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BPAL Madness!

bloody sore

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Everything posted by bloody sore

  1. bloody sore

    Vampire Tears

    I had a bottle of this, never wore it, sold it, and then was given an imp and thought I'd try it again because when I read the notes, the sound like something I like. This is to remind me why I don't like this scent. When first applied, it smells like the horrid cake note of doom. I cannot stand the 'cake' that is in a ton of bpal blends, it's dusty and rancid and fades quickly on my skin. After about 3 hours some of the florals come out. It's a light floral, soft and delicate, without being refreshing. So not me.
  2. bloody sore


    I'm trying to do reviews of everything I try, so I know if I've tried it before. o.o Wet: This is super apple-y. I do not care for apple perfume. Dry: Apples and spice. Smells like a horrid scented candle. Blech.
  3. bloody sore


    In the bottle this smells like urine to me. Specifically, the way it would smell changing sheets on a bet at 3 in the morning when I worked at the old folks home. So it took me a few hours to build up the courage to put this on my skin. On my skin it smells strongly of pine . . . ish. It's a tree smell that I know but can't quite place, and neither could my wife. It's strong and rather floral. Drydown is about the same, but some 12 hours later, I can still smell it, and the screeching top note is gone, not it is earthy and green and something I like, but the first 12 hours definitely aren't worth it.
  4. bloody sore


    I got frimped a half decant of this from a recent swap. I was interested to see what all the fuss was about. Before we get to my review I must share my wife's though. She's fairly uninterested in BPAL in general, but I still make her smell most things. When I put my hand up to her nose she made a weird face and kinda sneezed. I asked her what that meant and she goes; "That smells like salon chemicals. To put it nicely, it's aweful!" The usual response she gives me is "well, it's perfume" so any opinion she expresses is taken in strong consideration. To me it's all the wrong florals covered in a definitely fake vanilla. No leather. Just awful florals amped super high. I totally see where she gets the salon chemicals, it smells kinda like hairspray and hair dye and blech. I'm so glad I was frimped this, and didn't pay for it.
  5. bloody sore

    Strangler Fig

    This was a pleasant surprise, at first. I was frimped this in a swap recently, and it was amazing in the imp. Earthy, a little sweet, a lot like death cap, one of my all time favorites. It continued in this manner for about the first hour on my skin. A lovely slightly sweet earthy smell. But after about an hour it did some morphin', and a strong honey note came up, along with some baby powder, neither of which I care for. In the end it was soft earth smothered in honey and baby powder, an epic FAIL.
  6. bloody sore


    Soft and warm like wild animal fur. I do not like this on my skin, but it makes a wonderful scent for yarn and knitted items. Gifted to Eesie who described it as "OMG! Beth somehow made a mole live in this bottle! It's furry and warm and perfect!!!"
  7. bloody sore

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Land of the Lost?? hehe.. yeah.. and there's also this: OMG! That's great. Also, thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one.
  8. bloody sore

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/opacity/45326...ool-bpal_fiends Top row, sixth one from the left. Lol, it looks like a sleestak! Please, let me not be the only one that knows who they are!
  9. bloody sore


    Oh, I had such high hopes for this one. And it is horrid with my skin chemistry and nose. It starts out pretty sweet but quickly turns into this super amped up, headache inducing thing that I believe is amber. Which I usually like. But not in this case. I get super heady (and not in a good way) amber doused in cheap high school boy cologne. With a twinge of the feared 'green bell pepper' note of doom, which until now I had thought was what the lab calls dried leaves, but apparently is not. Super disappointing, this isn't even a scent I could see myself loving after some aging. I hope I can swap it for something good.
  10. If you like black lace, you'll like this too. It's black lace's vanilla/tobacco combo with wood instead of sugar floss. But the good kind of wood, the polished, smooth, goooooood kind that you actually want to smell like (not the 'I'm going to get a splinter if I put my nose to my wrist' stuff). Perfectly well blended, long lasting and luxurious. Good stuff.
  11. bloody sore

    The Stormhold

    I have to admit that I had really high hopes for this blend. Unfortunately, I forgot (or perhaps never really realized) that I don't like ozone. It smells like nasty old lady soap. Anyways, this blend starts of pretty stereotypical masculine when wet. As it drys, the old lady flowers come out, screaming over the lovely base notes. If I venture close enough to my hand to smell it up close, I get an old lady batting me away with her purse, while her small vetivert dog cowers beneath her feet. 'Nuff said.
  12. bloody sore

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    I'm not usually one to like BPAL aquatics, or at least what people call aquatics. They usually end up smelling like Aqua Velva to me. Anyways, I had to get this one, mainly because I find tentacle porno all too amusing, and I love the stench of seaweed. I was a little worried about the mint and honey, two things that I really don't like. In the bottle this is strongly mint and seaweed. But the second it touches my skin, the ambergris comes out, making it such a lovely scent. On my skin, it's mostly seaweed and ambergris, with a touch of mint cooling the whole thing off a bit. There isn't any honey that I can detect, which suits me just fine. This is also one of the longest lasting blends on me. And not just that you can smell some semblance of it for hours to come, no, this stuff stays just as when I put it on for 7+ hours. Yay!
  13. bloody sore

    Deep in Earth

    Oh, this stuff is awesome. I love love love earth smells and BPALs graveyard dirt. Anywho, this smells like Zombi without all of the rose. Sure, there's still rose, but not enough to make you go "phew there some rose . . . and a little bit of dirt" oh no, this scent is DIRT and a little bit of other stuff. Totally worth buying a bottle unsniffed.
  14. bloody sore

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Email the lab. I had to do that with one of the new winter scents, as it sounded really good, but I'm DEATHLY allergic to cashew, and that's a listed note. Sadly, they apparently use the real stuff for this blend. But seriously, just email them and they should be able to tell you if they have something in common and what it is. They don't want their customers getting sick from the product.
  15. bloody sore

    The Phoenix

    I tested this a few times after I got the bottle and decided to be ballsy and wear it full on last night. It fit rather well with work, as I wages my own wars against the tides of hood waters. (I clean industrial kitchens, and last night was hood night, meaning tons of water, everywhere) Anywho, it's a largely aquatic scent to me, fresh and light. And I actually didn't mind smelling slightly of man. It gives me the impressing of raging waters and a slight bit of ship. I can't actually smell anything besides salty sea when I stick my nose to my wrist, but every now and then I get a waft of the ship and the snake oil. It's really nice, actually, I have to admit that I'm glad I got two bottles of this.
  16. bloody sore

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Thanks for the link! I adore Pirate Moon. I wonder if the Phoenix will have the same flag or a Phoenix or a ship or something entirely different. I got my bottle the other day and it has a black and white drawing of a pirate ship in a moonlit cove. Or something like that.
  17. bloody sore

    Midnight Kiss

    I got a frimp of this from the lovely jessiesquash in our last swap. I really wanted to buy some of it with the last update, but decided that I probably wouldn't like it because of the cocoa. I always hate that in a scent. Anyways, yesterday when the GF and I were going on a mad sampling spree, she let me put some on her. It was freakin' awesome. So I put some on me. It's everything I ever wanted bloodlust to be. It's bloodlust with out the cinnamon. It's perfect. O.O I really don't know how else to describe it. It's sweet and sexy and . . . perfect.
  18. bloody sore

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    You and me both! I wanna see Crypt Queen and her coffin the bottle in the crypt on the trading post site says Crypt Queen. Wouldn't it just be the same bottle? Yep it is. My bottle and coffin look exactly like the picture on the TP.
  19. bloody sore

    Crypt Queen

    This has got to be one of the craziest morphers I've tried. (And also the first TP blend that I wasn't 'meh' about) In the bottle this is pure, sweet fruit. Dark fruit, evil fruit. What I feared it might have smelled like. When I put it on my skin it smells like it does in the bottle for about . . . thirty seconds. Then this crazy grounding almost pepper smell comes through. About a half hour later, a floral is blazing into strength, with the peppery base fighting for the top. It reminds me of all of the old people I used to take care of. It makes me think of the women that refuse to give up to death and old age. It's empowering, yet utterly creepy at the same time. A good six hours later, it's dried down to a soft peppery floral. Never thought I'd love this one, I just wanted it for the cool coffin. I have a feeling I'm going to be hoarding this one.
  20. bloody sore

    Yves St. Laurent Opium smell-alike?

    I'll admit that I've never actually tried YSL opium, but I am an opium freak. I second the Chrysanthemum moon comparison, on my skin it's just like opium incense. Kanishta (it's a LE from earlier this year) is the closest I've found to a BPAL version of my favorite opium single note, while Darkness is a sweet/floraly opium. I have bottles of all of those. I've tried Anathema too, and it seemed like a not as good (less opium, more other stuff) version of Darkness. If that makes sense. There's my two cents . . .
  21. bloody sore


    On my skin this smells like it does in the bottle-like a very aquatic scent with some woodyness thrown in. Not really my cup of tea. I tried it and thought 'meh'. But then . . . My girlfriend decided that she wanted to smell what this 'scooby doo' scent was that I had been going around the house and mumbling about smelled like. So she put some on. About half an hour later, I asked to smell her wrist and blurted out "OMG that smells like having sex with you when we were 16!!!!" Seriously, it's the smell of that summer. Swimming in the creeks and lakes in our home town, laying together in the middle of the night smelling the warm summer air float through my windows and smelling the lakewater still in her hair. Her own smell seems to be amped by this perfume, making it smell like bits of her are floating around in it. This is the best BPAL for her so far, IMHO, and . . . just wow. It's amazing on her.
  22. bloody sore

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore underpants for Christmas. Later in the day, after my Mum had given me my giganto box o' bpal she bought me ( ) I put on some lick it again, continuing on with the whole vanilla thing.
  23. bloody sore

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Brides of dracula looks like the other ootd. Purple phoenix is like red, black and pink phoenix, but with a purple background, a slightly different font, and purple lettering. Glitter looks like all the rest of the ressurecteds.
  24. bloody sore

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    This is my insta happy, rub-my-toes-together-and-giggle scent. Really, it does that to me, puts me instantly in a good mood. I can smell the pink pepper for sure in this one, or at least what smells like the actual pink peppercorns that they have in the kitchen at work (yes, I go around smelling the spices if I know they're in a bpal I like) It's light and airy and just . . . happy. Sadly though, it has no staying power on me. My solution: buy a few more bottles and put them in a roll on.
  25. bloody sore

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Did anyone ever have the vanilla lipsmackers, the sparkly gloss kind, when they were a kid? That's exactly what this reminds me off. Gloriously sweet and sticky and vanillay. Not something I'll ever wear, but it amuses me.