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Everything posted by supremegoddessofall

  1. supremegoddessofall


    Revisited version: This is very light, and fairly non-descript. I get mostly the amber and the berry, with a little carnation. Not getting the musk at all.
  2. supremegoddessofall

    Beltane 2005-06

    2005 version: Okay, pretty description, but no notes listed, so I'm on my own. *sniff* Mmm! Reminds me a *lot* of my non-BPAL signature scent - an essential oil called Moon Goddess. I have no idea what's in this, but god it smells good! Lightly floral, and it oozes sensuality. I predict I will obtain many bottles of this.
  3. supremegoddessofall


    In bottle: If something can smell cold, this definitely smells cold. And I have no idea what this means, but that's what it smells like - cold. On me: Still retains that "cold" smell along with some kind of light floral - like what they scent sheets with in nicer hotels. I can't decide if I like it or don't like it, but it's definitely different.
  4. supremegoddessofall

    Carceri d'Invenzione

    Very interesting! It smells...Christmas-y somehow, but not in an evergeen way. More like in a hot spiced mead way. The sandalwood and the pepper are sitting on top and the tobacco adds a bit of a smoky-like quality underneath.
  5. supremegoddessofall


    The vetiver is the most prominent, and that has a leather-like effect on me. I think I would probably like this on Lee better than I do on me. The floral components are just barely there.
  6. supremegoddessofall

    Anne Bonny

    Delicious sandalwood and a hint of patchouli. Nummy and very much me.
  7. supremegoddessofall

    Coffee Bean

    Can't test this on me because it's just a sniffy. What it smells like in the imp...wanna guess?....wait for it....coffee! High-end roast, too. I do wish I had more. Oh well. EDIT: Now I have a testable sniffy. Pure, dark rich coffee. Delicious! 5/5.
  8. supremegoddessofall

    Snake Charmer

    Description says I should love it, and it's only of the highly coveted discontinued scents, so I predict I'll like it. *sniff* Yes, I do. The amber is predominant to me, but the coconut and vanilla are dancing around the top, too. Not really getting the plum. Definitely has a spicy feel to it.
  9. supremegoddessofall

    Mag Mell

    Some of the greens and yellows in this worry me. It has an aqautic tone to it, which is a little chemical-ly. The verbena is what is standing out most and it kind of smells like lemon-scented dishwashing detergent. Definitely not for me.
  10. supremegoddessofall


    It smells good, but I can't really pick out anything specific other than a generic light floral impression. But it doesn't smell like "flowers."
  11. supremegoddessofall

    Dragon's Eye

    Ars Draconis again, so I predict I'll like it. *sniff* Dragon's blood plus the flowers is definitely an interesting combination! Lilac is definitely predominant, followed by the lily of the valley, and I barely get the dragon's blood at all. The overall effect is "high-end massage oil."
  12. supremegoddessofall


    2004 version: In bottle: This is really hard to describe. It's sharp and chemical and berry all at the same time. On me: Spicy! Closer to dragon's blood, but more cinnamon-y. Quite good. (Later) Still delicious, and tons of throw. I have no idea where the berries went, but they ain't in here...
  13. supremegoddessofall


    In bottle: Sharp and evergreen, but not pine. Birch and fir soound about right. On me: Definitely evergreen, but not as overpowering as a lot of the more pine-y scents. Very wintery. Not sure about it as a perfume, but it would definitely make a good room scent. (Later) Yup, still evergreen.
  14. supremegoddessofall

    Love in the Asylum

    In bottle: This smells like a bad thing I did when I was a child, which is a good thing (Don't ask, just go with me on this). The labdanum is the heaviest, with an undernote of florals. On me: This is weird. It's subtle, and it still smells like that thing I cannot mention. The tobacco note is...icky....The only florals I'm getting are the roses. Not getting balsam, vanilla, or ambergris at all. I'm trying to like this, but it's just not happening. I've got some time to kill, so I'm going to resniff in about 15 minutes. (Later) No change. Love doesn't love me. Boo.
  15. supremegoddessofall

    Budding Moon

    In bottle: Very faint. I mostly get ginger and lotus. Musk and peony not there at all. On me: Lotus and tea. Not my favorite. I think I'll wait until it dries fully and sniff again. (Later) The longer this is on, the more the lotus comes out, but now it's floral tea instead of tea and a flower. Not a vast improvement, so alas it's the swap pile for you.
  16. supremegoddessofall

    Dragon's Bone

    I haven't found an Ars Draconis scent that I dislike yet, so I'll probably like this one very much. *sniff* I do like it, although not as much as some of the others. This one isn't as heavy on the dragon's blood. I think the orris is what I get primarily. The sandalwood is in there, too, but it smells...different...from the way sandalwood usually smells to me. The longer I have it on, the more the sandalwood is coming out.
  17. supremegoddessofall


    Sweet, smoky incense, but not overpowering. The bay adds a sharper note and there's a hint of an evergreen feel. Not as strong as many of the incense-based blends, and there is a mystical/magickal feel here that I like. I was having a bad morning until I read this, and then I spent several minutes giggling. Thank you!
  18. supremegoddessofall


    Mostly rosemary with a touch of frankincense. No lemon hell, which is good. Kind of bland, and very subtle.
  19. supremegoddessofall


    When I first put this on, it was pure citrus hell. Orange, orange, and orange, with a side of orange. It almost made me want to vomit. It's settled down quite a bit now, and while the citrus is still there, mostly I get the tea and...something else...I don't know what...it somehow smells like the beach, and it's actually kind of calming, now that the evil citrus has dissipated. I...I'm not sure whether or not I like it. I think I'll set it aside to try again later.
  20. supremegoddessofall


    Nothing but lemongrass. Dammit, I really, really wanted this one to smell good since it has an Indian name. All that lovely sandalwood, the florals, the patchouli? Nowhere to be found. A *smidge* of cedar underneath, but overall the effect is definitely Lemon Pledge. Bah.
  21. supremegoddessofall

    Machu Picchu

    Tropical Pledge with a hint of tampon. Ick. Swap pile, and quickly. I think your "vomit" is my "tampon" - ick either way.
  22. supremegoddessofall


    Leather and a bit of amber. Cleaner than a lot of the leather scents, but I still haven't found a leather scent that really makes me go "wow!"
  23. supremegoddessofall


    Hazelnut and buttercream, swimming in rum. The honey is subtle, and I'm not getting much of the almond at all (which is good, because almond tends to smell like butt on me). Very rich, very foody, and I love it!
  24. supremegoddessofall


    I'm not sure *what* this smells like. It definitely has a salty component to it, and it's a floral, but it's kind of indistinct. Not getting the incense at all. It's pretty subtle, too.
  25. supremegoddessofall


    The rose and the frankincense are not playing very well together. Sort of smells like a Sharpie pen to me.