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Posts posted by quickdrawkiddo

  1. I like the scent of this one a lot, but it left bright red blotches where I applied it and actually burned. Occasionally I've had the skin around my throat get a little red when I applied a scent with cinnamon or cubeb. But I've never had a reaction this strong before so I had to scrub it off. It's too bad - I like amber, currant, and vetiver a lot and they smell just as great together as I would have hoped.

  2. Poppy flowers, acai berry, and honey.


    I know this has no pomegranate, but it always makes me think "THIS is what I wish pomegranate smelled like." Mainly this is a tart red fruit on me, more like red currant than anything else. It's neither sweet nor overly floral (in fact I can only pick out the floral notes now that I've had it on for several hours). Just crisp and tart. Lovely :)

  3. Very perfumey, in an old-timey, classic way. I think floral-amber blends always read as old-timey to me. As far as those go, this is very pretty and wearable, but still too powdery for me to want a full bottle.

  4. 2015: this one morphed a lot over its long drydown. It went on as a soft, slightly powdery floral incense, a bit like Veil (which I've been wearing a lot lately in an effort to decide if I like it). I think there's some lily and gardenia in here, possibly violet as well. As it dries it becomes more smoky with just a whiff of cocoa, but it never reads as foody. I like the dry version more than I thought I would based on how it went on wet, but I still don't think this is a bottle purchase for me.

  5. 2015 version! I'm normally not big on fruity or foody scents but I'm glad I went for the whole decant set so I could try stuff outside my comfort zone. This one worried me at first -- it went on very fruity and sharp with a weird musty undertone. But it softened as it dried into something really clean and fresh and invigorating. I'm not getting any floral notes at all, just bright citrus and a hint of zippy spice. It reminds me a bit of White Rabbit, which always reads as fruity to me for some reason. Very pleasant and bracing.

  6. This actually feels kind of tingly on my inner elbows where I applied it, almost like Icy Hot. Not surprisingly, it's mint-dominant with hints of grape and citrus in the background. It's still hot as balls here in New York so I'm always glad to find a scent that isn't oppressive to wear in the summertime, since I usually go for more tobacco/leather/musk blends. The mint in this reminds me a bit of Cathode, but this is more fruity and less pencil-shavings-y. I think I prefer the woody mint of Cathode but this is still very pleasant and wearable.

  7. I've tried Amsterdam a bunch of times -- for a long time I had it in the "not for every day but nice for a change" pile. But I finally had to accept that it just doesn't work on me. The description sounds pleasantly fresh and springy, but on my skin this is a damp, soapy floral. Nothing aquatic or grassy about it, which is too bad because those are notes I tend to enjoy. It's a very old-fashioned floral and those just don't work on me at all. Oh well!

  8. I've been wearing this a lot lately and had come to think of it as a "green" scent -- imagine my surprise when I checked the description today and saw not one single green note (unless you count mullein, which is an herb). Now that I'm paying attention, it's more dark and sweet than green. I'll venture to guess that the three musks are black, brown, and red -- that's the order I can smell them in, from strongest to weakest. Those are the main notes I'm getting, along with a dash of myrrh. No vetiver, which is too bad. I'm not surprised this isn't a more popular scent -- it has a lot in common with Iago and Dracul, two of my favorites, but it's much less traditionally masculine than either of those, so don't be scared off of this one.

  9. I've got a decant of bottle 242 and it is BRACING. It's almost entirely ozone, with something soft and powdery underneath that's making it veer toward laundry detergent rather than rain. It's not exactly what I think of when I think "oriental," but it's pleasant. If your dream is to smell like laundry fresh off the line, this is the CT for you!

  10. I got a decant of bottle #44 and it smells like... peach? I'm actually not getting much of a woodsy note at all. It's definitely fruity and I had a hard time pinning it down when it was still wet. But now that it's dried down a bit, I'm pretty sure it's peach. It's pleasant but I'm glad I only got a decant of this one. I also got a full bottle that I like MUCH better -- review to come.

  11. I was too scared to get a full bottle of florals but I plumped for a decant of bottle #57. It took me awhile to figure out what I was smelling, and then I realized: LILAC. Possibly some rose or carnation as well. But lots and lots of lilac. Luckily for me it's one of the few florals that I love unreservedly :) It's one of my earliest scent memories -- there was a lilac bush in front of my preschool! I'm *really* happy I got a decant of this and I will definitely be wearing it!

  12. Lily of the Valley is the dominant note in this one, for me. This is a very pretty white floral that strikes me as both clean and old-timey, in a good way. Not powdery or musty but fresh and classic. There's a lingering sweetness in the background that I'm guessing is the opium -- that's a note I always have a hard time picking out. This is less "heady" than many florals on me so I may keep it around for when I feel like something different, but honestly white florals aren't really my style so it's not one I'll be reaching for often.

  13. This was a surprise hit for me. Wet, it's very tart and astringent lime and orange, which I didn't think I'd be into since the lab's citrus notes don't do much for me normally. As it dries, though, it becomes more herbal and woodsy -- less juicy citrus fruits and more dry woody citrus bark, if that makes sense. The tanginess is still there but it's more mellow. I've been reaching for this one a lot this summer since it's so crisp and fresh. I only got a decant but I may search out a bottle of this one.

  14. Both wet and dry, this is green tea and a very light, fresh floral note. It's not so much soapy as clean on me. It's not the kind of thing I'm usually drawn to but I have to admit it's been getting a lot of play lately because of the hot weather. Also good for work and for meeting the parents, as it's crisp and not at all vampy. Would be great for a younger kid to try as well! I like it because it never becomes powdery or soapy -- just fresh and clean.

  15. Imp of unknown age! That might account for the fact that this smells TOTALLY different on me than what other people seem to be experiencing. I'm getting no spices or sweetness at all. Instead this is a dusty incense with dry white florals, and maybe a hint of white musk as well. The floral notes remind me of Zephyr and Grief, but the incense keeps this from going powdery or play-doh-y. If you like white florals but find them a bit old-lady-ish, give this a try. It's actually fairly unisex-smelling to my nose. Not really my style but I might keep it around for when I feel like switching things up.

  16. This reminds me a lot of Marche Funebre, which was one of those scents I loved initially but found myself not wearing that much since it's kind of gloomy. This is brighter and warmer -- I'm definitely getting the sage, which I love. But on the whole this has the same dark, serious feeling as Marche Funebre. If you liked that scent and/or missed out on it while it was available, jump on this.

  17. Wow, this is... not what I was expecting. Based on the notes listed I thought this was going to be dark and intense and sexy. What I'm getting instead is a light floral-resin. Jonquil always reads as old-timey to me, though that might just be my personal association with that note. To me that gives the whole scent a throwback kind of feel, like something a teenage girl in the 50s would have worn to sneak out of the house and go watch her boyfriend drag-racing. What's crazy to me is how little black musk I'm getting, since that's a note that usually amps like crazy on me. It has a light, clean sophistication that I like, despite how different it is from what I expected.

  18. Very woodsy and fresh. This reminds me of Dracul without the musk, or a less-sharp Troll. Those are both scents I love, so this is a big win on me. As it dries the pine calms down a bit, and I'm getting more cedar and oakmoss with just a dash of mint. If dry woodsy scents are your thing, give this a try.

  19. This is all red musk and patchouli straight out of the gate, and then it softens almost immediately to a balanced woody-resiny-musky blend with just a hint of roses. I adore red musk but I also amp it like crazy so I usually have to go easy on red musk blends. But the sandalwood in this keeps it balanced and gives it a calmer feeling than I usually associate with red musk. As it dries the woods become almost cedar-y. The throw is very light, and the overall feeling is one of calmness and strength.


    I have a ton of woodsy red musk blends already but I don't care -- this is gorgeous and immensely wearable, so I'll need a bottle post-haste :)

  20. I'm surprised by how much I like this one! From the description I was worried it would be a really intense, heady floral, and I don't really do those. And it does go on as a pretty intense gardenia scent, but it dries down to a balanced, slightly perfume-y blend of gardenia, musk, and vanilla, with just a hint of incense.

    Totally agree about the 40s style sophistication -- this is what you'd imagine your grandma wore back in the day :) For something that's not my usual style at all, I can totally see myself getting lots of wear out of this.
