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Everything posted by supremegoddessofall

  1. supremegoddessofall


    Roses in the woods, but this is the more chemical-feeling rose that doesn't work well with my skin. It's okay, but not fabulous, and there are definitely other rose scents I like better.
  2. supremegoddessofall

    The Premature Burial

    Whew! This burial wasn't premature, because something in here definitely died. Not getting anything in particular other than a rancid patchouli, but ick! Swap pile.
  3. supremegoddessofall


    Granddaughter of Helios, Hecate's chosen: Medea was one of the greatest sorceresses of the ancient world. She is the embodiment of ruthless power, indomitable will and furious vengeance. Night-blooming cereus, black orchid, black currant and myrtle leaf enshrouded in the incense of Hecate's cypress and myrrh, and the dark rage of magickal labdanum and intoxicating poppy. There's an aquatic feel to this that I wouldn't have expected given the notes listed. I'm really not getting the fruits at all, and the florals are fairly submerged under whatever it is that's screaming "aquatic" to me.
  4. supremegoddessofall


    Cinnamon on top of lemon Pledge. Fairly strong. Not really for me.
  5. supremegoddessofall

    Golden Priapus

    Definitely has a manly feel to it, which is producing a combination of rosewood with a light vanilla underneath it. This is a quiet scent, with virtually no throw. It's comforting, like your favorite flannel shirt. Hint of juniper and pine adding a small herbal note in the background.
  6. supremegoddessofall

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    This is a very odd combination of scents. This is familiar somehow, and the overall effect is a mint tea with some honey. It's delicate and yet strong at the same time.
  7. supremegoddessofall


    The musk and opium are on top for me, with the civet providing an animalistic quality in the background. Strangely, it has an aquatic feel to it.
  8. supremegoddessofall


    Oh, this is good on me! Honey amps on me, and combined with the cinnamon, this is absolutely fantastic. The copal is adding a darker note, and the myrrh is a nice spice compliment to the cinnamon. Very Christmas-y smelling, but in a warm way, like a mug of cider in front of a fire.
  9. supremegoddessofall

    The Isles of Demons

    Pretty. Herbs and florals in a sandalwood base. I can't pick out anything specific, but I like it.
  10. supremegoddessofall

    The Vortex

    Lemon and strong herbs. I don't usually like lemony scents, but something in this one is compelling.
  11. supremegoddessofall


    This is a really bizarre combination. I get a floral apricot, which is an odd and not necessarily pleasing combination. It's also got a bit of whatever it is that goes "tampon" on me. There's something metallic in the undertones, too.
  12. supremegoddessofall


    My skin is eating this. It has an herbal feel, almost like a sweetgrass. I think I maybe smell some amber in the background.
  13. supremegoddessofall

    The Lion

    This smells "dry," like a desert. It's really difficult to say what exactly I'm smelling here. It doesn't really smell like amber to me. Needs a retest.
  14. supremegoddessofall


    This is not a good combination on me. Something is very cloying about it, and the vanilla smells almost rancid. Definitely not for me.
  15. supremegoddessofall


    Ooh! Now *this* is a pretty floral. The moonflower and lavender are the top notes for me, which is great, because I love both of them. It has an aquatic feel to it, like a really good bath salt.
  16. supremegoddessofall


    Light spice and honey. It's actually pretty soft, although the vetivert sharpens it a bit. Honeysuckle amps on me just like honey, so that's the predominant note for me, with the vetiver sitting right under it. It actually has a masculine, almost leather-like feel to it.
  17. supremegoddessofall

    Antonino, The Carny Talker

    This is a really weird combination. I'm getting a very musky fruit scent that smells sort of like floor wax. The vetiver is really strong. I'm not getting the coconut or verbena at all.
  18. supremegoddessofall

    Carnaval Diabolique

    Another *very* odd combination. I simultaneously get the lemon, the heliotrope, and the coconut, with a hint of smokiness from the opium and the musk. It's sort of like someone cleaned a bathroom and then set it on fire.
  19. supremegoddessofall

    Blood Countess

    Floral plums and berries, and they smell very nice! The berries are winning. I'm not getting much of the opium at all. This is very bright and almost too sweet.
  20. supremegoddessofall

    Blood Rose

    Wine! Lots and lots of red wine! I'm barely getting the florals at all. There's a touch of spice, which I suppose is coming from the dragon's blood, but mostly this is a dark merlot in front of a warm fire.
  21. supremegoddessofall

    Has No Hanna

    Light lemons with soft flowers. I think there's some jasmine in here somwhere, possibly also some rose.
  22. supremegoddessofall


    Pretty, but very soft. Also, I may be having my first BPAL allergic reaction. The place where I put it is all pink and raised. Hmm. Maybe it's a coincidence. The scent itself is a mixed floral and fruity, but I don't have a good enough nose to go "hey, blackberry and heather!"
  23. supremegoddessofall


    Practically non-existent. I get a light fruity, but nothing distinct. I think my skin ate it. Will need a retest later. My girlfriend says it smells like dried Hawaiian punch.
  24. supremegoddessofall

    Cobra Lily

    Barely there. It's a light floral - not sharp at all, and it actually has a bit of a fruity tone to it. Swap.
  25. supremegoddessofall


    Now this is interesting. I definitely smell the orange, and I normally hate *all* things citrus. But the effect here is like those Christmas decorations you used to make when you were in elementary school by sticking cloves into an orange. It's spicy and sweet and citrus-y all at the same time. The ambergris adds an earthy quality. The carnation is barely there, but is balancing some of the sharpness of the orange.