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Everything posted by supremegoddessofall

  1. supremegoddessofall

    The Perfumed Garden

    When I first put this on, it was almost all citrus, with a touch of sandalwood underneath. Which is a bad thing, because citrus and I are not friends. The longer it's staying on, though, I'm getting more of the myrrh. Unforunately, I'm also getting more of the jasmine as well, which is not a floral that works well on me. Swap pile.
  2. supremegoddessofall

    Ice Queen

    The spruce is throwing an evergreen note on top of everything else. I get a bit of fruit and floral, but it's hard to pick out specific notes because the spruce is so strong. Not getting too much musk here. This is more masculine than I thought it would be. I think I'll hang on to it and maybe try it on my girlfriend.
  3. supremegoddessofall


    I wasn't expecting to like this because of the orange peel, but I do. I'm getting mostly the fruits and the oak, with a hint of alcohol from the sherry. The rose is in there, but hiding somewhere just under the surface, and it's not overpowering the others. The patchouli is the base from which the other notes are rising. Smells somewhat old and a bit masculine.
  4. supremegoddessofall

    Nine Mysteries

    Holy hell this is strong. Lots of mint, but it's a sourish mint, with some eucalyptus dancing behind it. I think I get a touch of lemon and some herbals in the background. Not for me.
  5. supremegoddessofall


    Very much a red scent. Lots of cinnamon and a dash of vetiver. Tinge of something herbal in the background.
  6. supremegoddessofall

    The Masque

    My lovely honey, dripping with incense! Oh, this is fantastic. Reminds me of some of my favorite Indian incenses. Touch of the florals, but on me this is 90% honey and incense.
  7. supremegoddessofall

    Mabon 2004

    I better like this one, since the imp cap busted as soon as I went to try it on. And I do - lovely fruits with a tinge of alcohol to them. I get apple on top with blackberry underneath. Not really getting the herbals, and myrrh is quiet as well.
  8. supremegoddessofall


    Very sharp florals. I think my nemesis jasmine is in here strongly. Way too strong for me.
  9. supremegoddessofall


    Strong musk and sage, with a hint of amber. Not getting the mango or lavender at all. It's somewhat sharp and pungent.
  10. supremegoddessofall


    Light florals. Barely there, nothing distinctive. Not much throw.
  11. supremegoddessofall

    The Hanged Man

    Vaguely spicy, but indistinct. Also a bit of leather.
  12. supremegoddessofall

    The Emperor

    This smells like slick vinyl or latex to me. It does have a regal feel to it. There's a bit of chemically quality here, but it's different. I can't decide if I like this or not.
  13. supremegoddessofall

    The Devil

    There's a smidge of eau du Lemon Pledge, but there's also some subdued spiciness here. Something that smells old and ancient. Also a bit of cherry.
  14. supremegoddessofall


    Wet leather with a smidge of aquatics. Somewhat dusty smellilng, too. This is warm and comforting somehow. Not what I was expecting Death to smell like at all.
  15. supremegoddessofall

    The Chariot

    Anise. Nothing but anise. Yuck.
  16. supremegoddessofall

    Ace of Wands

    Spicy. Maybe dragon's blood, maybe cinnamon. A bit of citrus in here, too. I think there's a bit of floral in the background, but it's fairly subdued.
  17. supremegoddessofall

    Ace of Swords

    I'm not really sure. It's a bit tangy - maybe a bit of citrus? Definitely some unusual notes in here. Smells fairly masculine. Not really for me.
  18. supremegoddessofall

    Ace of Cups

    Vetiver and bright florals. Maybe some aquatics, too. Just "meh."
  19. supremegoddessofall

    Lotus Moon 2006

    Pine is the top note, but it's not overpowering. This is kind of indistinct on me and fading fast. I get a bit of the florals underneath the pine. I think I'll need to do a retest before giving a final evaluation of this.
  20. supremegoddessofall

    Frost Moon

    A strange combination of mint/eucalyptus and florals. I'm not sure about this one. It smells like a buttermint.
  21. supremegoddessofall

    Formula 54

    This is the Holy Grail of BPAL scents, so I have high hopes here. And it is, indeed, very pretty. It's mostly a rose scent, with a hint of musk, but I'm also getting a slight fruitiness that is probably from the cognac. This is ethereal and gorgeous.
  22. supremegoddessofall


    Strong aquatics on lilies. Smells like bath salts. Pretty bath salts. Not really getting a "woods" feel to this.
  23. supremegoddessofall


    Mostly roses with a touch of "herbalness." Kind of indistinct.
  24. supremegoddessofall

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CT3: DXXX On me: Soft aquatics and florals. Pretty, with a medium throw. CT3: XXI On me: Pretty lilac soap. Both previously reviewed by Sofia Blackthorne.
  25. supremegoddessofall


    Wow. This is *strong.* And very pungent. I get a lot of grape and juniper, but civet is trying to play whack-a-mole with everything else. I can't decide if I like this or not. It smells animalistic, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.