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Posts posted by deandra

  1. I am so lucky this was included as a free imp!


    Neo-Tokyo is an invigorating light citrusy fragrance. The mint wakes me up. This is one of the clean smells, but not as soapy as Water of Notre Dame. It's brighter and a little more electric, but not too sharp.


    This is a great fresh-out-of-the-shower fragrance. :P


    I'm considering getting a bottle of this.

  2. :P I LOVE this.


    Others have described it more vividly than I will, but on me this is a fresh, pure, clean, almost soapy scent.


    (This is what I had hoped "Clean" eau de toilette would smell like before I was horribly disappointed.)


    Venus is a great fragrance that smells like you just got out of the shower and are ready to face the world.


    On me this does not have the complex layers that Old Venice has, but it is elegant in its simplicity.


    I will most likely buy a 5ml.

  3. "Bartender, bring me a sarsparilla!"


    Someone else here smelled sarsparilla and I definitely smell that; can't smell the vanilla note on me, which is usually a very disappointing phenomenon, but for once I don't mind.


    This is good.


    This belongs to a cowboy, somewhat weathered, but not old. He hasn't shot too many folks yet, maybe none. This guy smokes a pipe, too; I can definitely smell the smoke but it's a sweet pleasant pipe tobacco kind of smoke and NOT the marlboro kind at all.


    This might be a little too butch for me (by rights I should pass this along to my boyfriend) but I'm going to try it out on a day when I want to feel tough and see how I do with a non-girly fragrance.


    Having fun with this. I plan to add to this review after I wear the imp's ear some more.

  4. I love coconut. I wish BPAL had more coconut fragrances; maybe they will add more.


    When I first put this on, I can smell the coconut and lime, but then a pineapple scent creeps in and it becomes pure pina colada. I smell so much like one, that The Pina Colada song runs through my head all day. "If you like pina colada, and gettin' caught in the rain..."


    It's yummy. :P Would be a good pick-me-up in colder weather, when you crave something tropical.


    My dilemma is that I am not certain if I want to smell like a pina colada every day. So this is on my short list of "favorites so-far," right up there with Old Venice, and the description of the full-size bottle is definitely tempting, but I'm not sure if I am ready to commit to a 10ml....


    I may have to update my review after I've worn the imp's ear a few more times. So far I have only worn it on two days, from morning til night both times.


    Still searching for my perfect BPAL perfume and having fun doing it.

  5. :P This is very nice. Someone compared this to Dewberry from the Body Shop, and I agree that they share similar qualities. It's a nice berry scent, and I like the green note in this as well.


    I don't think this will become my daily fragrance. I am still experimenting with BPAL and trying to land on the perfect one for me.


    However, this is a terrific gift idea for my mom, who is really into berry smells.

  6. Old Venice is fabulous. Don't be fooled by the bottle - at first drop, I could only smell rose, but once it is on your skin and dries, you can smell the vineyards, and I smell the wisteria, too.


    My boyfriend normally dislikes florals, but this is one that he loves the smell of.


    I am so in love with this. :P Old Venice is my favorite so far (but I haven't yet tried Snake Oil, the best-seller.)


    Will buy this again.


    So sorry - I meant to post this under the other reviews for Old Venice; I did not mean to start a new thread. I am new. Forgive me.


    EDIT: Topics merged, no harm done. :D --Shollin

  7. I am having fun with my first order of imp's ears, however; it has become clear to me that I need help in selecting the next bunch. :P I am pretty new at this and I made a couple of mistakes.


    I tried "O" and while it smells great going on, the only thing that persists on me is the amber. I can't smell the vanilla at all, and I was hoping for a stronger vanilla note. I also got Dragon's Milk, which has turned into a very berry smell on me.


    So now I am thinking of getting different vanilla scents, hoping that the vanilla in one of these will be more obvious: Tamora, Snake Oil, Hunger. I know that they all smell different on everyone and maybe my skin just absorbs vanilla or something, but any advice is welcome.


    I also love coconut, and am getting The Star in my next order. Are there other coconut ones?


    My other big decision is between two blackberry scents: Bewitched and Dragon's Heart. Suggestions?


    Thanks for your help!

  8. I want to thank those of you who responded so wonderfully to me on the Introductions post. Some of you recommended that I should repost my question here:


    I'm looking for something that makes others feel at ease and more receptive -- the type of thing to wear when you want someone to give you a job, for example. In other words, a persuasive and charming fragrance....


    So far the recommendations are: High John the Conqueror, Van Van, Libra, Hymn, Queen Mab, and Love Me.


    Any more good ones to test? I am assembling a list for Imps Ears....


    I greatly appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!!!


