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Everything posted by supremegoddessofall

  1. supremegoddessofall

    The Isle of the Dead

    I think if it weren't for the aquatics, I might actually like this. I smell some pretty florals underneath everything, but the aquatic note is going sour on me. Shame.
  2. supremegoddessofall

    The Haunted Palace

    Interesting. Very complex. I get florals, primarily rose, in a bed of musk. Not getting the vanilla at all. I think it will need a retest.
  3. supremegoddessofall

    Fenris Wolf

    Amber and sandalwood that is sharpened slightly with an herbal note from the rosewood. Not very heavy on the musk.
  4. supremegoddessofall

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    I get everything except the fir. I think cedar smoke and the amber are what I'm getting the most of. This is rich and heady and I like it very much.
  5. supremegoddessofall

    Rose Cross

    Exactly what it says it is - rose and frankincense. However, it's the rose that goes straight to chemical on me. Oh well. Swap pile.
  6. supremegoddessofall

    Red Devil

    Citrus hell. I can't really even smell it long enough to get an impression, because it's making me nauseous and giving me a headache.
  7. supremegoddessofall

    Pumpkin Patch IV (2005, 2006)

    Not foody. I get the pumpkin, but it's a pumpkin-tinged sandalwood. No buttery effect that I get from the other Patch scents. This reminds me of the pumpkin-scented shampoo I use. Very pretty!
  8. supremegoddessofall

    Pumpkin Patch I (2005, 2006)

    Most of the Patch goes fairly buttery on me. However, the longer this is on, the more the apple cider is coming out. These are crisp apples, just harvested and wet with dew. Touch of spice, but mostly the apples warring with a buttery pumpkin scent. I think this is my favorite of the Patch so far.
  9. supremegoddessofall

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    Pure cedar and teak. Not getting the labdanum or the rose at all. This is very masculine and I think I would like it on Lee.
  10. supremegoddessofall


    Largely musk with a touch of herbs and light florals. Not really getting anything distinct, but then I had a barely testable sniffy to work with.
  11. supremegoddessofall


    Ooh, all my favorite note in one place! I should like this a lot! *sniff* Ooh, very pretty! Honey is amping on me, as always, and amber is the second note. The vanilla is fading in and out, like it can't decide whether or not really wants to be there. Very foody.
  12. supremegoddessofall

    Night's Pavilion

    Almost pure musk, and something slightly fruity that I think must be the osmanthus. It's going kind of aquatic and sour on my skin.
  13. supremegoddessofall

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    Very strange. Olive as a perfume? I smell like a Greek restaurant. The olive is wallowing in frankincense, and they play together strangely. I think this might smell good on someone else, but it's just not working for me.
  14. supremegoddessofall


    Mostly mangos. I'm not getting patchouli at all. The tea is the second note for me, and it softens the mango somewhat. Very fruity and fresh.
  15. supremegoddessofall


    Pretty spicy goodness! Dragon's blood is amping up, but I can definitely smell the trees and herbals in the background. Another Chistmas-y scent.
  16. supremegoddessofall

    Tavern of Hell

    White gardenia, ambergris bouquet, lavender fougere, orange blossom, melissa, tobacco flower, coriander, ebony wood, ylang ylang, absinthe and aged whiskey. Wow is this a stange combination. The predominant notes for me are the gardenia, the tobacco flower, the ylang ylang, and the booze. It's prety, but strange. The overall effect is a spicy floral.
  17. supremegoddessofall


    Very boozy with lots of pomegranate. Definitely not me.
  18. supremegoddessofall

    Sri Lanka

    The cedar and sandalwood are mingling in an interesting manner. It's pretty, but the end result is that it doesn't really smell like any of the main elements. I'm also getting a light aquatic feel. I think I might like this on Lee.
  19. supremegoddessofall


    Now this is pretty! Lots of amber, but the roses are definitely there, and actually not being overwhelming or going chemically, which they tend to do on me.
  20. supremegoddessofall

    Sea of Glass

    Light aquatics on top of florals. Nothing distinct, but fairly pretty.
  21. supremegoddessofall


    Nothing but citrus hell. None of the other notes at all. Blech.
  22. supremegoddessofall


    Lots of coca, but it's not foody. The sandalwood and myrrh are turning this into something very warm and inviting. It's a strange combination, though.
  23. supremegoddessofall

    Van Van

    Furniture polish. Somewhat citrus-y, but just generally furniture polish.
  24. supremegoddessofall


    Indistinct florals, mostly rose. Not really getting mint or sandalwood at all. Okay, but nothing special.
  25. supremegoddessofall


    Very spicy. Lots of cardamon and nutmeg, with a dash of cinnamon. Very foody and Christmas-y.