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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Sara

  1. Sara


    Imp sniff: Mmmm...I really hate coconut (to eat), but this is rather tasty smelling....mmm, tasty indeed! Very sweet. Initial swab: Woah, sweet coconut indeed. I'm not getting too many more notes aside from coconut. All the other notes are well blended and in the background. Drydown: Coconut with a sweet touch of vanilla (could just be my skin chemistry) and something else...something I can't put my finger on. It keeps this one from becoming pure sweet coconut. Also smells a little "candle-y" to me as so many of the warmer oils do. Overall: While I liked this very much at first..something about it now is twitching my nose a little. I'm enjoying the warm sweet softness of the coconut tapered with other soft sweet warm notes..but there is something lurking in the background that just doesn't sit well with me and almost gives it a "fake" kind of smell. I'll definitely give this one another shot or two - it's perfectly divine and I'm sure it's just my stupid chemistry getting in the way. Edit: It's about 6 hours later and Perversion is still, not quite "going strong" but is lasting much better than all the other oils I've tried, save LEs. I've decided a few more things out about this one. I'm still torn between "love and icky", but this oil is something I could envision a stripper wearing. Sending out a message of "cleanliness", and innocence tinged with a naughty air. It's like the scent of a massage oil or sex oil or lube or whatever. This is the first real permanent scent I've found to be utterly perfect for its description/name. Perversion indeed.
  2. Jack for sure..it's amazing creamy and one day, just one day I'll even try to eat it! Bliss smells exactly like a fudge brownie in the imp, but I haven't tried it on yet to see what my skin turns it in to.
  3. Sara

    Sugar Skull

    First off: Beth, I love you, will you please marry me? Sniff: Woah! Holy sugar, sweet, slightly spicey, "brown" and rich scent! Initial On: Daaammnnn this just explodes with mouth-watering goodness. The spice comes out about 50/50 with the sweetness, turning this into one hell of a delectible and divine scent. Dry Down: Ooohhh nice wear time! Stays strong and tasty, I'm swimming in a cloud of rich, liquidy, brown, sugar, sweet, spicy goodness! After a few hours I can catch a very faint hint of spicy, sweet fruits. They're perfectly subtle and enhance the scent nicely. Overall: Oh god I love this! Thanks to 16oz of unscented Shea Butter, this scent and I will have a very happy life (or..3 5mL's life) together.
  4. Sara


    I don't review nearly as much as I should, but for Samhain - I pretty much had to. I was initally expecting Jack only deeper, darker, and spicier. After first sniff, though, I couldn't have been more wrong. Sniff: Warm spice that borders on powdery Application: Kind of strong-ish, yet mellow if that makes sense, spice comes out much stronger now..but there's this overall meld of scents that makes it terribly difficult for me to pick out anything other than "spice." Dry down: Hours later it's not really faded..but..light. It felt like after application, so it's not like it has worn off any. I catch whiffs of it every once in a while, but nothing overpowering (good!). When I sniff my wrists it's sitting there waiting in all its deliciousness. Overall: Sorry I'm not more helpful! It will definitely take many more wearings before I can actually pick out any notes. Everything is so smooth and wonderful - instant winner. Instant mellow winner. It's just a nice, spicy comforting blend that hugs close to my body and almost becomes a sort of "skin spice (I know! too much use of the word 'spice!')" that just "fits." I can totally see wearing this on Halloween. Edit: I re-applied a little while ago (even though it was unnecessary) and this time around I can pick up on the apple spice. Definitely making this a wonderful blend. And my bf said it smelled good!
  5. Sara

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    LOl!!! It's great to know I'm not the only confused one!!!
  6. Sara

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    Ok. So. Samhain. I was under the impression it was pronounced "Sam-Hane." So recently I was a little confused when a pompous windbag stated that 'sam-hane' is inproper pronunciation. Is he right, or is he just talking out of his ass (not a first)? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, just wanted a quick answer.
  7. Jack 2. I've worn all sorts of BPAL fragrances now from all the differenct catergories..but the one he has responded to with more than a "you smell nice" (not very promising, as he says that whether I'm wearing perfume or not) is Jack. He wants to eat me when I've got it on.
  8. Sara

    Bon Vivant

    First sniff: Mmm...this is very tasty, mouth wateringly tasty if you will. It's a very bubbly fresh sparkly fruit smell. Swiped on skin: Woah, this stuff just "pops." I'm sticky with "sparkly and bubbly" strawberry and champagne scent. Drydown: Hmm..weird. It takes on an almost potpourii spicyness along with the sparkly (yep, still sparkly) fruitiness. Overall: Mmm..I like this one much more than I though. It's got a kind of innocence attached to it. A playful innocence tinged with a bit of grown-up spice. Very pretty. Unfortunately, this oil has completely disappeared from my skin in a couple of hours. I mean completely. Normally the oils sort of fade down to a sickly playdoh/floral smell - but this one is just gone. Luckily, it hangs on to my hair like nobody's business, so I'm still surrouneded in a cloud of loveliness.
  9. Sara


    Scent induced orgasm in a bottle...do I need to say more? So, I opened this one up and instantly had to restrain myself from eating the imp. Holy hell it's delicious!! Deliciously creamy pumpkin with a delicate smattering of spice. Doesn't change too much on my skin...a few other notes, like the spice, become more noticeable. The pumpkin still reigns supreme! Yay!! It's really difficult not to eat my arm..even my boyfriend wants to eat me! And he doesn't usually get too excited about scents...so I guess Jack is a definite keeper!! Must get huge bottle and flood the house with its wonderful goodness!!!!
  10. Sara


    In the imp: Woah...harsh. Like a cutting...cutting...well honestly, I can't describe it beyond sharp. Wet on skin: Hmm...you know, I could like this. the sharpness is stronger, but now something is peeking that I can't quite put my finger on. It's driving me crazy, what is that smell?? Dry on skin: The sharpness has subdued to that scent I still can't identify..but now it's bordering on "soapy". Like guest soap (Neo-Tokyo smells like guest soap on me too, I wonder if they share a common note). Over all: I still can't identify exact notes, but it's not an altogether unpleasant perfume. At first I thought it would be to biting and cold to really suit me, but even though it's settled into something soapy I think I like it. Besides, I have to keep it at least long enough to find out what that damned note is!! Something outside. Some kind of outside nature smell that eludes me. Like a forest or meadow or something.
  11. Sara

    Machu Picchu

    Ooooohhhh damn. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad this was a freebie in my Harvest Moon order, or else I never would've ordered it (for some reason I shy away from Wanderlust scents). Holy hell I'm in love. At first sniff in the imp I was like "hmm..this smells light and fresh, cool." Initial application - very wet light fruit smell that is was very delightful! I want to bathe in it. Drydown - Fruits are a little stronger now than initial sniffing and wet application. Still has a "wet" sort of smell/feel to it. Like a bowl of fresh fruits that were left out in a slight rain or something...with a very light hint of spice. Overall - Seriously, Fuck a 5mL...I want a 10mL!!!!!!! This is an absolutely fantabulous fresh, clean, fruity, feminine, even suitable for little girls - scent ever!!!
  12. Sara

    Moon Rose

    With the name "Rose" in the title this one was placed at the end of my "to try list". Rose scents bother me, they're old lady, perfumey, stinky like. bleh. So...yesterday I was like "Well fuck it, I wanna wear something new", so I grabbed Moon Rose and dabbed it on before heading off to school. Daammmnnnn, this is a kind of rose scent a gal could get used to! It was wonderfully "smooth" and not at all harsh or stingingly strong like most rose scents I've come to dislike. It's weird..I mean, it's a strong perfume (I still smell it quite strongly on me this morning as I sit and type this..pre-shower), and the rose is strong, but it's just not gaggingly rose. It's very sort of mellowed out and feminine and...rich. I love it immensely!
  13. Sara

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    I got my first ever 5mL with Red Moon...dude, dude seriously, this stuff isn't going to last me very long. I apply it just a touch too liberally (it kinda falls right out of this type bottle top) and fairly often (compared to how I normally did perfume). But that's mostly due to the icky humid St. Louis summer terrorizing my BPAL. My order for a 10mL of De Sade was put in a few days ago and I can't wait for it to get here!! That is so deliciously amazingly good smelling I want my bf to bathe in it!!
  14. The cinnamon in Inferno causes sensitive welts to raise up on my skin for a short while (does that stop me from wearing it? hell no! ) - is there cinnamon in Follow me Boy?
  15. Sara

    Play-Doh smell -- should I dilute?

    Maybe for everyone else, but on me almond completely disappears. Black Musk and possibly Red Musk are actually the "play doh" culprit for me.
  16. Sara

    Play-Doh smell -- should I dilute?

    I thought it was just me!! Sin is most especially a "play-doh-er" on me, so is Snake Oil..*sigh* I know those have a common note, I can smell it for sure; just don't know what it is yet. Unfortunately, the scent of playdoh makes me extremely nauseous so I try to avoid it where possible. I haven't tried any of the scents you listed, but I'll be sure to approach them cautiously now! I've also had this happen (goddamned skin) with Tintagel and Blood. Better be sure I'm swapping those out eventually.
  17. Sara


    I've had the opportunity to try homemade absinthe *shudder*, so I had a much higher standard set for this scent than someone who hasn't. I'll be freaking damnded.......this is absinthe. At first in the imp it's very green and bright sparkly smelling. I didn't particularly think it was an accurate scent then (although my bf did); but the second it hit my skin and the licorice popped I knew this was it. Just like absinthe it's got a strong licorice "aftertaste", fortunately without the bitterness. *sigh* Now for the bad news...I can't wear licorice!!! I hate it with a passion, it's icky and stinky! That really sucks too...I was looking forward to this scent with something bordering on obsession, too bad I forgot about the licorice. I must give my applause for the amazing lab folks who freaking nailed this one right on the head!
  18. Sara

    Red Moon 2004

    One word: Delightful. I can't pick out individual notes (I sorta suck a little at that), but I can say "holy hell this is a damn fine perfume!!" Such a pity it's only an LE, it should be used in everything: soaps, salts, lotions, shampoos!! At first - very 'cherry cough syrupy', but not in an unpleasant way. I can't really describe much beyond that but it settles down into this wonderful blend of fruity type smells and flowers. I can't find a single "stinky" note in the whole damn thing. I have to confess, I don't know how long it lasts...I slathered even more on (kind of by accident) a few hours after my initial application. My guess is that it's a great endurer. Sorry my reviews aren't more helpful or descriptive, I'm trying really hard to train my nose.
  19. Sara


    Another reccomendation for De Sade. I personally can't find the "leather" in it, but that's the only note listed under its description..and it smells damn good on my bf!!!
  20. Sara


    Mmmm.... And that's all I have to say about that. In the imp: oh gods I love this!! I smell the most yummy sorts of buttercream, "booze", and spices. On me - *le sigh* The buttercream and boozes take an immediate backseat to the spices and eventually dries down to "spicy candle" I still adore it and so does my bf so a big bottle is definitely in my future!!
  21. Sara

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    Same here. In the online stores I come across, fragrance oils and essential oils are listed separately.
  22. Sara


    I swear I thought I reviewed this already...hmm... anywho. This is the BPAL scent that took my "virginity", so to speak. I was amazed by the sharp, crisp, and intoxicating scent of green. I had no idea it was possible to bottle such a scent! However I didn't like the drydown so much the first time..it kind of morphed into an intense "perfume-y" scent that was a mishmash of strong floral scents. Since then I've worn it a few other times and the drydown doesn't bother as much as it did...instead I just put a fresh dab on to bring back the intense green. This smells positively lovely on my bf, even in the drydown.
  23. Sara


    I was slightly skeptical as I was expecting something full of spicy depth and darkness. What I got however was something I can't stop sniffing! In the bottle it does seem to have a sort of spicy sharpness that is lovely as can be. On my skin it still smells wonderful, but eventually dries down into a soft feminine floral that isn't offensive at all, but certainly doesn't conjure up an image of a Magus.
  24. Sara


    I don't know why I was expecting something dark and spicy, but Kali ended up being exactly the opposite of my original impression. In the bottle it smells sweet and lovely and a little like some sort of juicy candy. On my skin it holds its gorgeous juicy sweetness and eventually dries down into something soft and feminine...definitely a keeper.
  25. Sara


    Ugh!! Sniffing it out of the bottle it smells just like Sin only darker. I simply adore Sin so I slathered this one on me. Big mistake. At first it was lovely but now that it's drying down and "settling" it smells like poopy. Really, I still smell all the other yummy scents that first caught my attention but I can't get the image of a big, fat, juicy turd out of my head (and now it's stuck in yours!! muhahaha!!) and unfortunately it makes me feel a little nauseous. *sigh* On the upside, it smells f*cking delicious on my bf. Maybe boys' chemistry balances out what I assume to be the 'civet poopy smell'. Perhaps I'll give this one a try at a room smell, it's pretty strong so it shouldn't take too much..really it's a shame it didn't work with my chemistry. *sniffles and scampers to wash off*