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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by odd_duck71

  1. :P


    I tried Moxie for the first time today, and I'm completely bowled over. There are already many lovely and helpful scent descriptions, so I'll go straight to effect --


    It's just after midterm. My desk at the office was mounded over and driving me crazy. I gave my students a research day and attacked!


    I applied the Moxie a bit after 8:00. Amount -- One "cover bottle with finger and tip" Applied -- a swipe on each side of my neck and between the girls. I mention amount b/c OMG my (granted tiny) office was instantly filled with scent. A coworker stopped by to chat a few minutes later and seriously Huffed. My. Office. Air. :D . I wrote down the lab's addy for him -- pretty sure he and his wife are now enabled.


    As I dove into my sorting and organizing, I had energy and focus that were not mine. The initial Bunny Battery Burst lasted about three hours. I was quite pleased.


    But wait! There's more! If you order before midnight.... :D After I took a break to rest a bit and reassess the situation, I got a second wind that lasted until I had to go a meeting at 1:30. I felt unusually energetic the rest of the afternoon.


    In the interests of full disclosure, I must say that the productivity was not without a price. At about 6pm, I crashed. Hard. Falling over exhausted. Fortunately the husband was driving by this time. YMMV, but you might want to try it out at home this first time or two. Still, I got so much done, I consider it a fair trade.


    I'll be getting a full bottle ASAP.

  2. This stuff is amazing! During the first half of last year there was huge upheaval in my life. To the point that we dubbed 2006 The Year of the Weird. This included serious kerfuffles in three organizations we were associated with at the time. We were treated quite shabbily, and in all three cases, have no idea why. Even after leaving I still had a lot of anger about the things that happened.


    Earlier this summer, I decided enough was enough and obtained a decant of Ourobouros from a forumite. After a simple ritual specifically closing those chapters of my life, I've felt SO much better. I still remember what various people said and did (or neglected to do), but there is little emotion attached to the memories now. It's all just something that happened long ago and far away and doesn't really matter.


    There are a few other things I would like to "officially" put behind me, so I see a 5ml in my future.

  3. I wanted to love this. The descriptions of deep, dark forests seemed enchanting, and how could I resist "the scent of transformation"?


    Unfortunately, I must have the oddest skin on the planet. It went completely old lady perfume on me. :D :P I may have missed someone, but I'm only remembering one other reviewer mentioning it being perfumy. Oh well, someone on swaps will want it.
