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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Sarah

  1. That's great that you were able to get a merchant account, Elizabeth! I really don't know much about e-business, but when I used to hang out at WebhostingTalk, all the webhosts there highly recommended Authorizenet and didn't have a bad thing to say about it. It looks like things will be looking up for the lab in the future :P

  2. This one's quite complex! I can't possibly begin to describe it. It is similiar to Unseelie in that there's that woodsy floral note to it. And maybe it's just my nose, but it smells citrussy as well. I would adore this on a guy, but this definitely falls under the unisex category. It also has more staying power than Unseelie, so you might not want to apply so liberally.

  3. This is a very strong scent, even on me, so use sparingly. When you put it on, you're just about knocked over by the overwhelming smell of booze. So rummy! The fumes literally radiate from your body, and it takes a while to calm down.


    [i'm afraid I may have offended a particular gentleman in the computer lab. I think he had a cold, but he kept sniffing the air. As Hellcat became less potent, he stopped :P]


    Anyway, this was the perfect scent for the recent unusually cold after-storm weather that we've been having. Very dreary weather, but Hellcat certainly spices things up a bit. The drydown is a delicous hazelnut buttercream. I've tried layering this with Gluttony and I think I prefer not to layer it from now on, as I prefer Hellcat's spicy note to Gluttony's sweet one. But don't be afraid to experiment!

  4. Initially, I didn't too much of Veil, but I decided to try it again since today was such a beautiful spring day. Wet, it goes on sharp and green, reminiscient of freshly-cut grass. I did apply it when I was at school and walked across the lawn and the scents complimented each other nicely, haha.


    There's something seriously addictive about this scent. It's very understated and subtle. I didn't know what oils were used when I put it on. All I could think of was a spiciness that is well-blended with something soft. It did remind me of chocolate for some reason, but I think that might be my mixing it up with Velvet (which I haven't tried yet). I had thought there was jasmine in here as well. If I could sum up Veil, the words "soft" and "secure/safe" come to mind. "Powdery" is another word. It's very calming, and now that I think about it, Karyn's right; it does smell like a newborn baby. And for such a subtle scent, it lingers for a very long time. I'm going to wear this one to bed!

  5. This is so delicious! It smells exactly like Lush's Snowcake and I ended up pouring most of my Imp's Ear into a container of unscented body cream from The Body Shop. It's such a beautiful almond scent and reminds me of all the almond-filled croissants I used to eat as a kid. Sweet and not foody at all.

  6. With all the pains that the Lab goes through when it comes to CCNow, is it better to snailmail a money order instead? They wouldn't have any fees deducted, and they don't have to worry about a check bouncing. The only hassle would have to be going to the bank to deposit the money order, but I figure everyone goes to the bank fairly regularly, even in this day and age of online banking and direct deposits. The only thing I forsee is your order will take longer, and it might get lost in the post, but if you don't get a reply in two weeks, the post office would refund your money, I think.

  7. From the bottle

    Roses, reminiscent of Maiden, but stronger. I kind of associate Lucy Wisteria with being bubbly, curious, eager to be at the center of attention, and this scent certainly reflects my mental image.


    Initial impressions

    Roses freshly cut, smells green. Complicated floral. Heady, but not overbearingly so. Drydown: softens, smells faintly of jasmine? Something light and sweet.



    Comes on very strong, to the point where I developed a slight headache. I prefer the drydown better, but will be swapping this.

  8. True, but PayPal is also known for randomly freezing accounts if they feel there's suspicious activity afoot. And I think there's a limit at how much money you can transfer to your bank account each month. I don't know if that applies to vendors, though.

  9. Don't forget, whoever handles your credit card transactions tack on a fee as well. PayPal does it (for Premier/Business members), and I'm sure other companies such as CCNow, 2Checkout, and Revecom do it. In the long run, it may benefit the Lab to look into getting their own merchant account, rather than rely on a third party to process their transactions.

  10. A gentle, soothing blend of cherry blossom, white sandalwood and star anise.

    Initial Sniff
    From the vial I smelled a sweet scent, tinged with tartness. It reminded me of rich, ripe plums.

    Initial Reaction
    Wet, an immediate woodsy smell was prevalent, with a hint of cherry. I detected some kind of spicy licorice note (kind of medicinal if you're familiar with the Oriental apothecaries), and I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it reminded me of my dad cooking in the kitchen. Then I realized it was star anise! I made my brother sniff my wrist, and he said it reminded him of chrysanthemum tea (dried instant variety, not the fresh petals). I have a love affair with star anise; it invokes memories of home-cooked food, so this quickly grew on me.

    As typical with most oils I've tried, this one didn't last very long, but that's just my skin chemistry. The star anise faded and you're left with a light cherry note. Most people unfamiliar with Asian-type scents may be put off by this. However, if you like licorice, you just might want to give this a try.

  11. Imagine a black rose with a core of jealousy. On the outside, it's beautiful, in a sinful and enchanting way, but strip it of its black petals and you're left with a bitter stem---the only thing that was keeping the petals together. Wicked was so bitter that I thought it was patchouli I was smelling (I'm not a fan of patchouli). It can be summed up in three words: crushed bitter roses. That scent clung around for a while and after 5 or 6 hours it mellowed out some, but not by much. I really didn't like it at all. The idea behind it was nice, and it's perfectly fitting of a villianess. Unfortunately, a little too much bite for my tastes.

  12. When I first got my package, my sister and I went through sniffing them all. Bliss smelled like caramel popcorn to me, stinky gym socks to my sister! :P (Well, she doesn't really count, since her idea of a great scent is JLo's Glo.)


    In any case, I put off wearing it until today. Wow, this is rich. The first thing that I noticed was that caramel popcorn-type smell. Then it's nothing but chocolate. You must get this if you're a chocoholic!


    I'm figuring this would go great with Gluttony for anyone who wants to go around smelling like buttered caramel chocolate popcorn :D

  13. This is gorgeous! I'm beginning to think a lot of aquatic florals really do suit me. So very few BPAL scents cling to me for more than several hours, and Circe is one of the precious few that lasts for hours on end. For those of you not getting along with the ylang-ylang, maybe Ophelia would suit you better?


    It's a rich, heady scent that reminds me of a lotus floating in water. It's exotic, it beckons to you, quite suiting of an island temptress.
