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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Aevalin

  1. Aevalin

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    As soon as I read the description of this one, I knew I was going to have to procure some for the hubby. I love smoky musky leather smells - fortunately so does he ! The love affair began when I received a sniff of Doc in a swap. I sniffed it and was really impressed at how Beth could get the smell of smoky leather in a bottle. But I had to get it to pass the husband test - B. smelled it and gave his approval, even though he doubted me because of the leather bit. It's now become one of his favourites to wear - and quite likely my favourite scent on him. It's masculine without smacking of cologne, it just smells like a man. A manly man. If only we could get more men wearing this and less men wearing that stupid Axe or Tag body spray the world would be a better place...or at the very least the men would smell better
  2. Aevalin

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    I really hate clowns. I got an imp of this in a swap and even hesitated to try it because of the clown factor. I'm really glad I did tho. For the record, not only do I not like clowns, I don' t do well with artificial smelling fruit. Needless to say I was hesitant. But I really quite like Xanthe. It's fruity without smelling like Fruit Loops -really to me it smells more like berries I guess...tho that could be the guava. It's round and sweet and juicy smelling. And it has amazing staying power on me, which usually only happens when I put on something I DON'T like This smells really really good. I'm enjoying what the Carnival Diabolique has to share so far - I really really love them.
  3. Aevalin

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    Hyson tea leaf, pale mint, sugar cane, orange blossom, lemongrass, and honey. I'm absolutely horrible at picking out notes most of the time. Ye have been warn'd I really quite like Gennivre - but I have to admit I'm not getting the mint that most people seem to be picking up. I'm not aware of what hyson tea smells like, but from what I've read, I'm guessing it's somewhat green. I find this reminds me of a strong cup of green tea with a touch of lemon or citrus, plus there's this faint touch of floral something that I can't put my finger on. Over all it's really good smelling and a nice change from the usual tea scents (that I love with all of my heart mind you, but change is good). Damn - I'm loving almost all of the CD - between this and the Mad Tea Party ::whimper:: my poor wallet.
  4. Aevalin

    White Rabbit

    I guess it makes sense that I'd find oils I liked most in the Mad Tea Party...because I love the tea White Rabbit has, for me, the strongest tea scent of anything I've sniffed so far. (I have some possibly stronger ones on the way so we'll see how well it stands up). I LOVE it. I can close my eyes and smell a cup of tea with some milk and a bit of sugar. I love the way it smells on my arm. Like most things on me (I blame my dry skin) there's not much of a throw - but since I work in a scents sensitive office, it's ok that I'm the only one there who can smell me If you like tea scents - this one is for you
  5. Aevalin

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    First off let me just mention I love tea scents. When I first started using BPAL I got the usual favourites -and took recommendations from my friends. They all turned to baby powder on me without fail. Then I got Dorian. I'm in love with Dorian. I started working my way through tea scents and then I met Theo While there are similarities to Dorian, definitely, I find I smell the tea more in Theo. The hint of bergamot is just that - a hint. I know a lot of people are saying this is a masculine scent - and while I'm sure it would smell wonderful on a man, there's no frikken way I'm sharing When Theo dries down it still holds its scent for me - something that's been a problem. I don't find it has a lot of throw which means I may have to slather, but honestly even if I just put it in a spot where I can smell it and no one else can, I'm ok with that too
  6. Aevalin

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    Nattie, thank you so much! I love this! I do have one question though. When adding new oils to the sheet, how do I make it so that the long and short descriptions stay in their column and don't bleed into the next one when they are really long? Thanks for this! Stacy You can also go into the cell format option (right click on the cell where you put your info), go to the alignment tab, and check "wrap text" That oughta do it.
  7. Today I'm wearing Theodosious, The Legerdemain and I'm quite liking the tea blend, it's not quite as sweet as Dorian, but still nummy. I obtained White Rabbit as well, and from my quick test of it last night I would say it smells the strongest of tea of anything I've sniffed so far - but I haven't tried the Apothocary yet, it's on my list
  8. I like Sudha Segara a lot but totally don't get tea. I get something yummy, but not tea. I'm looking forward to White Rabbit especially. Hopefully Canada Post will speed up
  9. I love me some Dorian and Baobhan Sith - I've acquired some other ones to try but they're on their way to me...White Rabbit, F5, Gennivre and Theodesius for example. I was wondering tho - Sudha Segara was mentioned - and while I love it, I didn't think it had tea in it? (Sweet milk and warm, healing ginger with a touch of golden honey and our blend of Ambrosia.)
  10. Aevalin

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    You most certainly can Create a blank database, go to get external data, import - when you get the file location box, pick xls excel from the drop down, pick your bpal file. Then you're going to get a wizard thing - pick which sheet you want to make into a table, and follow the steps. Tell it that the first row contains headings, keep clicking next till you're done (all of the defaults are fine). If you need more info, give me a PM OH and you'll likely want each sheet to be it's own table.
  11. Aevalin


    I'm so glad I realized I loved the "tea" note. Dorian is simply to die for. I know what's in it - but everything blends together so well on me I'm not able to pick out notes. It's just a slightly sweet scent that doesn't go to baby powder on me. It's not too strong, it's just warm and delicious without being too foody. ::adds Dorian to the must try and obtain bottle list::
  12. Aevalin

    Baobhan Sith

    When I started investigating BPAL, I went for the patchouli type scents because I LOVE patchouli like no one's business. But as it turns out I don't always love it on me. I branched out and voila - have discovered tea smells as good as it tastes When I'm wearing Baobhan Sith (which I just love pronouncing, my Gaelic is getting better) I can't stop sniffing myself. I get tea, and weirdly something that reminds me of lilac (not crappy artificial old lady lilac but of the actual tree). I think it might be the apple blossoms but I'm not sure. This scent just smells individual to me, and I LOVE it. It just makes me smile
  13. Aevalin


    I bought this one for me because lavender as a rule quite likes me. I dabbed some on before I scampered off for work... And I realized I smelled like my Dad. I'm not quite sure what in it smelled like my Dad, but it must have been some sort of scent memory. This is not to say it smells bad, because it didn't, but it smelled manly...my Dad is a manly man (a Contractor). So at this point I decided well - I must try it on the husband but ONLY if it doesn't make him smell like Dad because eww. And on him, it totally doesn't smell anything like it does on me. Apparently body chemistry is genetic I'm unable to pick out any of the notes individually when I smelled this on me. On my Hubby I get a definite citrusey lavender. Very good smelling. And clean.
  14. Aevalin


    This oil is the reason I was lured to BPAL in the first place - The tale of the Faery Queen Aeval wasn't all that common when I chose my online name in her honour. And then I found out about this oil blend...I had to have it, I had to love it !! And I really do like it, although there are oils I love more I think. I get a lot of sweet pea with something green (the sage?) as it dries on my skin. Not so much Tonka. It's very pretty, just a departure for me - I usually like earthy blends - with resins and sandalwood. I'm just hoping the musk doesn't eventually turn it to Baby Powder...
  15. Aevalin

    Mag Mell

    I really am very fond of Mag Mell, but the husband doesn't love it as much. In the imp it smells herby to me, just green and lovely. When I applied it, it was still green but there was a definite citrusy note. Now that it's been on for a while I'm getting more of the ginger (and I love ginger). This is a keeper for me, I'll just wear it to work instead of for romance
  16. Aevalin


    This was my very first BPAL imp ever sampled (and this is my first review ! ). At first when I sniffed it in the imp I thought it was much too strong for me. I couldn't smell almonds at first, but as soon as it touched my skin it was very apparent. In the first few minutes I thought it was going to be too strong for me, but after 5 or 10 minutes it mellowed to a dark mellow musk with a touch of almond. This one is a keeper