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Posts posted by Aevalin

  1. L'Heure Verte is really hard to transliterate because it's got that gargly French "r" in it. Roughly, "loor vairt". However, both the "r" sounds are the guttural "r" like you never find in English, almost like an "h" or very soft "k" in the back of your throat. Sorry I can't be more useful here.


    That sound sometimes crops up in Hebrew, assuming I have any idea what you're talking about. :) My biggest beef with French is never knowing which letters they've decided to pronounce.


    Do you think I could get away with regular English rrrs? Or would that sound worse?


    I've always thought it was more "luhre vairt". You know, super soft t. But I suppose that's a regional thing, and totally based on my french teacher's pronunciation.


    Ok, I realize I'm replying to something old - but the reason it's pronounced with a harder t is because it ends in e. If it was vert (the masculine) it would have been vair. But it's feminine with the e so it's vairt.

  2. I would recommend Love's Philosophy, Sugar Cookie, or Dorian for some wonderful vanilla scents (Sugar Cookie is a bit hard to find, though). Also, Pickled Imp is a wonderful clove vanilla without any of the incense of Snake Oil. I also LOVE Black Opal, but it's not your traditional creamy vanilla. It's vanilla rocks :P


    See Love's Philosophy was ok on me but Sugar Cookie and Dorian are two of my 3 favourite BPALs (the other being Snow White), Sugar Cookie is so buttery and warm and vanillay mmmmmmmm. Dorian is a sweetened vanilla tea and is lovely too.

  3. Hmmmm I do like this one. It's warm and spicy - it reminds me of cookies with cardamon in them. Once it starts to dry down I get a bit of the woodiness. It smells lovely, and round and warm. I just wish it held on a bit longer :P When it really dries down it's like I get a faint last whiff of hay before it fades away. I think I'll try it with some moisturizer or in a locket to get it to stick around longer.

  4. Charisma is quite strong smelling on me. It reminds me sort of the smell of ginger beer or some other rooty beer that's spicy. I don't adore the scent but I don't hate it. But hey, I'm not wearing it to smell good :P


    I wore it to a job interview on the 28th of April along with a hint of Blockbuster (the Blockbuster was for me). I had a big honking cold sore I developed the day before and frankly I was flustered and gave what I believed to be a sucky interview. I wasn't too confident in getting a call back, and when I hadn't heard by Monday (and they expected to know by Friday) I'd given up. I got an email for a second interview request today. I gotta tell you Charisma must of smoothed over my rough edges because I didn't imagine in my wildest dreams that I'd get called for the first interview, never mind the second!!

  5. AFAIK cilantro is when you use the leaves, and coriander is the seeds of the same plant. I thought this was interesting...


    "Some people instead perceive an unpleasant "soapy" taste and/or a rank smell. This is believed to be a result of an enzyme that changes the way they taste coriander leaves, a genetic trait, but has yet to be fully researched" (from wikipedia)


    So this might be why it smells like mildewed towels for me most of the time?

    I have heard the same thing about broccoli...


    I've heard that the reason kids don't like broccoli for the most part is that it's a strong tasting vegetable and their taste buds are sensitive. As we age, our taste buds deaden so we don't find it tastes the same. Me, I really don't love cooked broccoli. Raw is fine. And don't put cauliflower anywhere near me. Blargh.


    So yes, this means I am NOT hoping for an April Fool's Scent of Cilantro, Broccoli and Cauliflower with a smidgen of over cooked cabbage....



  6. AFAIK cilantro is when you use the leaves, and coriander is the seeds of the same plant. I thought this was interesting...


    "Some people instead perceive an unpleasant "soapy" taste and/or a rank smell. This is believed to be a result of an enzyme that changes the way they taste coriander leaves, a genetic trait, but has yet to be fully researched" (from wikipedia)


    So this might be why it smells like mildewed towels for me most of the time?

  7. if u can ever hunt down a sample of possets sicilian...omG...

    tomatoes and cilantro....perfection... i have a bottle that i have

    been savoring for over 3 years now and it gets better and better..... :P


    I was just curious about this, since I only remember Possets starting up less than two years ago -- was that an early, pre-web scent or did they have a previous storefront or perhaps was it a different brand? I ask because that sounds just freaking amazing! :D The scent of summer.


    I'm dying for more herbal/fresh/garden scents. Wet potting soil and coriander seeds (from garden-starting) and fresh leafy cilantro (from chopping it for dinner) is actually what I bet I smell like right this very instant!


    It was in like August 2006 - it came out when Fireflies did - I've never smelled it either.


    I'm not sure how I'd feel about BPAL with cilantro. Sometimes it smells so good and green and then other times I get this sorta wet mildewy towel smell that I am not real fond of. But then Beth has taken things that I'm convinced would smell weird (Shadwell's scent description comes to mind) and made them yummy! It would be a nice fresh green summery idea tho!

  8. I was fortunate enough to enable my sister this holiday season ! After going through my stash, she decided that ROSES where her favs. However, I have almost no experience with BPAL rose scents, because rose on my skin becomes the raging Hulk (ROSE SMASH!!). For you rose lovers out there, what's the most popular?


    She also favors grassy scents, so any rose/grass combo would be lovely also.


    Thanks for your help!


    In general I'm not a rose fan for myself, but I really like Rose Red - it stays (IMHO) pretty true to what real roses smell like after it hits my skin. That's a big thing for me :P

  9. Holy smokey Batman!


    I definitely get Labdanum from this puppy, not much patch or tobacco - maybe a hint of a cherrish pipe tobacco I guess. And woo - brimstone!! I got this for the hubby because he likes BPALs with brimstone or smoke it seems, I think this will be mighty sexy on him if it dries down on him like it does on me.

  10. What you want here is Spider. :P


    Also worth trying: Whitechapel, Villain, Old Scratch. Old Scratch has no lime, but it does do that fresh-but-spicy thing that regular Old Spice does (only much better, of course). I sometimes wonder if it's a cute joke on Beth's part. :D


    I second the vote for Villain. My Dad is an Old Spice guy not sure if he uses the one with Lime but Villain totally smells like him. I love the way it smells too but I had to forbid my hubby from wearing it because it reminded me of my Dad so much. Cause ick - totally not right.

  11. I got to try this thanks to the lovely Voleuse!


    The Queen's Salon reminds me of jasmine or orange blossoms with something sugary- maybe a honey? It's definitely a floral type scent but not one that screams it at you. It's not for me (florals seldom are) but I'm really glad I got to try it!

  12. Thank you Voleuse!


    Door 13 is very ozoney on me - almost reminiscent of a man's cologne that I can't quite place. In the imp it's much more oceany, with a hint of citrus. Sadly it doesn't smell like that once it hits my skin (stupid skin). Still, I'm very glad I got to try it out :P

  13. I love my bottle of lemony Phobos. In my youth I had a thing for Skin Musk, and this reminds me of a grownup version of it. While I get the citrus scent, that fades quickly leaving just a hint of lemon on my skin and the white musk amps up. It's really lovely on. I get decent throw and it will last an entire day and even into the next morning - it's the longest lasting BPAL I have!

  14. Ummm do you think I might be a "problem order" (ie being one of the "lost" deliveries)? my credit card was charge on April 1st. Now it's closing in on May 1st.... I thought the 2-3 week delay was once my card was charged, not before.


    Or is it because I'm in Canada?


    If you're in Canada, you shouldn't (and likely didn't) use CC Now for your CC processing but rather did it through PayPal? PayPal charges you right away for your purchase (well it shows up 3 days or so later on your credit card). If you did use CC Now you should contact the lab because internationals aren't supposed to I don't think...

  15. I popped Mr. Nancy on before I left this morning and I'm not sure how I feel about him. Everyone seems to be getting a lovely hint of citrus - it never popped out on me. Or the Bay Rum. Or the tobacco. Right now I'm smelling of honey or syrup, something thick and sweet. It's not a bad smell exactly, it's just not what I was hoping for (I was hoping for it to be my beloved Sugar Cookies kicked up a notch). I think I'll wait and see how it all develops before I swap away my imp.

  16. I'm wearing Snow White 05 today :P I applied it this AM and I can still smell it (5 hours later). This scent completely goes against type for me. I generally don't like florals - I wouldn't have dreamed of trying this had I not been in a circle where I sniffed a sniffy!


    I get creamy snowy minty when I first apply and then it delicately fades off a bit to a hint of floral. It's definitely a white flower in the background - which makes sense since the description mentions night blooming. I think maybe I'm smelling nicotiana but I'm not quite sure. Any how - it doesn't matter, I just love it. It's now in my top 5 list!

  17. Oh how I wanted to love this - I love honey. I love ginger. I love thyme. There was just that pesky gardenia and jasmine to worry about. In the bottle I get a hint of honey with some pretty heady floral smells. And on me....jasmine. Looooooots of jasmine.



    And I think it's giving me a headache besides.

  18. A lovely BPAL frimped me generously - and one was Mitzvah (imagine my excitement!!)


    I think Mitzvah reminds me of Sugar Cookie 05 - buttery with a bit of caramel - it's making my mouth water it's so nummy. It will go fabulously with my Grampa Joe soap from Villainess. ( I love to pair scents with soaps :P)

  19. Oooooooooooo this is good stuff.


    Villainess makes a bar called Grampa Joe. It's described as being toffee candies with a stiff shot of rum. I love this bar - it smells so good in the shower, but it doesn't leave it's scent on me. But now I have Sugar Cookie 05 which is a pretty darned scent match.


    I think I'm reminded most of buttered rum when I smell this in the imp, and it stays pretty close to the same on my skin. I don't think it has a lot of throw, which if fine because with BPAL I usually only care if I can smell the scent or maybe the hubby - I live in a province with the motto of "no scents is good sense".


    I'm now going to have to track down more Sugar Cookie 05 - Devil's Bake Sale indeed.
