soaps although some with a higher glycerine content are safer. This soap however gave me no problems and feels very luxurious to use. It doesn't seem as glycerine heavy as soaps by Lush for instance, and seems to hold up better. I don't notice the scent lingering on my skin much, but I put other things in my bath water so maybe that's why. I will very much enjoy this bar and look forward to trying other fragrances. I would also consider giving bars as gifts.
  14. mooncityminx

    Cupid Complaining to Venus

    In the Imp: Applesauce, peaches and honey with a fragrance that is like a fresh blossom that is very faint and gives the impression of newly formed plant material. Wet: Apples and some sort of heavenly perfume. Tart and sweet with some sophistication. Fresh just bitten into apples. Dry: Fruity notes amp as this starts to dry. Apple skin and fresh peaches just sliced. A green plant material note comes to the forefront again. And the honey which I suspect is the perfume note that I am noticing wafts in and out of range. This scent is so lovely. I think it disapears too quickly on my skin, but in a scent locket this stuff would be the most wonderful spring scent. If I had known about this one at the time I would have worn it on my wedding day.
  15. mooncityminx

    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt

    In the Imp: Herbal, Spicy and a unique floral that reminds me of some perfume I've smelled before but can't place. Wet: Woodsy spice. Sandalwood. The herbal and spicy notes come to the front as well. Very slightly powdery. Drydown: More powdery than before, still spicy. This is sophisticated but a little too much amber for something I would wear everyday. Although in a scent locket I think this could be marvelous. *is keeping* Ahhh, extra woodsy sandalwood. I may get a bottle of this eventually.
  16. mooncityminx


    In the Imp: Woodsy and spicy. Hmmm. Wet: Spicy and green herbal, now woodsy and dusty spice. Oooo. Interesting! Dry: This is starting to remind me of Devils Night but more powdery (I suspect that's the amber) and the spices seem to be different. The amber is amping. I don't think I can really pull off anything with a lot of amber in it. I'll keep this one for use in a scent locket. It's really a great wood and spice scent. Stupid skin chemistry.
  17. mooncityminx


    In the Imp: Really pretty floral. Reminds me of the tropics. Wet: Intense floral. Dry: Now I am getting a nice aquatic and the floral is blending. I wish I were smelling the sweetness of fruit that others are reporting. This is really nice, but it reminds me of something I must have smelled in a department store once. It seems to me like a good summer fragrance. EDIT: I've worn it a few more times since this intial review and it has grown on me a lot. I may have to keep my eye out for a bottle. This isn't in my top ten at the moment, but it is really great. EDIT2: It seems this stuff is addictive. I just bought two bottles and next time I update my top ten this is going to be on the list. The Champaca is so well blended with the tropical flowers and I am getting a slight aquatic at the end. I have never been to Hawaii, but in my mind this is what Hawaii smells like.
  18. mooncityminx

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    In the bottle: This smells exactly like hot cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven and smothered in icing! Yum! Wet: Cinnamon explosion! I think I may be detecting a touch of cardamon in the background but it is way way back there. Buttery cinnamon and icing pretty much overpower anything else. This smells so enticingly edible. It's not really that sweet though, which is hard to explain since I keep saying there's icing. It's not the sugar I'm smelling though, I think it's the butter and vanilla. Dry: The cinnamon gets hotter and hotter! *is resisting urge to lick back of hand* Even though this is absolutely wonderful I did trade my extra bottle because I can't see me wearing this often enough to justify multiple bottle hoarding. I am a little disapointed that this isn't chocolate or cherry or cardamon enough. I'm not getting chocolate or cherry at all. I don't think it's my skin chemistry either because it doesn't show up in the bottle. Not at all what I was expecting but very delicious all the same.
  19. mooncityminx


    In the Imp: Woodsy sweet florals. Wet: Florals and something cool and fruity. Dry: Woodsy and sweet. I really expected this to be more resinous or down-and-dirty like O. It's very clean in comparison. A little too clean maybe for me, but still quite nice.
  20. mooncityminx


    In the Imp: Flinstones Vitamins! Like the ones I used to eat when I was a little kid. It's a sweetish citrus tinge with an overall vitamin C smell. *shrug* Wet: More of the same. Drydown: Florals and musk blend with the vitamin smell. How weird that I'm not getting the same impression as everyone else. From the description this sounded like something I would have to have. Even when the other scents blend and cover it for the most part all I can really focus on is the vitamin smell. Too bad!
  21. mooncityminx

    Wolf Moon 2007

    In the Imp: Evergreen and Spices Wet: Sweet medicinal evergreen which gets sweeter. Starts to make me feel queesy. Very medicinal. Drydown: A berry smell starts to emerge. I guess this is Juniper Berry? A very sweet tart berry smell over evergreen. Gets less medicinal and almost cheerful. This is the stage I like most, although it does not make me think of wolves at all. After drying a long time the spices come out and mingle to give a very unique and interesting smell. Hours afterward I can smell it. Still bits of the cheerful berry smell. I really like Wolf Moon but I'm not sure that I would make good use of a 5ml. Best if I keep my imp of it and enjoy it in smaller quantity.
  22. mooncityminx

    The Great He-Goat

    In the Imp: Um, definately dark but a little dank too. Wet: Ah, here we are. With my skin chemistry Vertiver goes all candy which I enjoy. I may be picking up on the pomegranate too. Fruity candy with a darker back note. Drydown: Gets darker more woodsy. Mmmm sexy musk and earthy forest smells. I am so psyched that at least one of the salons is going to work for me. I am finding that I really enjoy wearing the more masculine scents. This almost reminds me of Count Dracula without the cinnamon. This is still very sweet on me. Yum.
  23. mooncityminx


    In the Imp: Caramel butter and fruit. The caramel is intense! Wet: Rich caramel mixes with a fruity smell, reminds me of starfruit. Dry: Gets more buttery as it dries. Haloa is warmer and less sharp than Eat Me was to me. I'm not getting a lot of the spiciness that others are talking about, which is a shame, but this is a very nice cake smell that is not overly foody when it dries on my skin. It actually smells very clean and warm now. I still get a little vanilla if I sniff deeply.
  24. mooncityminx

    Eat Me

    In the imp: a buttery note and something sharp Wet: The sharp note comes to the forefront. What is that? An herb? It's got to be the currant, but ... Dry: Oh now it is almost gone, just a little bit of buttery smell. Looks like Eat me is one of those scents that I would have to slather. If I try really hard I can smell cakes, but it's not like the Demeter cake scents at all. It's more like batter. Cake batter
  25. mooncityminx

    Knecht Ruprecht

    In the imp: A tree smell, I mean exactly like a tree that used to grow in the courtyard where I used to live and a sweetish almond smell. Wet: Overwhelming tree smell medicinal. Now I am smelling some citrus. Weird. Dry: Oh no! The dreaded citrus and tree. I'm trying not to gag. BPAl citrus always goes horribly wrong on my skin. If someone who has better skin chemistry likes trees and citrus this could really be good, but I am not that someone.