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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by eternalargus

  1. In Bottle: Yar, that be a cucumber. More specifically a cold crisp one with a slightly bitter note.


    On Skin: Cucumber and watermelon rind.


    Dry Down: Huh, this one actually has staying power!


    Thoughts: I got sick of the cucumber-melon fragrances that all the B&B stores sell a long time ago. Too sweet, too artificial. This definitely is the best cuke scent ever if you want a realism. Great for summer, great for layering.

  2. In Bottle: o00o, I'm already liking this. Usually opium perfumes end up smelling like my grandmothers entire ancient perfume collection all rolled together on me, but this smells nice and resinous and smoky.


    On Skin: I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't get the bandage note. My skin instead decides to amp up the resin note and now I feel all dreamy.


    Dry Down: Sex in a temple, that's the best way I can describe it. This one likes me. :P


    Thoughts: Definitely a keeper.

  3. In The Bottle: Lemon bubblegum with cream.


    On Skin: Lemonheads candy.


    Dry Down: I smell something vaguely floral in it, but it's getting overwhelmed by the lemon.


    Thoughts: This isn't my style. I love the artwork on the bottle and if I were a citrus lover I'd be all over it (or vice versa, heh), but my skin is eating up the other notes so I'm left with nothing but lemons. It's great, but better on someone else. I think I'll give this to a friend.

  4. In The Bottle: Awesome! Incense and trees, but no sign of Santa. This is definitely not a Christmassy tree scent, the the sea scent peeks up a bit to keep it light.


    On Skin: The resins come out to play, but not overwhelmingly so. I really like this so far, it's warm and comforting but not cloying, so I was able to wear it on a hot day.


    Dry: Very faint, but every now and again I get a whiff of that warm, inviting aroma. Wonderful!

  5. In Bottle: Honey-milk and vanilla beans with a musky undertone. I love the color of this too!


    On Skin: Sweet, but luckily my skin isn't turning the sweetness sickly like it usually does...it's a soft scent, but not powdery.



    Dry: This is a bit faint on me, but I still love it for when I want something sweet yet musky enough to not warp on my skin.

  6. Be still my dragon-loving heart!



    In Bottle: Warm, rich, and sexy dragons blood and musks with a small sharp tang of metal.


    On Skin: About the same, but I'm detecting the faint scent of red, ripe fruits.



    Dry: Just gorgeous and sexy muskiness. :P

  7. I'm surprised at myself for not reviewing this!



    Loviatar loves my skin and my skin loves her back, hard. Think dominatrix being given incense offerings, less sharp than Whip and more feminine and mysterious than De Sade, this scent is perfect in my mind. And it certainly makes me feel more powerful wearing it.

  8. I only was able to sniff the bottle, since it was on it's way to my Dad for Christmas...and I smelled the heady rosemary scent tempered by pine boughs and the teeniest bit of lemon. Not my style, but very nice.

  9. Imp: Pure alcohol, but a very delicious kind of alcohol, sweet but not sickeningly so.



    On Skin: Luckily my skin isn't amping tobacco scents to cigarette butt level today so I can enjoy this leather and musk mixture with a bit of a sweet expensive cigar scent.



    Dry: Not very strong on me, but very enjoyable. Bourbon and sweet expensive cigar smoke.

  10. Imp: First thought, "Vanilla Dirt". Imagine my surprise when I saw so many others describe it the same way.



    On Skin: I was worried about the dirt note, as Zombie actually ended up smelling, like well, a zombie on me, but this is like a rich healthy dirt, not graveyard dirt, and the vanilla compliments it well.



    Dry: Pure vanilla heaven with a teeny bit of musk. Every now and again it wafts up a dirt note and I smell like I've been digging around in a garden full of vanilla orchids. Very nice! :P

  11. I love Neil and am an Anubis worshiper, so this was a must-buy.


    Bottle: Anubis in a library with a glass of rum. Quite lovely, and the patchouli isn't overwhelming me like it usually does.


    On Skin: Rich and woodsy. I feel very comforted by this.


    Dry: That same warm comforting feeling. I have no other way to describe it: It smells like Him. :P

  12. minotaur.jpg


    After seeing an amazing picture of the Minotaur charging at Theseus as a kid, I've always been fascinated by him, so I just had to get this.



    In Bottle: Deep, dark incensey musk.



    On Skin: My skin and my nose love resins, and as expected, this is perfect. Darkly sensual.



    Dry: A bit like The Great He-Goat without the ginger. I understand the masculine bit, luckily though that works on me and doesn't make me smell like Conan, just like someone who's been in a temple making lots of incense offerings. I'm going to let this age now and see how much beautiful it turns out.


    Love the artwork too!

  13. Note: I had to shake mine as the different oils separated.



    Bottle: Creamy spicy chocolate o00o!


    On Skin: Holy crap this is dark! And sticky! I smell the teak underlying the chocolate, but it doesn't take away from it at all, it accentuates it.


    Dry: This took awhile to dry, but it smells like a wonderfully chocolatey musk. Love it!

  14. Bottle: I can smell the florals and a hint of almond. I'm a little hesitant, because my skin tends to make florals sickly and amp up almond so much that I can't smell anything else.



    On Skin: Oh wow, this smells like the honey-milk my grandmother used to give me when I had coughing fits, sweet and creamy with a little spice peeking though to prevent it from becoming cloying.



    Dry: My skin is soaking this up like crazy, so I'll probably make this into a spray so it has more staying power. Finally, a floral that doesn't make me smell like children!

  15. This is one of favorite blends, but I wanted to get a full bottle before doing a review...



    Bottle: Fresh mint tea.



    On Skin: I'm smelling a little bit of lavender, but not too much, which is great because I usually associate lavender with household cleaners. The mint-tea scent is staying true and strong, with a slight touch of sugar. Not smelling the musk yet.



    Dry: Smells like fresh mint tea on me complete with a couple of lumps of sugar. There is just the barest whisper of musk in background.



    I like to use this one in the car's diffuser because it helps with driving-stress headaches. I think I read somewhere that mint helps the driver to stay more aware...I don't know whether that's true or not but Mad Hatter helps me a lot. :P

  16. In The Bottle: I smell the caramel and the hazelnuts, with a spicy woodsy scent.




    On Skin: Wow, the sweetness lasted all of two seconds on my skin, and I'm left with a blast of spice.



    Drydown: Overwhelmingly spicy, my skin must really hate this because it just smells like a spice mixture Dante likes to use on his steaks. I'm getting the same cayenne-snort experience that Ahania had.


    I fear that I must send it to the swap pile. I really wanted to like it too :P .

  17. In The Bottle: Grape and pomegranate notes snake out and make me sneeze. The seems very sharp to me.



    On Skin: Still rather overwhelming and sharp, but I am detecting the faint hint of honey and milk.




    Drydown: o00o, now that's pretty. The sharpness has faded and I'm left with a soft, yet assertive milk and honey fragrance with a slight fruity background. I like!

  18. In The Bottle: Minty and refreshing.



    On Skin: Okay, the eucalyptus is getting overwhelming.



    Dry: I had to wash this off. This is the only time I was actually sickened by a BPAL scent. My skin hates this blend, which is really sad, as I liked the description of it.

  19. I was a bit put off at first by the description, as florals tend to go sickly sweet on me, but my skin was kind enough to amp up the myrrh and herbal notes and it came out beautifully, albeit a bit masculine. It's smells Very nice on my SO, and I might wear it on occasion when I want to feel impressive.

  20. I got this simply for the fact that I'm a DnD freak who deals with the Infernal Realms a lot in campaigns.



    In The Bottle: Very sweet. For some reason I keep expecting to smell spice.




    On the skin: The sweetness has turned into a cloying floral, eep.




    Dry: Now it smells like a seductive incense, and I'm getting a lot of compliments for it. This is more like it!
