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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by eternalargus

  1. eternalargus


    Bottle: I can smell the florals and a hint of almond. I'm a little hesitant, because my skin tends to make florals sickly and amp up almond so much that I can't smell anything else. On Skin: Oh wow, this smells like the honey-milk my grandmother used to give me when I had coughing fits, sweet and creamy with a little spice peeking though to prevent it from becoming cloying. Dry: My skin is soaking this up like crazy, so I'll probably make this into a spray so it has more staying power. Finally, a floral that doesn't make me smell like children!
  2. eternalargus

    Mad Hatter

    This is one of favorite blends, but I wanted to get a full bottle before doing a review... Bottle: Fresh mint tea. On Skin: I'm smelling a little bit of lavender, but not too much, which is great because I usually associate lavender with household cleaners. The mint-tea scent is staying true and strong, with a slight touch of sugar. Not smelling the musk yet. Dry: Smells like fresh mint tea on me complete with a couple of lumps of sugar. There is just the barest whisper of musk in background. I like to use this one in the car's diffuser because it helps with driving-stress headaches. I think I read somewhere that mint helps the driver to stay more aware...I don't know whether that's true or not but Mad Hatter helps me a lot.
  3. eternalargus

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    Earl Grey tea leaves, a white fougere, jasmine leaf, pearlescent white musk, and vanilla bean. Put simple: Dorian and The Mad Hatter get together for tea. I love it!
  4. eternalargus

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    In The Bottle: I smell the caramel and the hazelnuts, with a spicy woodsy scent. On Skin: Wow, the sweetness lasted all of two seconds on my skin, and I'm left with a blast of spice. Drydown: Overwhelmingly spicy, my skin must really hate this because it just smells like a spice mixture Dante likes to use on his steaks. I'm getting the same cayenne-snort experience that Ahania had. I fear that I must send it to the swap pile. I really wanted to like it too .
  5. eternalargus

    Milk Moon 2007

    In The Bottle: Grape and pomegranate notes snake out and make me sneeze. The seems very sharp to me. On Skin: Still rather overwhelming and sharp, but I am detecting the faint hint of honey and milk. Drydown: o00o, now that's pretty. The sharpness has faded and I'm left with a soft, yet assertive milk and honey fragrance with a slight fruity background. I like!
  6. eternalargus


    In The Bottle: Minty and refreshing. On Skin: Okay, the eucalyptus is getting overwhelming. Dry: I had to wash this off. This is the only time I was actually sickened by a BPAL scent. My skin hates this blend, which is really sad, as I liked the description of it.
  7. eternalargus

    Wings of Azrael

    I was a bit put off at first by the description, as florals tend to go sickly sweet on me, but my skin was kind enough to amp up the myrrh and herbal notes and it came out beautifully, albeit a bit masculine. It's smells Very nice on my SO, and I might wear it on occasion when I want to feel impressive.
  8. eternalargus


    I got this simply for the fact that I'm a DnD freak who deals with the Infernal Realms a lot in campaigns. In The Bottle: Very sweet. For some reason I keep expecting to smell spice. On the skin: The sweetness has turned into a cloying floral, eep. Dry: Now it smells like a seductive incense, and I'm getting a lot of compliments for it. This is more like it!
  9. eternalargus

    What should I expect at Will-Call?

    Dammit, why do I have to live out in the boonies? I will be there...someday.
  10. eternalargus

    Temple Viper

    In The Bottle: I'm smelling cream and sugar, not much in the resin category. On Skin: My skin is sucking this up like crazy, so right now I'm just smelling the cream and sugar for a few seconds. Dry Down: Okay, still smelling faintly of cream and sugar, but now the resin and spice notes are starting to appear. Now I'm feeling realllyy drowsy. Whoa. This is a keeper, but I think I'll wear it only when I need to relax.
  11. eternalargus


    This a great blend for ritual work...it's not so strongly scented that it overwhelms and distracts the senses, but it has a subtle warm, comforting scent that creates a perfect enviroment for meditation and focus.
  12. eternalargus

    Temple: Egyptian

    I used this in my rituals as an offering and for perfuming the statues of my deities. Upon opening the bottle I'm immediately aware of the resins in this blend, along with something sweet. Upon application to the statues the scents begins to dry down into a honeyed, powdery, warm scent with a hint of spices. I'm really happy with this one as I got the overall sense of being pleased from my dieties and I found my meditations to become easier.
  13. eternalargus

    The Bloody Sword

    In The Bottle: Pepper! *sneeze* On The Skin: My skin immeditately releases a fresh burst of scent, heavy blood and wickedly sharp steel. I feel immensely confident all of a sudden and can taste the tang of metal in my mouth. Conclusion: What a whopper! It like having the pumpkinless Headless Horseman in a bottle. *hoards*
  14. eternalargus


    I just love this one on me, even though it's more of a minty vanilla smell on my skin rather than the description given by the lab. I can actually feel the mint note catching in my throat. Very nice, and I'll definitely be keeping this.
  15. eternalargus

    King Cobra (2006)

    Usually sweet smells mixed with resins go sickly sweet on me, but as I said before, I love King Cobras so I had to try this. Luckily I wasn't disappointed...it starts out as sweet Snake Oil but then dries to wonderful incense. Defintely a keeper.
  16. eternalargus

    The Great He-Goat

    I opened this one up and made my "ew" face because it smelled like eau de buck goat, probably due to the patchouli, which isn't one of my favorites. On putting this on though, it almost instantly turns into black ginger, which I like a whole lot better than patchouli. A few hours later it ends up turning into the musk and amber described above. However, I never caught the carnation and the pomegranate. All in all, this is a keeper because I love the ginger scent and the scent as a whole makes me think of Baphomet.
  17. eternalargus


    I knew that this scent would probably not work on me or my mister, but I did turn it into a spray for my rather satyr-like friend. As I was mixing I initially did not see what was so sexual about this musk until I got some on my hand, as it dried and the goatyness wore off I noticed, erm, an interesting yet sutble biological reaction. While I still am not a big fan of the smell itself, I have to admit that it is effective. Initial Reaction: GOAT!! Wet On Skin: Hmm, woodsy with a decent musk to it, almost incensy. Dry: What the-oh, ha . I wish we didn't have company over right now. Time to shedule some alone time with the mister.
  18. eternalargus

    Scent for Halloween?

    Countess Bathory...I'll be layering Blood Countess with Blood Rose. Hey, what would you guys suggest for Beetlejuice?
  19. eternalargus

    I'm 54% White And Nerdy!

  20. eternalargus

    Pumpkin Patch II (2005, 2006)

    In The Bottle: Cocoa mixed with Jack. Wet On Skin: Very chocolatey with a wonderful spicy scent layed underneath. Dry; Now it's very hazelnutty. This is definitely a keeper.
  21. eternalargus

    Fruit Moon

    First Sniff In The Bottle: Fruit Stripe Gum. Anybody remember that stuff? Wet On Skin: Holy fruit salad Batman! Dry: I'm not usually one to go for fruit smells, but this morphed into a nice grown-up fruity smell without any of the citrus notes I despise. Definitely a keeper, and I definitely reccomend this as a grown-up version on, erm, *cough*, Monky Farts.
  22. eternalargus


    The scent of warm, glowing jack o’lanterns on a warm autumn night: true Halloween pumpkin, spiced with nutmeg, glowing peach and murky clove. One of my absolutely favorite scents. I like to call it my bottle of Pumpkin Squee. Mmmmm, so buttery sweet and, erm, pumpkiny
  23. eternalargus

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I thought I wouldn't be able to wear Jack, until I figured out that I couldn't put it on undiluted right after taking a shower. Dilution in a body spray base or just waiting until later to put it directly on my skin seems to work better.
  24. eternalargus

    Moon Rose

    Oh. My. God. I must get more! Usually I hate flowery smells but this works so well on me I can't stop smelling myself.
  25. eternalargus

    Blood Countess

    Bottle: I feel like I just got bitten on the nose by a rabid cranberry. For some reason it's causing me to salivate. Skin: The cranberry has settled down a little, but I'm still not smelling the roses. Dry: Okay , I'm not quite as overwhelmed now and am smelling the roses, but still only under the heavy berry smell. I like this, and I'll keep it, but I'll wear it only in very small amounts.