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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Entries posted by myoubi

  1. myoubi
    ^_- riiight.
    Opened my PR journal today. Latest read: [username of my girl's ex-girlfriend]. This is the third or fourth time.
    I can understand being curious. But especially since /she/ dumped /Amy/, it's getting a little odd.
  2. myoubi
    m'akay, here's how the next order is shaping up:
    Milk Moon
    April Fool's Blend [$35]
    The Ghost [$50]
    Tarot: The Hermit [$76.50]
    April 1, I can/not/ wait for you to get here...
    I'll ignore Rose Moon, so I should be safe next month (:S) but my beginning-of-June order is gonna start like this:
    2xBlue Moon [$35]
    Brisingamen [$50]
    oh yeah, and I totally caved. Got a partial bottle of Black Moon. :/
  3. myoubi
    I have a bottle containing about an imp of Pink Moon 05, and it doesn't get pulled out that often, largely because I don't /have/ a lot. But today I decided it was a Pink Moon day, and since Pink Moon 2007 is stuck in my mailbox in Boston, this was it. ((inhales wrist)) mm! I'm so glad I have this space to just ramble on about how much I love the scent of things, because honestly, Pink Moon 05 is beautiful -- a sweet, light, springy floral with a delicately candyish tone that just makes me smile. Nessa might like this one.
    If I can find another 5mL of Pink Moon 05, I'll make up an imp of it for Nessa, along with an imp of my aged Snake Oil () and something else from my collection that she might like. Mayhap I'll send her some Shub, although I think that's more of a me scent than anything. Yaay enabling!
    I am eating physalis and enjoying them immensely. The tiny tangy orange fruit taste weird, almost tomatoey except I detest tomatoes, and on occasion I quite like them. It's like eating a concentrated summer day, complete with everything I love and everything I dislike.
  4. myoubi
    Tval. Go now, to the nicey smelly body stuff and drool.
    Based out of St. John's Newfoundland (which is where I am right now) they also sell through www.thesoapboxco.com -- another place I drop huge wads of cash. I am trying to rein in my body product obsession and restrict myself to a few favourites, and so far it's working, but the Tval tub treats are really too templting to resist -- and at $3 apiece, are much less expensive than Lush's monstrosities. They also don't smell as strongly, which may be a negative for some but in my view is a plus as I do not like things clashing with my perfume (this is why I don't buy Lush hair products anymore -- apart from being stupidly expensive, they also smell to the high heavens. /Days/ after washing my hair and I still can't get rid of the smell of American Cream.) I just had a bath with a Frosty Pop treat, and my skin is soooo soooooft, and with just the barest you-really-have-to-look-for-it sniff of vanilla pine. Yumm.
    They also make a line of products scented like Green Tea Ice Cream. Luff at first delicately-scented sniff.
    My Staples
    Villainess Scintillating Smooch
    Villainess Scintillating Soap
    Tval Green Tea Ice Cream Skin Smoothie
    Tval Green Tea Ice Cream Soap
    for summer -- Heaven and Earth Essentials Voodoo Punani Whipped Body Souffle
    for summer -- Heaven and Earth Essentials Voodoo Punani Bath Bombs
    Almost every girl on my Xmas list is getting /some/thing from Tval this year. You have been warned.
  5. myoubi
    Two Orders
    BLUE MOON -- in Early June
    2x5mL Blue Moon $40
    1x10mL Tarot: The Hermit $26.50 [$66.50]
    1x5mL Brisingamen $15 [$81.50]
    s/h $7 [$88.50]
    JULY -- in Early June
    1x5mL Cancer $20
    1x5mL /July Moon/ $20 [$40]
    1x5mL Boomslang $18 [$58]
    1x5mL Moxie $26.50 [$84.50]
    s/h $9 [$93.50]
    I have some saving to do
  6. myoubi
    mmkay. So I enabled a friend a while ago, and since then we've had a pretty loose arrangement regarding swapping BPAL. For a while I bought her BPAL and she paid me back in rave tickets, which worked out for everyone. I've also given her some things: most notably, I passed along first an imp and then my 2/3 full bottle of Voodoo Queen, because much as I liked it it smelled better on her than it did on me. If I see something I know she wants, I'll swap from my pile of stuff to get it for her. And that's why I'm a little bit frustrated, and I know it's not justified.
    There's a scent I /love/ -- Ingenue. Damn hard to find. A while ago she saw an imp of it for sale, and bought it for me -- and then she fell in love with it. :/ You can see where this is going, I think. I'm a little cheesed off, because in the past I've given her things I knew she'd enjoy, even though they were rare and swappable, and I could've used them to collect things I wanted. It's not fair to give a gift with the expectation of getting something in return; that's not really giving, and it's not fair to either party. At the time I didn't think that was what I was doing, but I find myself a bit upset that I gave up things for her, and she's not willing to do the same for me - even for one decant. It's not going to drive a wedge through our friendship or any such thing, but I'm materialistic enough that it annoys me.
    The biggest problem (insofar as there is actually a problem, which is debatable) is that there's nothing I can do about it. I didn't pay for it, she purchased it as a gift (and informed me it was such) before she decided to keep it; and I can't be angry at her for not reciprocating a feeling I had, or a way of doing things that I decided to follow. It just makes me upset, and I don't think I'll be looking out for her wants in the future. :/
  7. myoubi
    so I guess it's a good thing that I'm not crazy about this update. While I'm eager to /try/ all three, and am prepared for the possibility that I might like any of them, none of them are scents I can't live without. Although admittedly I have a good feeling about this version of 13. I don't know why, because it has The Dreaded White Chocolate in it... but I've just got a feeling.
    there are only three spaces left in my "A" imp box, or will be when all of my scents arrive. My two Queen of Diamonds decants will be moved to their bottle and King of Diamonds will probably be swapped, filling up space that will be swiftly occupied by my shortie of Havisham. My "B" box is for blends to sell or swap, and my "C" box is intent blends. I need to start consolidating my collection... unfortunately, i'm emotionally attached to rather a lot of it. Which is absurd, given how many scents I have and how slowly I go through them.
    And I still need to buy 5mL's of Tarot: The Hermit and Brisingamen! Tarot: The Hermit especially is one I see using a lot of next year, for quiet study and reflection.
    On the up side, Snow Moon is lovely. I swapped my 5mL of Bitter Moon for it (as lovely as Bitter Moon is, the imp will suffice, I think -- I just wasn't wearing it that much :/) and I don't regret it. snow Moon is like all the parts I liked about Snow White, minus the parts that I didn't -- the watery coconut sweetness that drove me into headaches if I wore it for too long. Snow Moon is also a less-musky dead ringer for Ice Queen, which is good because I can wear it without feeling guilty about the cost of today's parfoom
    I have decided to keep Snake Charmer. I have so many snowy icy scents that as nice as Snow White 2004 is, I'm only a little sorry to see my 5mL go, and I /like/ Snake Charmer. It stays.