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Everything posted by supremegoddessofall

  1. supremegoddessofall


    This is really delicate but very pretty! I get the same sandalwood/floral balance that I got from Sleepy Moon, but...different somehow. ADDED Oct. 28: In bottle: Champagne and white musk. On me: Soft pretty florals with a light musk. I am not very good at picking out the individual florals, but I *think* I'm mostly getting ylang ylang and jonquil. Little bit of sandalwood in the background, too.
  2. supremegoddessofall

    Sleepy Moon

    This is very pretty. The lavender and chamomile work very well together. The sandalwood smooths down the florals without taking them over. It has a soap-like quality to it, but really really high class soap that I'd want to own.
  3. supremegoddessofall

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    I get more of a coconut tinge than a vanilla one...sort of a pretty suntan lotion that smells like food? The vanilla is coming out a bit more and I definitely smell the sandalwood in the base. Not really getting the booze here.
  4. supremegoddessofall

    Monster Bait: Closet

    How in the hell she made a perfume smell like buttercream *and* red velvet cake, I don't know. But this is indeed a red velvet cake with buttercream icing. I do get a touch of the booze underneath and a hint of fruit which must be the blackberry.
  5. supremegoddessofall

    Midnight Mass

    I really only tried this one today to see if I want to try the '06 version. All I have of it is a testable sniffy. Smells fairly generic incense-y. Pretty, but I don't know if I need a whole bottle. It is very pretty, though..
  6. supremegoddessofall

    Holiday Moon

    This is strange. I definitely get the tea...it reminds me of a Bath and Body Works soap. Okay, but not me.
  7. supremegoddessofall


    Oh, this is nice! I actually get something almost chocolately here. Very sweet and candy-like.
  8. supremegoddessofall

    Harvest Moon 2006

    This is lighter than I would have expected it to be. It's a light fruit and floral, with apple seeming to be predominant. It's pretty and delicate.
  9. supremegoddessofall

    Santa Muerte

    Pretty much all chrysanthemum. The rose is surprisingly quiet.
  10. supremegoddessofall

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    I'm *so* going to eat my arm. This is fabulous chocolate and coconut - very rich and I think I gained 5 pounds just from putting this one. It's a dark chocolate rather than a milk.
  11. supremegoddessofall

    The Hesperides

    Oh yum! Applies, apples, and more apples. Fresh off the tree, and a little damp. More of a green apple than a red apple.
  12. supremegoddessofall


    Fairly generic floral, mostly rose and gardenia. The heliotrope yellows out the otherwise pinky feel. Pretty.
  13. supremegoddessofall


    Yummy peach with a hint of heliotrope! Definitely a yellow-orange scent. The bergamot rounds it out a bit to prevent it from getting too sweet.
  14. supremegoddessofall

    Follow Me Boy

    When first on: Ew. I don't know what's in this, but I don't like it. Earthy, some patchouli, but it smells like patchouli that's soured. Ew. I don't know what's in this, but I don't like it. Earthy, some patchouli, but it smells like patchouli that's soured. Dried: An older smelling patchouli. Much better.
  15. supremegoddessofall

    Death Cap

    Wow, this is strong when first on! Very medicinal and herbal. Kind of has that antiseptic smell to it, too. Green-brown scents are not me at all.
  16. supremegoddessofall

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    This is...different...I think there's dirt in here, also some ginger. It's very earthy and makes me think of a farm in the morning just after the soil's been turned over for planting. It sort of reminds me of a cinnamon granola bar. Something about it is off-putting, but I don't know what.
  17. supremegoddessofall


    Mmm, pear goodness! There is a touch of sparkle to it that presumably is coming from the champagne. I can't really pick out the plumeria - I think it got eaten by the pear. My only complaint with this one is that it's very faint.
  18. supremegoddessofall


    Sandalwood with a touch of spice. I'm not sure where the cedar went, but I wish it would come back.
  19. supremegoddessofall


    This went on *really* strong and smelled nothing like florals. It's more like the opposite of the description - a sinister and black-hearted front masks a gental floral core. After it settled down, I get geranium planted in cedar chips. Not really my thing, which is surprising given how much I like cedar. My girlfriend said it smells like drain cleaner. Swap!
  20. supremegoddessofall


    Mmmm! This is really soft and pretty! The rose is staying subdued - I get the lily and the sandalwood mostly. I can see myself wearing this a lot.
  21. supremegoddessofall


    Amazing - a violet scent that doesn't amp pure violet on me. The violet and the rose are fighting each other, and I'm honestly not sure who's winning. It's a head on battle with a lot of carnage, and I think my nose is a casualty of war. Not a good combination for me.
  22. supremegoddessofall


    This is a very familiar scent. It's the woods, but also a good club late at night - smoke and sweat and alcohol and energy. It's aftershave on a sexy man. The vetiver isn't too sharp and the lemon is just right. The sandalwood definitely has a darker tone than usual. It's not very me but yet it's appealing.
  23. supremegoddessofall


    This is a yellow-gray scent. Fresh on, there's a strong chemical quality to it, almost like the sort of sanitizer or cleanser they use in hospitals. Given that, it's not unpleasant, just not very perfumey.
  24. supremegoddessofall

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    Three guesses what this smells like, first two don't count. It's definitely strawberry, and actually not as artificial smelling as I would have thought, although there is definitely a touch of that there. Definitely a pink scent, and has a girly quality about it that's actually kind of refreshing.
  25. supremegoddessofall

    Two, Five & Seven

    Not as overpowering as I would have thought it was given the 80 zillion roses in it. However, my skin still amps roses, so that's pretty much all I get from it. Don't ask me to distinguish the different roses.