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Everything posted by aquapoppie

  1. aquapoppie

    Medicine, medicinal notes

    oops double post
  2. aquapoppie

    Medicine, medicinal notes

    Ditto. It smells like fruity (cherry?) cough syrup that starts strong and lingers ghostly in the background. It's really pretty
  3. aquapoppie

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    So I came back to try out The Hesperides after letting it age 2 years, and WOW! The apples have left the orchard and lost the woodsy scent (which I wasn't partial to in the first place). It smells like very ripe golden apples that are ready to be baked in a pie or a tart. When I bought this fresh, it used to dry down into baby powder and apples, but now it's all pure apple, so if anyone had that problem, just age it and it should turn out beautifully. :wub:
  4. I dunno about other people, but to me, Swank smells like a more sophisticated version of Body Shop's Satsuma oil. But then again my nose is quite quirky.